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Last active September 19, 2018 09:04
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Story example
import React from 'react'
import { storiesOf, action } from '@storybook/react'
import Component from '../../../src/components/MunicipalitySelect/index'
import Provider from '../../../src/test/MockedApolloProvider'
const defaultValue = {
id: 'TG9jYXRpb246MzA=',
name: 'Vestby',
slug: 'vestby_akershus_municipality',
__typename: 'Location',
const resolvers = {
RootQueryType: {
locationsByParentId: () => [
slug: 'akershus_county',
name: 'Akershus',
id: 'TG9jYXRpb246Mjk=',
children: [
slug: 'vestby_akershus_municipality',
name: 'Vestby',
id: 'TG9jYXRpb246MzA=',
__typename: 'Location',
__typename: 'Location',
slug: 'oslo_county',
name: 'Oslo',
id: 'TG9jYXRpb246NTI=',
children: [
slug: 'oslo_oslo_municipality',
name: 'Oslo',
id: 'TG9jYXRpb246NTM=',
__typename: 'Location',
__typename: 'Location',
storiesOf('MunicipalitySelect', module)
.addDecorator(story => <Provider story={story()} resolvers={resolvers} />)
.add('default', () => <Component onChange={action('onChange')} />)
.add('with default value', () => (
<Component onChange={action('onChange')} defaultValue={defaultValue} />
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