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Last active February 28, 2022 13:15
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Create tags using contenteditable object replacing textarea with class "tags"
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>Tagy předělávkou textareji na element s atributem contenteditable</title>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
@charset "UTF-8";
body {
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
.tags>span {
/* do NOT use position:relative in here */
display: inline-block;
background: #e0dee0;
font-size: 1.1em;
border-radius: 1.1em;
padding: 0.36em 1.8em 0.34em 0.5em;
margin-left: 0.5em;
margin-right: 0.1em;
margin-bottom: 0.2em;
.tags>span::after {
font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free", FontAwesome;
content: '\f057';
font-size: 24px;
/* FA Free - times (\f00d) works only with font-weight: 900 */
width: 22px;
height: 22px;
background: #979797;
background: radial-gradient(circle, #979797 calc(22px / 2), transparent 0) left 2px top 2px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
color: #e0dee0;
border-radius: 50%;
text-align: center;
position: absolute;
display: inline-block;
margin-left: 0.1em;
margin-top: -0.07em;
cursor: pointer;
.tags>span:hover {
color: #fff;
background: #767577;
.tags>span:hover::after {
background: #fff;
background: radial-gradient(circle, #fff calc(22px / 2), transparent 0) left 2px top 2px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
color: #767577;
.tags>span.closing-hover::after {
color: black;
div[contenteditable] {
border: 1px inset #aaa;
padding: 0.8em 0.8em 0.8em 0.3em;
min-height: 4em;
border-radius: 0.4em;
cursor: text;
caret-color: blue;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-G0fIWCsCzJIMAVNQPfjH08cyYaUtMwjJwqiRKxxE/rx96Uroj1BtIQ6MLJuheaO9"
<textarea class="tags">první, druhýTag, třetíTag, a, tak</textarea>
<textarea class="tags" placeholder="simulovaný (pokud se vše povedlo správně) placeholder"></textarea>
<textarea class="tags">první, druhýTag, třetíTag, a, tak</textarea>
<label for="prvni">
popisek a:
<textarea id="prvni" class="tags">první, druhýTag, třetíTag, a, tak</textarea>
<label for="druhy">
<p>popisek b:</p>
<textarea id="druhy" class="tags">první, druhýTag, třetíTag, a, tak</textarea>
<script title="tagsBuilder.defer.js">
// can be defer
'use strict';
( () => {
const PLACEHOLDER_CLASS_NAME = 'placeholder';
const FAKE_TRUSTED_DETAIL_STRING = 'fakeTrusted';
const INPUT_EVENT_NAME = 'input';
const DIVIDER_OPTIONS_REGEXP = new RegExp( '(?:,|;|\\s| |\\r?\\n)+', 'u' ); // many possible dividers
const NO_BREAK_SPACE = '\u00A0';
// originální textarea se chová tak, že pozice kurzoru uvnitř je zapamatovaná a při přecházení tab-em mezi jednotlivými textarejemi se kurzor umisťuje na poslední známé umístění kurzoru v té které textareji
// klávesy end a home by se měly opravit… end vždy posouvá na konec aktuálního tagu, ale pokud už kurzor na konci je, tak end by měl skočit na konec rodiče
// při kliku na label (do labelu) focusovat contenteditable
// při plnění prázného conteneditable bez focusu se nesmaže placeholder
// FF má specifické chování, jde kurzorem doscrollovat na první pozici v tagu (v Chromu to nejde, i když chování FF je logičtější)
* @todo : description
* @returns {HTMLElement}
function createFakePlaceholder( placeholderText = '', placeHolderClassName = '' ) {
const fakePlaceholder = document.createElement( 'small' );
fakePlaceholder.classList.add( placeHolderClassName );
fakePlaceholder.appendChild( document.createTextNode( placeholderText ) );
return fakePlaceholder;
* @todo : description
* @returns {true}
function setCaretAtTheEndOf( /** @type {HTMLElement} and it's descendants */ element ) {
const range = document.createRange();
const sel = window.getSelection();
if ( element.textContent.slice( -TEXTAREA_SEPARATOR.length ) === TEXTAREA_SEPARATOR )
range.setStart( element.lastChild, TEXTAREA_SEPARATOR.length );
} else if ( element.lastElementChild )
range.setStart( element.lastElementChild, 1 );
range.collapse( true );
sel.addRange( range );
return true;
* @todo : description
* @returns {true}
function moveCaretBy( /** @type {Number} positive or negative */ charCount = 1 ) {
/** @type {Selection} */
let selection;
if ( window.getSelection )
selection = window.getSelection();
if ( selection.rangeCount > 0 )
/** @type {HTMLDivElement} */
const focusNode = ( selection.focusNode ); // HTMLDivElement in FF, Text in Chrome
if ( === 'HTMLDivElement' )
{ // FF specific
setCaretAtTheEndOf( focusNode );
return true;
const position = Math.min( focusNode.textContent.length, selection.focusOffset + charCount );
//console.log( position );
if ( !Number.isInteger( position ) )
return true;
if ( position < 0 )
//console.log( 'a' );
return true;
} else if ( position === 0 )
//console.log( 'b' );
if ( focusNode.previousSibling )
//console.log( 'c' );
selection.collapse( focusNode.previousSibling, 1 );
} else
selection.collapse( focusNode.parentNode.previousSibling, 1 );
//console.log( 'd' );
} else if ( position === 1 )
//console.log( 'e' );
selection.collapse( focusNode.nextSibling, 1 );
} else
//console.log( 'f' );
selection.collapse( focusNode, position );
} else if ( ( selection = window.document[ 'selection' ] ) )
{ // old IE's
if ( selection.type !== 'Control' )
/** @type {any} */
const ieSel = selection;
const range = ieSel.createRange();
range.move( 'character', charCount );;
return true;
* @todo : description
* @todo : in future returns HTMLSpanElement or input
* @returns {HTMLSpanElement}
function createSingleTag( textContent = '' ) {
const USE_SUGGESTIONS = false; // @todo : create suggestions by using input[list="<id>"] and shared datalist[id="<id>"]
const CLOSER_DIMENSIONS = [ 30, 23 ]; // [start, width] in px
const CLOSING_HOVER_CLASS_NAME = 'closing-hover';
const tag = document.createElement( USE_SUGGESTIONS ? 'input' : 'span' ); // @todo
if ( 'value' in tag )
tag.value = textContent;
} else
tag.appendChild( document.createTextNode( NO_BREAK_SPACE + textContent ) );
tag.onmouseout = ( /** @type {MouseEvent} */ event ) => {
/** @type {HTMLSpanElement} */
const eventTarget = ( );
eventTarget.classList.remove( CLOSING_HOVER_CLASS_NAME );
tag.onmousemove = ( /** @type {MouseEvent} */ event ) => {
/** @type {HTMLSpanElement} */
const eventTarget = ( );
if ( event.pageX + CLOSER_DIMENSIONS[ 0 ] > eventTarget.offsetLeft + eventTarget.offsetWidth )
if ( event.pageX + CLOSER_DIMENSIONS[ 0 ] > eventTarget.offsetLeft + eventTarget.offsetWidth + CLOSER_DIMENSIONS[ 1 ] )
eventTarget.classList.remove( CLOSING_HOVER_CLASS_NAME );
} else
eventTarget.classList.add( CLOSING_HOVER_CLASS_NAME );
} else
eventTarget.classList.remove( CLOSING_HOVER_CLASS_NAME );
tag.onclick = ( /** @type {MouseEvent} */ event ) => { // tag self-destruction by click
/** @type {HTMLSpanElement} */
const eventTarget = ( );
if (
( eventTarget.offsetLeft + eventTarget.offsetWidth ) < ( event.pageX + CLOSER_DIMENSIONS[ 0 ] )
&& ( event.pageX + CLOSER_DIMENSIONS[ 0 ] < eventTarget.offsetLeft + eventTarget.offsetWidth + CLOSER_DIMENSIONS[ 1 ] )
{ // if clicked on ::after pseudo element content
/** @type {HTMLDivElement} */
const tagsRoot = ( eventTarget.parentNode );
const nextText = eventTarget.nextSibling;
if ( nextText && nextText.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && nextText.textContent === TEXTAREA_SEPARATOR )
tagsRoot.removeChild( nextText );
tagsRoot.removeChild( eventTarget );
tagsRoot.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( INPUT_EVENT_NAME, { 'detail': FAKE_TRUSTED_DETAIL_STRING } ) );
//setCaretAtTheEndOf( tagsRoot );
return tag;
* @todo : description
* @returns {Array}
function readFromTextarea( /** @type {HTMLTextAreaElement } */ element ) {
if ( element && element.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && 'value' in element && element.value )
const list = element.value.split( regexp );
const withoutEmptyItems = list.filter( String );
return [ Set( withoutEmptyItems ) ]; // this make [] unique
return [];
* @todo : description
* @returns {Array}
function readFromEditableElement( /** @type {HTMLElement} and it's descendants */ element ) {
if ( element && element.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && element.children && element.children.length )
const withoutEmptyItems = [];
[ ...element.children ].forEach( ( /** @type {HTMLSpanElement } */ child ) => {
withoutEmptyItems.push( child.textContent );
} );
return [ Set( withoutEmptyItems ) ]; // this make [] unique
return [];
* @todo : description
* @returns {true}
function removeFirstSeparatorFrom(/** @type {HTMLElement} */ tagsRoot ) {
if ( ( tagsRoot.firstChild ) && ( tagsRoot.firstChild.textContent === TEXTAREA_SEPARATOR ) )
tagsRoot.removeChild( tagsRoot.firstChild );
return true;
[ ...document.getElementsByTagName( 'textarea' ) ].forEach( ( /** @type {HTMLTextAreaElement} */ textarea ) => {
const FOCUS_NAME = 'focus';
if ( textarea.classList.contains( INITIALIZE_TEXTAREA_CLASS_NAME ) )
const tagsRoot = document.createElement( 'div' );
tagsRoot.contentEditable = 'true';
tagsRoot.classList.add( TAGS_ROOT_CLASS_NAME );
if ( textarea.placeholder )
if ( !textarea.value )
tagsRoot.appendChild( createFakePlaceholder( textarea.placeholder, PLACEHOLDER_CLASS_NAME ) );
tagsRoot.addEventListener( FOCUS_NAME, ( /** @type {FocusEvent} */ event ) => {
/** @type {HTMLElement} - some HTMLElement (HTMLDivElement for example) with contentEditable attribute */
const eventTarget = ( );
let rootElement = eventTarget;
while ( rootElement.contentEditable !== 'true' )
{ // contentEditable can be strings 'true', 'false', 'inherit', and more
rootElement = rootElement.parentElement;
[ ...rootElement.children ].forEach( ( /** @type {HTMLElement} */ item ) => {
if ( item.classList.contains( PLACEHOLDER_CLASS_NAME ) )
setCaretAtTheEndOf( eventTarget );
} );
return true;
}, false );
tagsRoot.addEventListener( 'focusout', ( /** @type {FocusEvent} */ event ) => {
/** @type {HTMLElement} - some HTMLElement (HTMLDivElement for example) with contentEditable attribute */
const eventTarget = ( );
if ( !eventTarget.textContent )
eventTarget.appendChild( createFakePlaceholder( textarea.placeholder, PLACEHOLDER_CLASS_NAME ) );
}, false );
tagsRoot.addEventListener( 'keypress', (/** @type {KeyboardEvent} */ event ) => { // Backspace and Delete are not in keypress, only in keydown
const ENTER_NAME = 'Enter';
const SPACE_NAME = ' ';
const COMMA_NAME = ',';
if (
event.key === ENTER_NAME || event.code === ENTER_NAME
|| event.key === SPACE_NAME || event.code === SPACE_NAME
|| event.key === COMMA_NAME || event.code === COMMA_NAME
/** @type {HTMLDivElement} */
const eventTarget = ( );
setCaretAtTheEndOf( eventTarget );
return true;
}, false );
tagsRoot.addEventListener( 'keydown', (/** @type {KeyboardEvent} */ event ) => { // Backspace and Delete are not in keypress, only in keydown
const BACKSPACE_NAME = 'Backspace';
const DELETE_NAME = 'Delete'; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
/** @type {HTMLDivElement} */
const eventTarget = ( );
[ ...eventTarget.childNodes ].forEach( (/** @type {Text | HTMLSpanElement} */ item ) => { // @ todo : těchto pár řádků dát i na focusout rodiče… když se vytabuji pryč z elementu, tak mohou zůstat 2 čárky po sobě… teoreticky i 2 elementy bez čárek (vyzkoušet)
if ( item.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && item.nextSibling && item.nextSibling.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE )
{ // remove multiple separators if needed
eventTarget.removeChild( item.nextSibling );
} else if ( item.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && item.nextSibling && item.nextSibling.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE )
{ // add separator between tags if missing
item.parentNode.insertBefore( document.createTextNode( TEXTAREA_SEPARATOR ), item.nextSibling );
} );
if ( event.key === BACKSPACE_NAME || event.code === BACKSPACE_NAME )
/** @type {Selection} */
const selection = window.getSelection();
if (
( selection.focusNode && selection.focusNode.textContent === TEXTAREA_SEPARATOR )
|| selection.baseOffset === 1
/** @type {HTMLElement} - some HTMLElement (HTMLDivElement for example) with contentEditable attribute */
const eventTarget = ( );
moveCaretBy( -1 );
[ ...eventTarget.children ].forEach( ( /** @type {HTMLSpanElement} */tag ) => {
if ( tag.textContent === NO_BREAK_SPACE )
if ( tag === eventTarget.firstElementChild )
setCaretAtTheEndOf( eventTarget ); // @todo : create function setCaretAtTheBeginningOf() and use it in here
tag.parentNode.removeChild( tag );
} );
removeFirstSeparatorFrom( eventTarget );
return true;
}, false );
tagsRoot.addEventListener( FOCUS_NAME, ( /** @type {FocusEvent} */ event ) => {
/** @type {HTMLElement} - some HTMLElement (HTMLDivElement for example) with contentEditable attribute */
const eventTarget = ( );
if (
&& !eventTarget.lastElementChild.classList.contains( PLACEHOLDER_CLASS_NAME )
setCaretAtTheEndOf( eventTarget );
}, false );
tagsRoot.addEventListener( INPUT_EVENT_NAME, ( /** @type {Event} */ event ) =>
{ // it can be also InputEvent (waiting for browsers to implement)… than {Event | InputEvent}
/** @type {HTMLDivElement} - some HTMLElement with contentEditable attribute */
const eventTarget = ( );
/** @type {HTMLTextAreaElement} */
const originalTextarea = ( tagsRoot.previousElementSibling );
originalTextarea.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) );
if ( event.isTrusted || event[ 'detail' ] === FAKE_TRUSTED_DETAIL_STRING )
{ // click on element with contenteditable
[ ...eventTarget.childNodes ].forEach( ( /** @type {Text | HTMLSpanElement} */ item ) => {
if ( item.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE )
const clearedItem = item.textContent.replace( regexp, '' );
if ( clearedItem )
const tag = createSingleTag( clearedItem );
eventTarget.insertBefore( document.createTextNode( TEXTAREA_SEPARATOR ), item );
eventTarget.replaceChild( tag, item );
moveCaretBy( 1 );
eventTarget.insertBefore( document.createTextNode( TEXTAREA_SEPARATOR ), tag.nextElementSibling );
} );
const values = readFromEditableElement( eventTarget );
originalTextarea.value = values.join( TEXTAREA_SEPARATOR ).replace( new RegExp( NO_BREAK_SPACE, 'g' ), '' );
removeFirstSeparatorFrom( eventTarget );
if ( eventTarget.lastChild )
while (
eventTarget.lastChild.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE
&& eventTarget.lastChild.previousSibling
&& eventTarget.lastChild.previousSibling.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE
eventTarget.lastChild.previousSibling[ 'textNode' ] += eventTarget.lastChild[ 'textNode' ];
eventTarget.removeChild( eventTarget.lastChild );
if ( eventTarget.lastChild.textContent !== TEXTAREA_SEPARATOR )
eventTarget.appendChild( document.createTextNode( TEXTAREA_SEPARATOR ) );
} else
{ // inicialise tags
while ( tagsRoot.lastChild && !tagsRoot.lastElementChild.classList.contains( PLACEHOLDER_CLASS_NAME ) )
tagsRoot.removeChild( tagsRoot.lastChild );
readFromTextarea( originalTextarea ).forEach( ( /** @type {String} */ tagText ) => {
tagsRoot.appendChild( createSingleTag( tagText ) );
tagsRoot.appendChild( document.createTextNode( TEXTAREA_SEPARATOR ) );
} );
}, false );
textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( tagsRoot, textarea.nextSibling );
tagsRoot.dispatchEvent( new Event( INPUT_EVENT_NAME ) );
textarea.addEventListener( INPUT_EVENT_NAME, ( /** @type {Event} */ event ) => {
/** @type {HTMLDivElement} */
const eventTarget = ( );
eventTarget.nextElementSibling.dispatchEvent( new Event( INPUT_EVENT_NAME ) );
}, false );
textarea.hidden = true;
} );
} )();
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