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Last active May 22, 2017 05:17
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DNSDIST Dashboard
csv-table2 () {
awk \
-F':' \
'{ printf "%-*s%*s\n",'$1',$1,'$2',$2}'
csv-table4 () {
awk \
'{ printf "%*s %-*s%*s%*s\n",'$1',$1,'$2',$2,'$3',$3,'$4',$4}'
box-title () {
sed \
-e '1 s/\[/\\e['$1'm/g' \
-e '1 s/\]/\\e['$2'm/g'
box-title1 () {
sed \
-e '1 s/^/\\e['$1'm/g' \
-e '1 s/$/\\e['$2'm/g'
box-size () {
awk '{printf "%-*s\n",'$1',$0}'
box-color () {
sed \
-e 's/^/ \\e['$1'm /' \
-e 's/$/ \\e[0m /'
box-move () {
sed \
-e 's/^/\\e['$1'C/' \
-e 's/$/\\e[K/'
box-moveS () {
local s=$(printf "%*s" ${1})
sed \
-e "s/^/${s}/" \
-e 's/$//'
out-echo () {
xargs --null echo -ne
while true ; do
n=$(( ($n + 1) % 14 ))
[[ $n == 0 ]] \
&& clear \
&& echo -ne "\e[0m"
tput cup 0 0
hostname \
| box-color '37;44' \
| out-echo
tput cup 0 0
uptime -p | xargs echo -n
echo -n " since "
uptime -s
} \
| box-color '37;44' \
| box-move $((3 + $(hostname | wc -m))) \
| out-echo
tput cup 0 0
date --rfc-2822 \
| box-color '37;44' \
| box-move 148 \
| out-echo
tput cup 2 0
dnsdist -e "showServers()" \
| box-size 147 \
| box-title1 '1' '22' \
| box-color '30;46' \
| out-echo
tput cup 8 0
dnsdist -e "showResponseLatency()" \
| sed -e 's/\t/ /' \
| box-size 80 \
| box-title1 '1' '22' \
| box-color '30;41' \
| box-moveS 67 \
| out-echo
tput cup 8 0
if [[ $n -le 1 ]]; then
echo "[Top Queries] Serverfail NXDOMAIN Refused Slow Clients Bandwith"
dnsdist -e "topQueries(15)" \
| csv-table4 3 46 6 7
elif [[ $n -le 3 ]]; then
echo "[Top Serverfail] NXDOMAIN Refused Slow Clients Bandwith Queries"
dnsdist -e "topResponses(15, 2)" \
| csv-table4 3 46 6 7
elif [[ $n -le 5 ]]; then
echo "[Top NXDOMAIN] Refused Slow Clients Bandwith Queries Serverfail"
dnsdist -e "topResponses(15, 3)" \
| csv-table4 3 46 6 7
elif [[ $n -le 7 ]]; then
echo "[Top Refused] Slow Clients Bandwith Queries Serverfail NXDOMAIN"
dnsdist -e "topResponses(15, 5)" \
| csv-table4 3 46 6 7
elif [[ $n -le 9 ]]; then
echo "[Top Slow] Clients Bandwith Queries Serverfail NXDOMAIN Refused"
dnsdist -e "topSlow(15)" \
| csv-table4 3 46 6 7
elif [[ $n -le 11 ]]; then
echo "[Top Clients] Bandwith Queries Serverfail NXDOMAIN Refused Slow"
dnsdist -e "topClients(15)" \
| csv-table4 3 46 6 7
echo "[Top Bandwith] Queries Serverfail NXDOMAIN Refused Slow Clients"
dnsdist -e "topBandwidth(15)" \
| csv-table4 3 46 6 7
fi \
| box-size 63 \
| box-title '1' '22' \
| box-color '30;43' \
| out-echo
tput cup 26 0
dnsdist -e "grepq('', 13)" \
| box-size 166 \
| box-title1 '1' '22' \
| box-color '30;42' \
| out-echo
tput cup 2 0
echo "Stats"
dnsdist -e 'getStatisticsCounters()' \
| sed \
-e 's/[{"}]//g' \
-e 's/, /\n/g' \
| csv-table2 22 6
} \
| box-size 28 \
| box-title1 '1' '22' \
| box-color '30;45' \
| box-move 151 \
| out-echo
tput cup 30 0
echo "Cache"
dnsdist -e 'getPool(""):getCache():printStats()' \
| csv-table2 17 9
} \
| box-size 26 \
| box-title1 '1' '22' \
| box-color '30;43' \
| box-move 153 \
| out-echo
tput cup 40 0
echo "Cache iiidefix"
dnsdist -e 'getPool("iiidefix"):getCache():printStats()' \
| csv-table2 17 9
} \
| box-size 26 \
| box-title1 '1' '22' \
| box-color '30;43' \
| box-move 153 \
| out-echo
tput cup 52 175
sleep 5
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