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Last active February 11, 2020 19:45
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Mod 3 Schedule

Weekend HW:

  • Immersive Module 3 (version 2.0) Javascript Foundations
    • Basics (all except DO NOT DEPLOY labs)
    • Principles (all except DO NOT DEPLOY labs)
    • Data Structures
    • Looping and Iteration

Day 1:

  • DQ: N/A
  • Morning lecture: Intro to JS
  • Labs: Immersive Module 3 (version 2.0) Javascript Foundations
    • Advanced Functions (all except Functional Library)
    • Advanced Scope
  • Afternoon lecture: First Class Functions
  • HW Labs: Immersive Module 3 (version 3.1) Front-End Web Programming
    • Manipulating the DOM (all except JS Fundamentals labs)
    • Recognizing JavaScript Events (all except JS Fundamentals labs, Task Lister Lite, and DOM Challenge)

Day 2:

Day 3:

  • DQ: Events
  • Morning lecture: Event Delegation
  • Pair project: DOM Challenge or Pokemon Searcher
  • Afternoon lecture: Review pairing lab
  • HW Labs: Immersive Module 3 (version 3.1) Front-End Web Programming
    • Communication with the Server (all except JS Fundamentals and Toy Tale)

Day 4:

  • DQ: Robot Simulator v2:
  • Morning lecture: Async JS and Fetch
  • Pair Project: Toy Tale
  • Labs: Practice code challenges
  • HW Labs: Immersive Module 3 (version 3.1) Front-End Web Programming
    • Rails as an API (all except Pokemon Teams project) (let students know these are optional until after code challenge)

Day 5:

  • DQ: AJAX
  • Morning lecture: Rails as an API
  • Labs: Practice code challenges

Day 6:

  • DQ: Arrow Functions
  • Morning lecture: Debugging Workshop
  • Afternoon: Review? Mock Challenge?
  • Labs: Practice code challenges

Day 7:

  • Code challenge practice
  • Afternoon: Group Review (Bake Off? Quotes?)

Day 8:

  • Code challenge
  • Labs: Rails as an API (students should complete by Thursday)
  • HW Labs: Immersive Module 3 (version 3.1) Front-End Web Programming
    • Advanced Function Usage (from Introduction to Context to end)

Day 9:

  • DQ: MVC and Rails Rendering
  • Morning lecture: this and Execution Context
  • Afternoon lecture: Prototypal Inheritance
  • HW Labs: Immersive Module 3 (version 3.1) Front-End Web Programming
    • Object Orientation in JS
    • OO JS: Inheritance
    • OO JS: Prototypal Inheritance

Day 10:

  • DQ: Execution Context
  • Morning lecture: OOJS
  • Give protect pairs

Day 11:

  • Morning lecture: Project Setup/Rails API Review

Day 12:

  • Morning lecture: Optional (Canvas, Webpack, CSS, deploying?)

Day 13:

  • Morning lecture: ES6 Syntax and Tips

Day 14:

  • Morning lecture: Optional (Canvas, Webpack, CSS, deploying?)
  • Project Reviews

Day 15:

  • Project Reviews cont'd
  • Project Demos
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