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Created December 20, 2019 16:55
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// staged stream emitter (w/o unimportant details), to show how we ought to
// do region management.
// "NEW" comments indicate where the implementation differs from the current
// region-unaware version.
def emit(dstR: Code[Region], ir: IR, env: Env): EmTr =
def deepCopy(dstR: Code[Region], t: EmTr): EmTr =
def emitS(ir: IR, env: Env): Stream[EmTr] = ir match {
case StreamRange(lenIR) => new Stream[EmTr] {
type S = (Code[Int], Code[Int])
// invariant: strR will never be cleared for the duration of the stream
def init(strR: Code[Region])(k: InitCont) = {
val len = emit(strR, lenIR, env)
k(Start((len.v, 0))))
// dstR is only valid until this function returns; i.e. consumers may clear it
// whenever they like
def step(dstR: Code[Region], s: S)(k: StepCont) = {
val (nLeft, i) = s
(nLeft > 0).mux(
k(Yield(present(i), (nLeft - 1, i + 1))),
case ArrayMap(stream, name, bodyIR) => new Stream[EmTr] {
val xv = newField
val child = emitS(stream, env)
type S = child.S
def init(strR: Code[Region])(k: InitCont) =
def step(dstR: Code[Region], s: S)(k: StepCont) =
child.step(dstR, s) {
case EOS => k(EOS)
case Yield(x, s1) =>
val body = emit(dstR, bodyIR, env.bind(name -> xv))
xv := x.v,
k(Yield(present(body.v), s1)))
case ArrayFilter(stream, name, condIR) => new Stream[EmTr] {
val xv = newField
val child = emitS(stream, env)
type S = child.S
def init(strR: Code[Region])(k: InitCont) =
def step(dstR: Code[Region], s: S)(k: StepCont) = {
val loop = joinPoint[S]()
// invariant: dstR is empty at each entry into this joinpoint
loop.define(child.step(dstR, _) {
case EOS => k(EOS)
case Yield(x, s1) =>
val cond = emit(dstR, condIR, env.bind(name -> xv))
xv := x.v,
k(Yield(present(xv), s1)),
dstR.clear(), // NEW
case ArrayFlatMap(outerStream, name, innerStream) => new Stream[EmTr] {
val xv = newField
val innR = newField[Region] // NEW
val outer = emitS(outerStream, env)
val inner = emitS(innerStream, env.bind(name -> xv))
type S = (outer.S, inner.S)
def init(strR: Code[Region])(k: InitCont) =
outer.init(strR) {
case Missing => k(Missing)
case Start(outS) =>
innR := new Region(), // NEW
k(Start((outS, inner.emptyS))))
def step(dstR: Code[Region], s: S)(k: StepCont) = {
val innLoop = joinPoint[(outer.S, inner.S)]()
val outLoop = joinPoint[outer.S]()
innLoop.define { case (outS, innS) =>
inner.step(dstR, innS) {
case EOS => outLoop(outS)
case Yield(y, innS1) => k(Yield(y, (outS, innS1)))
outLoop.define { outS => Code(
innR.clear(), // NEW
outer.step(innR, outS) {
case EOS => k(EOS)
case Yield(x, outS1) =>
xv := x.v,
inner.init(innR) {
case Missing => outLoop(outS1)
case Start(innS1) => innLoop((outS1, innS1))
case ArrayScan(stream, zeroIR, eltName, accName, bodyIR) => new Stream[EmTr] {
val xv = newField
val av = newField
val curR = newField[Region]
val tmpR = newField[Region]
val child = emitS(stream, env)
type S = (child.S, Code[Accum], Code[Boolean])
def init(strR: Code[Region])(k: InitCont) =
child.init(strR) {
case Missing => k(Missing)
case Start(chS) =>
val zero = emit(strR, zeroIR, env)
// NEW
curR := new Region,
tmpR := new Region,
k(Start((chS, zero.v, true))))
def step(dstR: Code[Region], s: S)(k: StepCont) = {
val (chS, acc, firstRun) = s
k(Yield(deepCopy(dstR, acc), (chS, acc, false))),
child.step(tmpR, chS) {
case EOS => k(EOS)
case Yield(x, chS1) =>
val body = emit(tmpR, bodyIR, env.bind(eltName -> xv, accName -> av))
val bv = newLocal
av := deepCopy(tmpR, acc), // NEW
xv := x.v,
bv := body.v,
// NEW
swap(curR, tmpR),
k(Yield(deepCopy(dstR, bv), (chS1, bv, false))))
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