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Last active October 29, 2023 07:28
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Rose trees implemented in OCaml via binary trees
[@@@warning "-8"]
(** Abstract interface for monoids.
module type Monoid_S = sig
type t
val zero : t
val ( + ) : t -> t -> t
(* Required laws:
* x + zero = zero + x = x
* x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z *)
(** Example operation on monoids.
let sum_by (type a m) (module M : Monoid_S with type t = m)
(f : a -> m)
(xs : a list) : m =
List.fold_left (fun m x -> M.(m + f x)) xs
(* * *)
(** Abstract interface for rose trees.
module type Rose_S = sig
type 'a t
(** constructor *)
val node : 'a (* data *)
-> 'a t list (* children *)
-> 'a t
(** catamorphism. *)
val fold : (module Monoid_S with type t = 'm)
-> ('a -> 'm -> 'm)
-> 'a t
-> 'm
(* Required law:
* fold f (make x l)
* =
* f x (sum_by (cata f) l) *)
(** Rose tree implementation via binary tree encoding.
module Rose : Rose_S = struct
type 'a t =
{ data : 'a
; sibling : 'a t option
; child : 'a t option }
let node data ts =
{ data
; sibling = None
; child = List.fold_right
(fun l r -> Some { l with sibling = r })
None }
let fold (type m) (module M : Monoid_S with type t = m) f t =
let open M in
let rec accum = function
| None -> zero
| Some { data; sibling; child } ->
f data (accum child) + accum sibling
accum (Some t)
(* * *)
(** Example monoid. *)
module CommaSep = struct
type t = string
let zero = ""
let ( + ) x y = match x, y with
| _, "" -> x
| "", _ -> y
| _, _ -> x ^ ", " ^ y
let "1, 2, 3" =
sum_by (module CommaSep) string_of_int
[1; 2; 3]
(* Use-case: represent simple function-call expressions using rose trees. *)
open Rose
let render =
fold (module CommaSep)
(fun hd args ->
if args = "" then hd
else Printf.sprintf "%s(%s)" hd args)
let _ =
(* prints: "f(A, g(h(B, C), D))" *)
( node "f" [node "A" [];
node "g" [node "h" [node "B" [];
node "C" []];
node "D" []]] )
|> render
|> print_endline
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