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Last active August 14, 2021 19:50
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let label = "iitalics"
let time_limit = 5.
let threads = 1
let tags = "algorithm=base,faithful=yes,bits=1"
let report iters time =
Printf.printf "%s;%d;%f;%d;%s\n"
label iters time threads tags
(* optionally runs afterwards to check solution against a reference *)
let verify is_prime =
let errors = ref [] in
let f = open_in "primes.bin" in
let rec loop i =
let check expected =
let output = is_prime i in
if expected <> output && List.length !errors < 8 then
errors := (i,output) :: !errors
match input_char f with
| 'P' -> (check true; loop (i + 1))
| 'c' -> (check false; loop (i + 1))
| _ -> loop i
loop 1
| Sys_error _ ->
print_endline "verification skipped"
| End_of_file ->
match List.rev !errors with
| [] -> print_endline "verification ok"
| errs ->
( print_endline "verification failed:"
; errs |> List.iteri (fun i (x, out) ->
Printf.printf "%d. is_prime(%d) = %s\n"
(i + 1) x (Bool.to_string out)) )
module Storage =
type cell = {v : int} [@@ocaml.unboxed]
let cell_of_int : int -> cell = Obj.magic
let cell_of_char : char -> cell = Obj.magic
let char_of_cell : cell -> char = Obj.magic
let bits = 8
let _ = assert (Sys.int_size >= bits)
let[@inline always] index n = n / bits
let[@inline always] mask n = 1 lsl (n mod bits)
let[@inline always] set {v} mask = {v = v lor mask}
let[@inline always] test {v} mask = v land mask = 0
type t = {a : bytes} [@@ocaml.unboxed]
let get {a} i = cell_of_char (Bytes.unsafe_get a i)
let put {a} i c = Bytes.unsafe_set a i (char_of_cell c)
let create mask0 mask1 ~count =
let len = (count + 1) / bits + 1 in
let t = {a = Bytes.make len (cell_of_int mask1 |> char_of_cell)} in
(put t 0 (cell_of_int mask0); t)
module O = struct
let ( |! ) = set
let ( |? ) = test
let ( .|() ) = get
let ( .|()<- ) = put
module Sieve =
type t =
{ count : int
; flags : Storage.t }
open Storage.O
(** [is_prime sv n] uses sieve [sv] to determine the primeness of [n], returning
* [true] iff it is prime. *)
let is_prime sv n =
if n < 1 || n > sv.count then
invalid_arg "out of range of sieve"
let i, m = Storage.(index n, mask n) in
sv.flags.|(i) |? m
(** [create count] returns a fully populated sieve handling primes between
* 1 and [count]. *)
let create count =
let flags =
Storage.create ~count
0x52 (* 2 is prime, 1 is not *)
0x55 (* other evens are prime *)
(* naive fill routine *)
let rec fill inc n =
if n <= count then
let i, m = Storage.(index n, mask n) in
( flags.|(i) <- flags.|(i) |! m
; fill inc (n + inc) )
(* invariant: (n mod 8 = 1) && (inc mod 8 = 2) *)
let rec fill_2r inc n =
if n + inc*3 <= count then
let i0 = Storage.index n in
let i1 = Storage.index (n + inc) in
let i2 = Storage.index (n + inc*2) in
let i3 = Storage.index (n + inc*3) in
( flags.|(i0) <- flags.|(i0) |! (1 lsl 1)
; flags.|(i1) <- flags.|(i1) |! (1 lsl 3)
; flags.|(i2) <- flags.|(i2) |! (1 lsl 5)
; flags.|(i3) <- flags.|(i3) |! (1 lsl 7)
; fill_2r inc (n + inc*4) )
fill inc n
(* invariant: (n mod 8 = 1) && (inc mod 8 = 6) *)
let rec fill_6r inc n =
if n + inc*3 <= count then
let i0 = Storage.index n in
let i1 = Storage.index (n + inc) in
let i2 = Storage.index (n + inc*2) in
let i3 = Storage.index (n + inc*3) in
( flags.|(i0) <- flags.|(i0) |! (1 lsl 1)
; flags.|(i1) <- flags.|(i1) |! (1 lsl 7)
; flags.|(i2) <- flags.|(i2) |! (1 lsl 5)
; flags.|(i3) <- flags.|(i3) |! (1 lsl 3)
; fill_6r inc (n + inc*4) )
fill inc n
(* runs naive algorithm until chance is found to switch to one of the specialized
unrolling above *)
let rec fill inc n =
if n mod 8 = 1 then
match inc mod 8 with
| 2 -> fill_2r inc n
| _ (* 6 *) -> fill_6r inc n
else if n <= count then
let i, m = Storage.(index n, mask n) in
( flags.|(i) <- flags.|(i) |! m
; fill inc (n + inc) )
let limit = sqrt (float_of_int count) |> int_of_float in
let rec loop n =
if n <= limit then
let i, m = Storage.(index n, mask n) in
( (if flags.|(i) |? m then
fill (n * 2) (n * n))
; loop (n + 2) )
{count; flags}
loop 3
let t0 = Unix.gettimeofday ()
let t1 = t0 +. time_limit
let rec timer iters =
let sieve =
Sys.opaque_identity @@
Sieve.create 1_000_000
let t = Unix.gettimeofday () in
if t > t1 then
( report (iters + 1) (t -. t0)
; verify (Sieve.is_prime sieve) )
timer (iters + 1)
;; timer 0
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