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Created December 16, 2013 02:54
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(ns brains.core
"Provides a functional backpropagation implementation for deep-learning neural
;; 1. momentum (requires storing previous weight change deltas)
(def ^:dynamic *learning-rate* 0.2)
(def ^:dynamic *momentum* 0.9)
;;;;;;;;;; Small helpers
(def p partial)
(def zip (partial map list))
(defn random [] (Math/random))
(defn update-first [f [a b]] [(f a) b])
(defn update-second [f [a b]] [a (f b)])
;;;;;;;;;; Linear Algebra helpers
(def sum (partial reduce +))
(defn dot-product
[xs ys]
(sum (map * xs ys)))
(defn matrix
"Returns a seq of columns with initial value set by calling init."
[init [row col]]
(take col (repeatedly #(repeatedly row init))))
(defn T
"Transposes matrix M."
(map (fn [idx] (map nth M (repeat idx)))
(range (count (first M)))))
;;;;;;;;;; Backprop Backup
(defn sigma
"Sigma function for step function approximation."
(Math/tanh x))
(defn sigma'
"Derivative of the sigma function."
(- 1 (Math/pow (sigma x) 2)))
;;;;;;;;;; Backpropagation & training proper
(defn- -run
"Executes the network, returning a sequence of tuples of the form
[node-vals node-activations]. The result of the run is the last
`node-activations` value; the result that the network expects."
[input network-weights]
(let [execute-layer (fn [[ins acts] weights]
(let [in' (map (partial dot-product acts) weights)
acts' (cons 1 (map sigma in'))] ;; add bias node
[in' acts']))
inputs+activations (reductions execute-layer
['() (seq input)]
[output-ins output-as] (last inputs+activations)]
(concat (butlast inputs+activations) [[output-ins (rest output-as)]])))
(defn backpropagate
"Returns a new collection of network weights after backpropagating errors
from the classification (as compared to the expected classification)
of the given inputs with a momentum, alpha.
This is my functional adaptation of the classic Norvig & Russel algorithm for
[input expected network-weights]
(let [inputs+activations (-run input network-weights)
[output-in output-acts] (last inputs+activations)
r-inputs+activations (reverse (butlast inputs+activations))
r-network-weights (reverse network-weights)
;; Here is the std error between expected and the actual output layer.
output-layer-deltas (map (fn [i a e] (* (sigma' i) (- e a)))
output-in output-acts expected)
;; Here we backpropagate the error from the output layer through
;; all of the hidden layers, starting from the last hidden layer.
r-layers-deltas (reductions (fn [deltas [weights ins]]
(let [weighted-errors
(map (partial dot-product deltas)
(T weights))]
(map (fn [i s] (* (sigma' i) s))
ins weighted-errors)))
(zip r-network-weights (map first r-inputs+activations)))
;; Find new network weights for each layer (back-to-front).
new-network-weights (map (fn [layer-weights [_ as] deltas]
(map (fn [node delta]
(map (fn [weight a]
(+ weight (* *learning-rate* a delta)))
node as))
layer-weights deltas))
r-network-weights r-inputs+activations r-layers-deltas)]
(reverse new-network-weights)))
(defn backpropagate-set
"Runs backpropagate on the training set, returning the adjusted network weights."
[inputs expecteds network-weights]
(reduce (fn [ws classified]
(backpropagate (first classified) (second classified) ws))
(zip inputs expecteds)))
(defn train
"Returns an infinite sequence of network weights, each one trained one more time than
the last on the entire training set."
[inputs expecteds network-weights]
(iterate (partial backpropagate-set inputs expecteds) network-weights))
(defn run
"Runs the network on the given input, returning the sigmoid response from the
output nodes."
[input network-weights]
(last (last (-run input network-weights))))
(defn answer
"Applies a simple threshhold step function to the results of running the network on
the given input, returning definite classifications (0 or 1)."
[input network-weights]
(map #(if (> 0.5 %) 0 1)
(run input network-weights)))
(defn error
"The standardized error for the given input vector."
[input expected network-weights]
(sum (map (fn [in exp] (* 0.5 (Math/pow (- exp in) 2)))
(run input network-weights) expected)))
(defn set-error
"The test set error."
[inputs expecteds network-weights]
(sum (map #(error %1 %2 network-weights) inputs expecteds)))
(defn initialize-network-weights
"Randomly initializes the weights of a neural network with layers of size
specified by sizes, respectively.
Each row of each matrix (nodes in layer + bias (row) by nodes in next layer (col))
contains the weights of the edges from that node to all of the nodes in the
next layer."
[& sizes]
(map (partial matrix random)
(map (partial update-first inc) (partition 2 1 sizes))))
;;;;;;;;;; Testing & Appendix
(comment (def +inputs+ [[1 1] [1 0] [0 1] [0 0]]) ;; logic gate inputs
;; AND, OR, XOR, NOR gates
(def +expecteds+ [[1, 1, 0, 0] [0, 1, 1, 0] [0, 1, 1, 0] [0, 0, 0, 1]])
(def +untrained-logic-network+
(initialize-network-weights 2 3 4))
(def +trained-logic-network+
(nth (train +inputs+ +expecteds+ +untrained-logic-network+) 100))
(set-error +inputs+ +expecteds+ +untrained-logic-network+)
(set-error +inputs+ +expecteds+ +trained-logic-network+))
#_(defn simple-backpropagate
"Simple, single-hidden-layer algorithm. Useful for readability."
[input expected network-weights]
(let [rate *learning-rate*
input-as (add-bias (seq input))
hidden-in (map (p dot-product input-as) (first network-weights))
hidden-as (add-bias (map sigma hidden-in))
output-in (map (p dot-product hidden-as) (second network-weights))
output-as (map sigma output-in)
input-to-hidden-weights (first network-weights)
hidden-to-output-weights (second network-weights)
output-deltas (map (fn [i a e] (* (sigma' i) (- e a)))
output-in output-as expected)
inter-output-sums (map (partial dot-product output-deltas)
(T hidden-to-output-weights))
hidden-deltas (map (fn [i s] (* (sigma' i) s))
hidden-in inter-output-sums)
new-h-o-weights (map (fn [output-node output-delta]
(map (fn [weight hidden-a]
(+ weight (* rate hidden-a output-delta)))
output-node hidden-as))
hidden-to-output-weights output-deltas)
new-i-h-weights (map (fn [hidden-node hidden-delta]
(map (fn [weight input-a]
(+ weight (* rate input-a hidden-delta)))
hidden-node input-as))
input-to-hidden-weights hidden-deltas)]
(list new-i-h-weights new-h-o-weights)))
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