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Last active December 24, 2022 11:56
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Metamask dApp NuxtJS plugin
import Vue from 'vue'
import { ethers } from 'ethers'
import MetaMaskOnboarding from '@metamask/onboarding'
export default async ({env}, inject) => {
const wallet = Vue.observable({
account: null,
accountCompact: null,
network: null,
balance: null,
provider: null,
get hexChainId() {
return '0x' +
async init() {
if(!window.ethereum) return
this.provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum) //prefably diff node like Infura, Alchemy or Moralis = this.provider.getNetwork()
const [account] = await this.provider.listAccounts()
!!account && this.setAccount(account)
async setAccount(newAccount) {
if(newAccount) {
this.account = newAccount
this.accountCompact = `${newAccount.substring(0, 4)}...${newAccount.substring(newAccount.length - 4)}`
const balance = (await this.provider.getBalance(newAccount)).toString()
this.balance = (+ethers.utils.formatEther(balance)).toFixed(3)
else {
this.account = null
this.accountCompact = null
this.balance = null
async connect() {
if(!MetaMaskOnboarding.isMetaMaskInstalled()) {
const onboarding = new MetaMaskOnboarding()
} = wallet.provider.getNetwork()
const [account] = await wallet.provider.send('eth_requestAccounts')
console.log('wallet connect', {account})
if(account) {
await wallet.setAccount(account)
async switchNetwork(config) {
if( === config.chainId || `0x${}` === config.chainId) {
return //since we are on correct network
try {
await this.provider.send('wallet_switchEthereumChain', [
{ chainId: config.chainId },
} catch (err) {
// This error code indicates that the chain has not been added to MetaMask.
if (err.code === 4902) {
await this.provider.send('wallet_addEthereumChain', [config])
} else {
throw err
if(window.ethereum) {
window.ethereum.on('accountsChanged', ([newAddress]) => {
console.log('accountsChanged', newAddress)
window.ethereum.on('chainChanged', (chainId) => {
console.log('chainChanged', chainId)
inject('wallet', wallet)
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Wonderful. Thanks

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