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Created May 20, 2016 08:43
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versions = [
["0004001000020000", 0xA],
["0004001000021000", 9],
["0004001000022000", 9],
["0004001000026000", 3],
["0004001000027000", 6],
["0004001000028000", 3],
["0004003000008202", 0x1B],
["0004003000008802", 9],
["0004003000008A02", 7],
["0004003000008F02", 0x19],
["0004003000009402", 9],
["0004003000009802", 0x18],
["0004003000009D02", 9],
["000400300000A102", 3],
["000400300000A602", 9],
["000400300000A902", 0xC],
["000400300000AE02", 9],
["000400300000B102", 6],
["000400300000B602", 9],
["0004003020008802", 7],
["0004003020009402", 7],
["0004003020009D02", 7],
["000400302000AE02", 7],
["0004013000001502", 9],
["0004013000001602", 0xB],
["0004013000001702", 0xE],
["0004013000001802", 7],
["0004013000001A02", 6],
["0004013000001B02", 3],
["0004013000001C02", 0xC],
["0004013000001D02", 0xA],
["0004013000001E02", 5],
["0004013000001F02", 8],
["0004013000002002", 2],
["0004013000002102", 2],
["0004013000002202", 0xB],
["0004013000002302", 3],
["0004013000002402", 9],
["0004013000002602", 0xA],
["0004013000002702", 5],
["0004013000002802", 8],
["0004013000002902", 0xD],
["0004013000002A02", 2],
["0004013000002B02", 7],
["0004013000002C02", 0xD],
["0004013000002D02", 0xA],
["0004013000002E02", 8],
["0004013000002F02", 8],
["0004013000003102", 5],
["0004013000003202", 0xB],
["0004013000003302", 0xD],
["0004013000003402", 0xD],
["0004013000003502", 7],
["0004013000003702", 6],
["0004013000003802", 8],
["0004013000004002", 8],
["0004013000008002", 0x13],
["0004013020001602", 0xB],
["0004013020001C02", 0xC],
["0004013020001E02", 5],
["0004013020001F02", 8],
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["0004013020002302", 4],
["0004013020004002", 7],
["0004013020004102", 1],
["0004013020004202", 2],
["0004013800000002", 0x17],
["0004013820000002", 0x17]
print("TitleID | Region | Desc | MinDec | MinHex")
print("--- | --- | --- | --- | ---")
for ver in versions:
minver = (ver[1] * 0x400)
print("`%s` | | | %s | %s" % (ver[0], minver, hex(minver)))
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