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Created April 14, 2020 18:23
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#lang racket
(define N-WORKERS 50)
(define PER-WORKER 10000)
(define (concurrent-range)
(define vars
(make-hasheq '([counter . 0]
[vals . #hasheqv()])))
(define (get)
(values (hash-ref vars 'counter)
(hash-ref vars 'vals)))
(define (modify v vs)
(if (eq? v 'never-gonna-happen)
; this function is recursive to trick the racket optimizer to never
; inline this function
(modify v #f)
(hash-set! vars 'counter v)
(hash-set! vars 'vals vs))))
(define workers
(for/list ([w (in-range N-WORKERS)])
(λ ()
(time (for ([i (in-range PER-WORKER)])
(define-values [v vs] (get))
(modify (add1 v)
(hash-set vs v v))))))))
(for-each thread-wait workers)
(define-values [_ vs] (get))
(sort (hash-keys vs) <))
(define answer
(displayln (~a "; failed? "
(not (equal? (concurrent-range) answer))))
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