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Script for breaking up single-file album audio into multiple files
#lang racket/base
(module+ test
rackunit racket/port))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Utils
(define-syntax-rule (regexp-case str-expr
[re formals body ...]
[#t else-body ...])
(let ([str str-expr])
[(regexp-match re str)
=> (λ (groups)
(apply (λ formals body ...)
(cdr groups)))]
[else else-body ...])))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Parameters
(define current-get-info-file-path
(λ (audio-file-path)
(path-replace-extension audio-file-path
(define current-get-output-dir-path
(λ (audio-file-path)
(path-replace-extension audio-file-path #""))))
(define current-find-album-art-path
(λ (audio-file-path)
(for*/first ([ext (in-list '(#".png" #".jpg" #".jpeg" #".tiff"))]
[path (in-value (path-replace-extension audio-file-path ext))]
#:when (file-exists? path))
(define current-output-extension
(make-parameter #".mp3"))
(define current-ffmpeg
(make-parameter "/usr/bin/ffmpeg"))
(define (get-info-file-path af)
((current-get-info-file-path) af))
(define (get-output-dir-path af)
((current-get-output-dir-path) af))
(define (find-album-art-path af)
((current-find-album-art-path) af))
(define (path-add-output-extension p)
(path-add-extension p (current-output-extension) #"."))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (get-info-file-path "bar/foo.flac")
(string->path "bar/"))
(check-equal? (get-output-dir-path "bar/foo.mp3")
(string->path "bar/foo"))
(check-equal? (path-add-output-extension "bar/foo/one")
(string->path "bar/foo/one.mp3")))
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Info files
;; meta : (hasheq symbol => string)
;; tracks : (listof track-info)
(struct album-info [meta tracks]
;; title : string
;; number start end : nat
(struct track-info [title number start end]
;; (read-album-info [port]) -> album-info
;; port : input-port
(define (read-album-info [port (current-input-port)])
;; #px"([0-9]+:)*[0-9]+" -> nat
(define (time-string->seconds ts)
(for/fold ([acc 0])
([part (in-list (string-split ts ":"))])
(+ (* acc 60)
(string->number part))))
; parse lines
(define-values [tracks-unsorted meta]
(for/fold ([tracks '()]
[meta (hasheq)])
([line (in-lines port)])
(key value)
(define meta* (hash-set meta
(string->symbol key)
(string-trim value)))
(values tracks meta*)]
(title start _)
(define track (track-info (string-trim title)
#f ; number
(time-string->seconds start) ; start
#f)) ; end
(values (cons track tracks) meta)]
(values tracks meta)])))
; sort tracks by starting time
(define tracks
(sort tracks-unsorted <
#:key track-info-start))
; fill in track-info-number and track-info-end
(define tracks*
(for/list ([t (in-list tracks)]
[t* (in-list (append (cdr tracks) (list #f)))]
[i (in-naturals 1)])
(struct-copy track-info t
[number i]
[end (and t* (track-info-start t*))])))
(album-info meta tracks*))
(module+ test
(define t1 (+ 23 (* 60 1)))
(define t2 (+ 45 (* 60 23) (* 60 60 1)))
(string-append "* foo hello world\n"
"SO NG 1:23\n"
"* bar hey \n"
"SAN G 01:23:45\n"
"S ING 0:00\n")
(hasheq 'foo "hello world"
'bar "hey")
(list (track-info "S ING" 1 0 t1)
(track-info "SO NG" 2 t1 t2)
(track-info "SAN G" 3 t2 #f)))))
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; String manip
;; track-title->file-part : string -> string
(define (track-title->file-part title-string)
; remove parenthesis and the text inside of them (doesn't support nesting, but that is
; okay)
(define (remove-parens s)
(before after)
(remove-parens (string-append (string-trim before)
[#t s]))
; group into words (groups of alphabetic chars)
(define (split-words s)
(let loop ([acc '()] [chars (string->list s)])
[(null? chars) (list (reverse acc))]
; important chars
[(or (char-alphabetic? (car chars))
(char-numeric? (car chars)))
(loop (cons (car chars) acc)
(cdr chars))]
; ignored chars
[(member (car chars) '(#\'))
(loop acc
(cdr chars))]
; everything else breaks works
(cons (reverse acc)
(loop '() (cdr chars)))])))
; write chars to current-output-port in titlecase
(define (write-titlecase chars)
(unless (null? chars)
(write-char (char-upcase (car chars)))
(for ([c (in-list (cdr chars))])
(write-char (char-downcase c)))))
(λ ()
(for-each write-titlecase
(split-words (remove-parens title-string))))))
;; track-info -> path
(define (track-info-file-name trk)
(format "~a.~a"
(~a (track-info-number trk)
#:pad-string "0" #:width 2 #:align 'right)
(track-title->file-part (track-info-title trk)))))
(module+ test
(track-title->file-part "foo (ft. somebody) bar")
(track-title->file-part "foo (ft. somebody) (remix)")
(track-title->file-part "the, quick: brown fox!! (ft. somebody) [remix]")
(track-title->file-part "igor's theme")
(track-info "foo bar" 4 0 #f))
(string->path "04.FooBar.mp3")))
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; IO
(struct exn:fail:ffmpeg exn:fail [status output])
(define (raise-ffmpeg-error sc out)
(make-exn:fail (format "ffmpeg process failed with status ~a" sc)
sc out))
;; (clip-audio ..) -> string
;; input-file-path, output-file-path : path
;; art-file-path : (or path #f)
;; start : nat
;; end : (or nat #f)
;; meta : (hasheq symbol => string)
;; --
;; raises exn:fail:ffmpeg
(define (clip-audio #:in input-file-path
#:out output-file-path
#:art [art-file-path #f]
#:meta meta
start end)
(define (seconds->string n)
(format "~as" n))
(define general-flags
(define infile-flags
(append `("-ss" ,(seconds->string start))
(if end
(list "-t" (seconds->string (- end start)))
(define outfile-flags
(append (apply append
(for/list ([(k v) (in-hash meta)])
`("-metadata:g" ,(format "~a=~a" k v))))
(list "-map" "0"
"-map" "1")))
(define-values [sp sp-out sp-in sp-err]
(apply subprocess `(#f #f #f
"-i" ,(path->string input-file-path)
,@(if art-file-path
(list "-i" (path->string art-file-path))
,(path->string output-file-path))))
(subprocess-wait sp)
(define sc (subprocess-status sp))
(define out (string-append
(port->string sp-err)
(port->string sp-out)))
(if (zero? sc)
(raise-ffmpeg-error sc out)))
;; (format-tracks path) -> void
(define (format-tracks audio-file-path)
(define info-file-path (get-info-file-path audio-file-path))
(define art-file-path (find-album-art-path audio-file-path))
(define output-dir-path (get-output-dir-path audio-file-path))
(unless (file-exists? audio-file-path)
(error (format "audio file ~s does not exist!"
(path->string audio-file-path))))
(define alb
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:filesystem?
(λ (e)
(error (format "info file ~s does not exist!"
(path->string info-file-path))))])
(with-input-from-file info-file-path
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:filesystem?
(λ (e)
(error (format "output directory ~s already exists!"
(path->string output-dir-path))))])
(make-directory output-dir-path))
;; -----
(define notifs (make-channel))
(when art-file-path
(printf "using album art: ~a\n"
(path->string art-file-path)))
(printf "processing ~a tracks for album ~s\n----------------------------------------\n"
(length (album-info-tracks alb))
(hash-ref (album-info-meta alb)
"(no title given)"))
(for ([trk (in-list (album-info-tracks alb))])
(define dest-path
(build-path output-dir-path
(track-info-file-name trk)))
(define meta
(hash-set* (album-info-meta alb)
'track (number->string (track-info-number trk))
'title (track-info-title trk)))
(λ ()
(with-handlers ([exn:fail?
(λ (ex) (channel-put notifs `(failed ,trk ,ex)))])
(clip-audio #:in audio-file-path
#:art art-file-path
#:out dest-path
#:meta meta
(track-info-start trk)
(track-info-end trk))
(channel-put notifs `(ok ,trk))))))
(let loop ([n 0])
(when (< n (length (album-info-tracks alb)))
(match (channel-get notifs)
[`(failed ,trk ,ex)
(printf "FAILED: ~s\n" (track-info-title trk))
(with-output-to-file "log.txt"
#:exists 'append
(λ ()
(match ex
[(exn:fail:ffmpeg _ _ sc out)
(printf "STATUS CODE: ~a\n" sc)
(write-string out)]
[(exn msg _)
(write-string msg)])))
(loop (add1 n))]
[`(ok ,trk)
(printf "finished ~s\n" (track-info-title trk))
(loop (add1 n))])))
(printf "----------------------------------------\n")
(printf "all finished\n"))
;; =============================================================================
(module+ main
(require racket/cmdline)
[("-d" "--info-file")
info-file "Info file (defaults to audio file, with extension `.info'"
(current-get-info-file-path (λ (_) (string->path info-file)))]
[("-i" "--output-dir")
info-file "Output directory (defaults to audio file with no extension"
(current-get-output-dir-path (λ (_) (string->path info-file)))]
[("-a" "--art")
art-file "Album art file"
(current-find-album-art-path (λ (_) (string->path art-file)))]
#:args (audio-file)
(format-tracks (string->path audio-file))))
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