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Created April 28, 2020 21:39
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module T0 = struct
module type S = sig type t end
(** Finite-map; open-to-extension; heterogenous values (type determined by the key).
* See the bottom of this file for an example use.
* New key types can be generated on the fly and used to modify or query the
* contents of the map. *)
module OpenHetMap = struct
(** Basic signature (more helper methods added in signature 'S'). *)
module type S0 = sig
type t
type 'a key
val empty : t
val create_key : (module T0.S with type t = 'a) -> 'a key
val find_opt : 'a key -> t -> 'a option
val update : 'a key -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> t -> t
(** Basic generator (use Make() instead...). *)
module Make0() : S0 = struct
(** Underlying key representation, called 'tags'. *)
module Tag = struct
include Int
let next = ref 0
let gen () = next := !next + 1; !next
(** Underlying map representation. *)
module Map = Map.Make(Tag)
type entry = ..
type t = entry Map.t
let empty = Map.empty
(** "Keys" tell us how to wrap/unwrap entries and which tag to use. *)
module type Key_S = sig
type a
val tag : Tag.t
val wrap : a -> entry
val unwrap : entry option -> a option
type 'a key = (module Key_S with type a = 'a)
let create_key (type a) (module A : T0.S with type t = a) =
(module struct
type nonrec a = a
type entry += Inj of a
let tag = Tag.gen ()
let wrap x = Inj x
let unwrap = function
| Some (Inj x) -> Some x
| _ -> None
end : Key_S with type a = a)
(* Call into underlying map operations but use tag/wrap/unwrap appropriately *)
let find_opt (type a) (module K : Key_S with type a = a) m =
K.unwrap (Map.find_opt K.tag m)
let update (type a) (module K : Key_S with type a = a) f m =
Map.update K.tag (fun x -> K.wrap (f (K.unwrap x))) m
(** Signature for OHM's with some additional operations. Note that a lot of the
* operations usually present on map's require higher polymorphic signatures now,
* so they aren't present... *)
module type S = sig
include S0
val find : 'a key -> t -> 'a
val add : 'a key -> 'a -> t -> t
val remove : 'a key -> t -> t
(** Generate a new map type, initially without any keys. *)
module Make() : S = struct
include Make0()
let find k m = match find_opt k m with
| Some x -> x
| None -> raise Not_found
let add k v m = update k (fun _ -> Some v) m
let remove k m = update k (fun _ -> None) m
include OpenHetMap
* Example usage: key/values for configuration data
module Config = OpenHetMap.Make()
let name : string Config.key = Config.create_key (module String)
let fedi : string Config.key = Config.create_key (module String)
let hidden : bool Config.key = Config.create_key (module Bool)
let timeout : int Config.key = Config.create_key (module Int)
let example_map =
|> Config.add name "milo"
|> Config.add fedi ""
|> Config.add timeout 20
let () =
( Printf.printf "%S" (Config.find name example_map)
; Printf.printf "%d" (Config.find timeout example_map)
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