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Last active May 10, 2021 16:17
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Recursive pattern expander for Racket
#lang racket
(require (for-syntax syntax/parse)
(for-meta 2 racket syntax/parse syntax/stx racket/syntax))
;; attr+arity ::= id
;; | [id arity]
;; attr-arity-decl from syntax/parse docs
(define-syntax-class attr+arity
[pattern id:id #:with arity 0]
[pattern [id:id arity:nat]])
;; Syntax Nat -> Syntax
;; wraps 'stx' in (_ ...) 'n' times.
(define (arity->dots* stx n)
[(syntax? n) (arity->dots* stx (syntax-e n))]
[(zero? n) stx]
[else (quasisyntax/loc stx
(#,(arity->dots* stx (sub1 n))
(... ...)))])))
;; {~rec placeholder-id
;; #:binds (attr-arity-decl ...)
;; pattern}
;; pattern expander that matches the given pattern, recurring on
;; wherever the placeholder is matched in the pattern. each variable
;; listed in #:binds is bound with ellipsis depth 1 more than specified,
;; listing each occurence.
;; e.g.
;; > (syntax-parse #'(a (b (c (d (e f)))))
;; [(~rec R #:binds (l) (l R))
;; (values (syntax->datum #'[l ...])
;; (syntax->datum #'R))])
;; '(a b c d e)
;; 'f
(define-syntax ~rec
[(_ PH:id
{~or {~seq #:binds (attr:attr+arity ...)}
{~seq {~parse (attr:attr+arity ...) #'[]}}}
#:with self (generate-temporary #'self)
#:with parser (generate-temporary #'parser)
#:with base (generate-temporary #'base)
#:with [attr/tmp ...] (generate-temporaries #'[ ...])
#:with [attr/dots ...] (stx-map arity->dots* #'[ ...] #'[attr.arity ...])
#:with [attr/nil ...] (stx-map (const #''()) #'[ ...])
{~do (define parser
[{~and pattern ~!}
(let-values ([(base attr/tmp ...) (parser #'PH)])
(values base (cons #'attr/dots attr/tmp) ...))]
(values this-syntax attr/nil ...)]))}
{~parse (PH (attr/dots (... ...)) ...)
(let-values ([(base attr/tmp ...) (parser #'self)])
(list base attr/tmp ...))}}]))))
;; ------------------------
(define-syntax uncurry
[(_ {~rec B #:binds (x)
({~literal λ} (x) B)})
#'(λ (x ...) B)]))
(define f
(uncurry (λ (A)
(λ (B)
(λ (C)
(+ B (* A C)))))))
(f 4 5 6)
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