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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Memrise course collector
from lxml import html
import os.path
import requests
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
# Find the ID of your course and use the function get_course(course_id).
# The ID can be found in the URL of the course page, for example:
# where 169732 is the ID of this course.
# Example use:
# get_course(47179,'Talk To Me In Korean 1')
# get_course(85652,'Talk To Me In Korean 2',True)
# get_course(169732)
def get_course(course_id, fileName=False, collect=False):
# Set collect True if all levels can be merged in a single list.
# Optionally set a fileName, default is the course ID.
course_id = str(course_id)
if not fileName:
fileName = course_id
# Start a request session
with requests.Session() as s:
# get HTML source of course main page
rc = s.get('' + course_id)
# Parse it for python and extract each level URL
pool = BeautifulSoup(rc.content)
level_urls = []
for tag in pool.findAll(attrs={'class':'level clearfix'}):
course = u'' # Save source in unicode text string
for url in level_urls:
rc = s.get('' + url)
pool = BeautifulSoup(rc.content)
for tag in pool.findAll('div', attrs={'class':'col_a col text'}): # Search for parent divs that contain words
word = html.fromstring( # Take word from child divs and parse any html escape characters
translation = html.fromstring(tag.findNextSibling() # Take the translation, which is a sibling div and parse any html escape characters
course = course + word + u'\t\t' + translation + u'\n' # Paste word into our course
if not collect:
course = course + u'\n' # End of level, do we want an empty line to seperate levels?
course = course[:-2] # cut last empty line
if not collect:
course = course[:-2] # cut another remaining empty line if levels were seperated
# Now wrap it up and save in an utf-8 encoded text file.
output_file = os.path.join('{}.txt'.format(fileName))
with open(output_file, 'w+') as f:
print "Data saved in {}".format(fileName)
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Find the ID of your course and use the function get_course(course_id).
The ID can be found in the URL of the course page, for example:
where 169732 is the ID of this course.
Example use:
get_course(47179,'Talk To Me In Korean 1')
get_course(85652,'Talk To Me In Korean 2',True)

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