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Last active November 6, 2020 20:39
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Conway's Game of Life in Haskell (condensed and regular version)
module ObfuscatedGame where
import Data.Set as Set
neighbours p = Set.fromList [(fst p + dx, snd p + dy) | dx <- [-1..1], dy <- [-1..1], not (dx == 0 && dy == 0)]
lives g p = ((member p g) && count `elem` [2, 3]) || (not (member p g) && count == 3)
where count = Set.size $ Set.filter (flip member g) (neighbours p)
nextGen g = Set.filter (lives g) (union g $ unions [neighbours p | p <- toList g])
module NewGame where
import Data.Set as Set
type Point = (Int, Int)
type Grid = Set Point
-- Checks whether a point is alive in the given grid
isAlive :: Grid -> Point -> Bool
isAlive g p = member p g
-- Returns a point's 8 neighbouring points
neighbours :: Point -> Set Point
neighbours p = Set.fromList [
offset p (dx, dy)
| dx <- [-1..1], dy <- [-1..1],
not (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
-- Offsets a coordinate by given delta
offset :: Point -> (Int, Int) -> Point
offset p d = (fst p + fst d, snd p + snd d)
-- Returns a set of points which includes the living points in the grid and
-- all of thier neighbours
extendGrid :: Grid -> Grid
extendGrid g = union g $ unions [neighbours p | p <- toList g]
-- Returns a set of living neighbours to the given point
livingNeighbours :: Grid -> Point -> Grid
livingNeighbours g p = Set.filter (isAlive g) (neighbours p)
-- Returns the number of living neighbours of the given point
livingNeighbourCount :: Grid -> Point -> Int
livingNeighbourCount g p = Set.size $ livingNeighbours g p
-- Checks whether the given point will be alive in the next generation
lives :: Grid -> Point -> Bool
lives g p
| isAlive g p = livingNeighbourCount g p `elem` [2, 3]
| otherwise = livingNeighbourCount g p `elem` [3]
-- Gives the next generation of the grid
nextGen :: Grid -> Grid
nextGen g = Set.filter (lives g) (extendGrid g)
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