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Last active November 17, 2020 07:07
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import shutil
import sys
helptext = """usage: [options]
swap FIRM partition(s) from 11.0 to 10.4 FIRM
default behavior:
- create backup of NAND.bin named NAND.bin.bak
- determine if NAND.bin is for New3DS/Old3DS
- read FIRM0FIRM1 partition
- xor FIRM0 with 11.0 FIRM, then 10.4 FIRM
- xor FIRM1 the same way
- write to NAND.bin
options (for advanced use only):
--nandimage=<file> - use <file> instead of default NAND.bin
backup file will be filename.bak
--nobackup - do not create a backup of NANDimage
--firm110=<file> - use file instead of firm_110_<model>3DS.bin
--firm104=<file> - use file instead of firm_104_<model>3DS.bin
--forcenew - assume NANDimage is for New3DS
--forceold - assume NANDimage is for Old3DS"""
if "--help" in sys.argv:
nandimage_filename = "NAND.bin"
firm110_filename = "firm_110_{0}3DS.bin"
firm110_custom = False
firm104_filename = "firm_104_{0}3DS.bin"
firm104_custom = False
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if arg[:12] == "--nandimage=":
nandimage_filename = arg[12:]
if arg[:10] == "--firm110=":
firm110_filename = arg[10:]
firm110_custom = True
if arg[:10] == "--firm104=":
firm104_filename = arg[10:]
firm104_custom = True
if not os.path.isfile(nandimage_filename):
print("! {0} doesn't exist.".format(nandimage_filename))
nandimage = open(nandimage_filename, "r+b")
# actually part of "Size of the NCSD image", but there's only two sizes
# (even given NAND chip size differences)
nand_type_byte =
nand_type = ""
if ord(nand_type_byte) == 0x20:
nand_type = "Old"
elif ord(nand_type_byte) == 0x28:
nand_type = "New"
print("! unknown NAND type? ({0})".format(nand_type_byte))
if "--forcenew" in sys.argv:
nand_type = "New"
print("- assuming New3DS since --forcenew was used")
elif "--forceold" in sys.argv:
nand_type = "Old"
print("- assuming Old3DS since --forceold was used")
if not firm110_custom:
firm110_filename = firm110_filename.format(nand_type)
if not firm104_custom:
firm104_filename = firm104_filename.format(nand_type)
if not os.path.isfile(firm110_filename):
print("! {0} doesn't exist.".format(firm110_filename))
if not os.path.isfile(firm104_filename):
print("! {0} doesn't exist.".format(firm104_filename))
if "--nobackup" not in sys.argv:
# not sure if I really need to close nandimage before copying
# but I imagine Windows will throw an error if I do it, because it loves to
print("- copying {0} to {0}.bak".format(nandimage_filename))
shutil.copy(nandimage_filename, "{0}.bak".format(nandimage_filename))
nandimage = open(nandimage_filename, "r+b")
print("- not backing up {0} since --nobackup was used".format(nandimage_filename))
print("- reading FIRM0FIRM1 of {0}".format(nandimage_filename))
orig_firm = list(
firm110_file = open(firm110_filename, "rb")
firm104_file = open(firm104_filename, "rb")
firm110 =
firm104 =
print("- xoring FIRM0FIRM1 with {0} and {1}".format(firm110_filename, firm104_filename))
for b in range(0, 0x400000):
orig_firm[b] = (orig_firm[b] ^ firm110[b]) ^ firm104[b]
print("- progress: 0x%X out of 0x800000" % (b + 1), end='\r')
for b in range(0x400000, 0x800000):
orig_firm[b] = (orig_firm[b] ^ firm110[b - 0x400000]) ^ firm104[b - 0x400000]
print("- progress: 0x%X out of 0x800000" % (b + 1), end='\r')
print("\n- writing to NAND.bin")
print("- done!")
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