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Last active April 22, 2016 03:20
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  • Save ihji/9e886cd6b014b3f139537a9b96378883 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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upload local ivy cache to nexus hosted remote maven repo
import sys,os,subprocess
from os.path import join,isfile
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
REPO_URL = "http://myrepo/nexus/content/repositories/ivy-releases/"
CREDENTIAL = "admin:passwd"
def upload(f,url):
target_url = urljoin(REPO_URL,url)
cmd = ["curl","--upload-file",f,"-u",CREDENTIAL,target_url]
print("upload {} -> {}".format(f,target_url))
if __name__ == '__main__':
target = sys.argv[1]
for base, dirs, files in os.walk(target):
for name in files:
if name.startswith("ivy-") and name.endswith(".xml"):
xml = join(base, name)
print("processing:", xml)
root = ET.parse(xml).getroot()
info_attr = root.find("info").attrib
organization = info_attr["organisation"]
module = info_attr["module"]
revision = info_attr["revision"]
scala_version = info_attr.get("{}scalaVersion")
sbt_version = info_attr.get("{}sbtVersion")
url_base = [
organization, "/", module, "/",
"scala_{}/".format(scala_version) if scala_version else "",
"sbt_{}/".format(sbt_version) if sbt_version else "",
revision, "/"]
ivy_url_list = url_base + ["ivys/ivy.xml"]
ivy_url = ''.join(ivy_url_list)
upload(xml, ivy_url)
artifacts = root.findall("publications/artifact")
for a in artifacts:
artifacts_attr = a.attrib
artifact_name = artifacts_attr["name"]
artifact_type = artifacts_attr["type"]
artifact_ext = artifacts_attr["ext"]
artifact = join(base,"{}s/{}-{}.{}".format(artifact_type,artifact_name,revision,artifact_ext))
artifact_url_list = url_base + [artifact_type, "s/", artifact_name, ".", artifact_ext]
artifact_url = ''.join(artifact_url_list)
if isfile(artifact):
upload(artifact, artifact_url)
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