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Created July 29, 2021 19:46
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module Data = struct
type color = I | J | L | O | S | T | Z
type cell = NoCell | Garbage | CI | CJ | CL | CO | CS | CT | CZ
let cell_of_color (co: color): cell = Obj.magic (2 + Obj.magic co)
let char_of_cell (cl: cell): char = ".GIJLOSTZ".[Obj.magic cl]
let char_of_color co = char_of_cell (cell_of_color co)
module type Matrix_S = sig
type t
val empty: t
val test: (int * int) list -> t -> bool
val printl: out_channel -> t -> unit
type color
val blit: (int * int * color) list -> t -> t
module Matrix: Matrix_S
with type color := Data.color = struct
module Row = struct
type t =
{mutable sealed: bool;
mutable count: int;
cells: Data.cell array}
let empty = {sealed = true; count = 0; cells = Array.make 10 Data.NoCell}
let count r = r.count
let get x r = r.cells.(x)
let copy r = {sealed = false; count = r.count; cells = Array.copy r.cells}
let seal r = r.sealed <- true
let cow r = if r.sealed then copy r else r
let set x c r =
let r = cow r in
if r.cells.(x) = NoCell then r.count <- r.count + 1;
r.cells.(x) <- Data.cell_of_color c;
let to_string r =
String.init 10 (fun x -> Data.char_of_cell r.cells.(x))
type t =
{height: int;
rows: Row.t list}
let empty = {height = 0; rows = []}
let of_rows rows = let height = List.length rows in {height; rows}
let printl oc m =
let rec iter i = function
| r::rs -> Printf.fprintf oc "%2d |%s|\n" i (Row.to_string r);
iter (i - 1) rs
| [] -> ()
iter (m.height - 1) (List.rev m.rows);
Printf.fprintf oc " 0123456789 \n"
let test locs m =
let rec search y rows locs =
match rows, locs with
| _, [] -> false
| [], _ -> false
| r::rows', (lx, ly)::locs' ->
assert (ly >= y);
if ly = y
then Row.get lx r <> NoCell ||
search y rows locs'
else search (y+1) rows' locs
let rec filter acc = function
| [] ->
let locs = List.sort (fun (_, y1) (_, y2) -> y1 - y2) acc in
search 0 m.rows locs
| (lx, ly)::ls ->
if lx < 0 || ly < 0 || lx >= 10
then true
else if ly >= m.height
then false
else filter ((lx, ly)::acc) ls
filter [] locs
let blit cells m =
let rec build y front back cells =
match cells with
| (cx, cy, cc)::next ->
let r, rs = match front with
| r::rs -> r, rs
| [] -> Row.empty, [] in
assert (cy >= y);
if cy = y
then let r = Row.set cx cc r in
build y (r::rs) back next
else build (y+1) rs (r::back) cells
| [] ->
match back with
| r::rs -> Row.seal r; build y (r::front) rs []
| [] -> of_rows front
build 0 m.rows [] @@
List.stable_sort (fun (_, y1, _) (_, y2, _) -> y1 - y2) cells
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