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def lightgbm_custom_obj_lambdarank(preds, train_data, first_order=False, constant_hessian=1.0):
:param preds: numpy.ndarray of shape (size_data, )
:param train_data:
all_labels = train_data.get_label() # numpy.ndarray of shape (size_data, )
group = train_data.get_group() # numpy.ndarray of shape (num_queries, )
size_data = len(all_labels)
if first_order:
all_grad, all_hess = np.zeros((size_data,)), np.full((size_data,), fill_value=constant_hessian)
all_grad, all_hess = np.zeros((size_data,)), np.zeros((size_data,))
head = 0
for num_docs_per_query in group.astype(
labels_per_query = all_labels[head:head + num_docs_per_query]
preds_per_query = preds[head:head + num_docs_per_query]
grad_per_query, hess_per_query = per_query_gradient_hessian_lambda(preds=preds_per_query, labels=labels_per_query, first_order=first_order, pair_type='NoTies', epsilon=1.0, weighting=True, weighting_type='DeltaNDCG')
all_grad[head:head + num_docs_per_query] = grad_per_query
if not first_order: all_hess[head:head + num_docs_per_query] = hess_per_query
head += num_docs_per_query
return all_grad, all_hess
WEIGHTING_TYPE = ['DeltaNDCG', 'DeltaGain']
def per_query_gradient_hessian_lambda(preds=None, labels=None, first_order=False, weighting=False, weighting_type='DeltaNDCG', pair_type='NoTies', epsilon=1.0):
Compute the corresponding gradient & hessian
cf. LightGBM
cf. XGBoost
:param preds: 1-dimension predicted scores
:param labels: 1-dimension ground truth
desc_inds = np.flip(np.argsort(preds)) # indice that sort the preds in a descending order
system_sorted_preds = preds[desc_inds]
labels_sorted_via_preds = labels[desc_inds]
row_inds, col_inds = triu_indice(labels=labels_sorted_via_preds, k=1, pair_type=pair_type)
# prediction difference
mat_s_ij = np.expand_dims(system_sorted_preds, axis=1) - np.expand_dims(system_sorted_preds, axis=0)
# S_ij in {-1, 0, 1} is the standard indicator
mat_S_ij = np.expand_dims(labels_sorted_via_preds, axis=1) - np.expand_dims(labels_sorted_via_preds, axis=0)
mat_S_ij = np.clip(mat_S_ij, a_min=-1.0, a_max=1.0)
num_docs, num_pairs = len(labels), len(row_inds)
if first_order:
grad = np.zeros((num_docs,))
grad, hess = np.zeros((num_docs,)), np.zeros((num_docs,))
if weighting and weighting in WEIGHTING_TYPE:
if weighting_type == 'DeltaNDCG':
ideally_sorted_labels = np.flip(np.sort(labels))
mat_weights = get_delta_ndcg(ideally_sorted_labels=ideally_sorted_labels, labels_sorted_via_preds=labels_sorted_via_preds)
elif weighting_type == 'DeltaGain':
mat_weights = get_delta_gains(labels_sorted_via_preds=labels_sorted_via_preds)
for i in range(num_pairs): # iterate over pairs
r, c = row_inds[i], col_inds[i]
s_ij = mat_s_ij[r, c]
S_ij = mat_S_ij[r, c]
lambda_ij = epsilon*(sigmoid(s_ij, epsilon=epsilon) - 0.5*(1.0+S_ij)) # gradient w.r.t. s_i
if weighting and weighting in WEIGHTING_TYPE: lambda_ij *= mat_weights[r, c] # delta metric variance
lambda_ji = - lambda_ij # gradient w.r.t. s_j
grad[desc_inds[r]] += lambda_ij # desc_inds[r] denotes the original index of the document currently being at r-th position after a full-descending-ordering by predictions
grad[desc_inds[c]] += lambda_ji
if not first_order: # 2nd order hessian
lambda_ij_2order = np.power(epsilon, 2.0) * sigmoid(s_ij) * (1.0-sigmoid(s_ij))
lambda_ij_2order = np.maximum(lambda_ij_2order, 1e-16) # trick as XGBoost
if weighting and weighting in WEIGHTING_TYPE: lambda_ij_2order *= mat_weights[r, c]
lambda_ji_2order = -lambda_ij_2order
hess[desc_inds[r]] += lambda_ij_2order
hess[desc_inds[c]] += lambda_ji_2order
if first_order:
return grad, None
return grad, hess
def get_delta_ndcg(ideally_sorted_labels, labels_sorted_via_preds):
Delta-nDCG w.r.t. pairwise swapping of the currently predicted ranking
idcg = ideal_dcg(ideally_sorted_labels) # ideal discount cumulative gains
gains = np.power(2.0, labels_sorted_via_preds) - 1.0
n_gains = gains / idcg # normalised gains
ng_diffs = np.expand_dims(n_gains, axis=1) - np.expand_dims(n_gains, axis=0)
ranks = np.arange(len(labels_sorted_via_preds)) + 1.0
dists = 1.0 / np.log2(ranks + 1.0) # discount co-efficients
dists_diffs = np.expand_dims(dists, axis=1) - np.expand_dims(dists, axis=0)
mat_delta_ndcg = np.abs(ng_diffs) * np.abs(dists_diffs) # absolute changes w.r.t. pairwise swapping
return mat_delta_ndcg
def ideal_dcg(ideally_sorted_labels):
:param ideally_sorted_labels:
gains = np.power(2.0, ideally_sorted_labels) - 1.0
ranks = np.arange(len(ideally_sorted_labels)) + 1.0
discounts = np.log2(1.0 + ranks)
ideal_dcg = np.sum(gains / discounts)
return ideal_dcg
def triu_indice(k=1, pair_type='NoTies', labels=None):
Get unique document pairs being consistent with the specified pair_type. This function is used to avoid duplicate computation.
All: pairs including both pairs of documents across different relevance levels and
pairs of documents having the same relevance level.
NoTies: the pairs consisting of two documents of the same relevance level are removed
No00: the pairs consisting of two non-relevant documents are removed
:param batch_mats: [batch, m, m]
:param k: the offset w.r.t. the diagonal line: k=0 means including the diagonal line, k=1 means upper triangular part without the diagonal line
#assert pair_type in PAIR_TYPE
m = len(labels) # the number of documents
if pair_type == 'All':
row_inds, col_inds = np.triu_indices(m, k=k)
elif pair_type == 'No00':
row_inds, col_inds = np.triu_indices(m, k=k)
pairs = [e for e in zip(row_inds, col_inds) if not (0==labels[e[0]] and 0==labels[e[1]])] # remove pairs of 00 comparisons
row_inds = [e[0] for e in pairs]
col_inds = [e[1] for e in pairs]
elif pair_type == '00': # the pairs consisting of two non-relevant documents
row_inds, col_inds = np.triu_indices(m, k=k)
pairs = [e for e in zip(row_inds, col_inds) if (0 == labels[e[0]] and 0 == labels[e[1]])] # remove pairs of 00 comparisons
row_inds = [e[0] for e in pairs]
col_inds = [e[1] for e in pairs]
elif pair_type == 'NoTies':
row_inds, col_inds = np.triu_indices(m, k=k)
pairs = [e for e in zip(row_inds, col_inds) if labels[e[0]]!=labels[e[1]]] # remove pairs of documents of the same level
row_inds = [e[0] for e in pairs]
col_inds = [e[1] for e in pairs]
raise NotImplementedError
return row_inds, col_inds
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