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Created August 21, 2017 20:37
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Generating JSON using proper
-define(quotation_mark, 16#0022).
-define(reverse_solidus, 16#005C).
-define(solidus, 16#002F).
-define(backspace, 16#0008).
-define(horizontal_tab, 16#0009).
-define(newline, 16#000A).
-define(formfeed, 16#000C).
-define(carriage_return, 16#000D).
ejson_size({[]}) ->
2; % opening { and closing }
ejson_size({Props}) ->
% 2 is because opening { and closing }
% Inside the lc 2 is for : and , but counts an extra , at end
% -1 is to subtract last , from lc part
2 + lists:sum([ejson_size(K) + ejson_size(V) + 2 || {K, V} <- Props]) - 1;
ejson_size([]) ->
2; % opening [ and closing ]
ejson_size(List) when is_list(List) ->
% 2 is for [ and ]
% inside the lc 1 is for , but it counts one extra , for last element
2 + lists:sum([ejson_size(V) + 1 || V <- List]) - 1;
ejson_size(Float) when is_float(Float) ->
ejson_size(0) ->
1; % log(0) is not defined
ejson_size(Integer) when is_integer(Integer), Integer > 0 ->
trunc(math:log10(Integer)) + 1;
ejson_size(Integer) when is_integer(Integer), Integer < 0 ->
% 2 is because 1 is for the - character
trunc(math:log10(-Integer)) + 2;
ejson_size(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) ->
ejson_size(null) ->
ejson_size(true) ->
ejson_size(false) ->
ejson_size(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) ->
ejson_size(atom_to_binary(Atom, utf8)).
utf8_string_size(Binary) ->
%% 2 is for open and closing "
utf8_string_size(Binary, 2).
utf8_string_size(<<0:1, C:7/integer, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
case C of
?quotation_mark -> utf8_string_size(Rest, Acc + 2);
?reverse_solidus -> utf8_string_size(Rest, Acc + 2);
?backspace -> utf8_string_size(Rest, Acc + 2);
?horizontal_tab -> utf8_string_size(Rest, Acc + 2);
?newline -> utf8_string_size(Rest, Acc + 2);
?formfeed -> utf8_string_size(Rest, Acc + 2);
?carriage_return -> utf8_string_size(Rest, Acc + 2);
NeedEscape when NeedEscape =< 16#001F -> utf8_string_size(Rest, Acc + 6);
_Else -> utf8_string_size(Rest, Acc + 1)
%% 10000 .. 10000007F
utf8_string_size(<<2#1111:4, _:28/bitstring, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
utf8_string_size(Rest, Acc + 4);
%% 0800 .. FFFF
utf8_string_size(<<2#111:3, _:21/bitstring, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
utf8_string_size(Rest, Acc + 3);
%% 0080 .. 07ff
utf8_string_size(<<2#11:2, _:14/bitstring, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
utf8_string_size(Rest, Acc + 2);
utf8_string_size(<<>>, Acc) ->
proper_test_() ->
PropErOpts = [
{to_file, user},
{max_size, 5},
{numtests, 1000}
properties_tests(properties(), 30, PropErOpts).
properties() ->
Exported = ?MODULE:module_info(exports),
PropertiesFilter = fun({FunName, Arrity}) ->
Arrity =:= 0 andalso lists:prefix("prop_", atom_to_list(FunName))
[F || {F, _} = Export <- Exported, PropertiesFilter(Export)].
properties_tests(Props, Timeout, Opts) ->
[property_test(Name, Timeout, Opts) || Name <- Props].
property_test(Name, Timeout, Opts) ->
{timeout, Timeout,
?_assert(proper:quickcheck(?MODULE:Name(), Opts))}}.
%% Generators
json_object() -> ?LAZY({json_dict()}).
json_dict() ->
?LET(L, list({json_string(), json_value()}), L).
json_value() ->
{2, json_array()},
{3, null()},
{4, boolean()},
{5, number()},
{6, json_object()},
{6, json_string()}
json_array() ->
json_string() ->
json_string(Fragments) ->
{1, ?LET(Generated, Fragments, iolist_to_binary(Generated))},
{50, ?LAZY(json_string([string_fragement() | Fragments]))}
string_fragement() ->
{1, integer(16#0000, 16#001F)}, %% \u+
{10, list(oneof(
{50, utf8()}
null() ->
%% Properties
prop_string_external_size() ->
?FORALL(String, json_string(), begin
byte_size(jiffy:encode(String)) =:= utf8_string_size(String)
prop_number_external_size() ->
?FORALL(EJson, number(), begin
byte_size(jiffy:encode(EJson)) =:= ejson_size(EJson)
prop_equal_to_jiffy() ->
?FORALL(EJson, json_array(), begin
byte_size(jiffy:encode(EJson)) =:= ejson_size(EJson)
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