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Last active March 12, 2023 06:21
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Parsing mixfix operators
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Language.Parser where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Data.Either
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isNothing, maybeToList)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
zigzag :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
zigzag [] _ = []
zigzag (x:xs) ys = x : zigzag ys xs
data OpType
= OpType'Closed
| OpType'OpenBoth
| OpType'OpenLeft
| OpType'OpenRight
deriving (Enum, Eq, Show)
data OpAssocs
= OpAssocs'None
| OpAssocs'Left
| OpAssocs'Right
deriving (Enum, Eq, Show)
data Op = Op
{ _opSymbol :: Either Text [Text]
, _opPrefix :: Maybe Text
, _opPostfix :: Maybe Text
, _opRank :: Int
, _opAssocs :: OpAssocs
deriving (Eq, Show)
$(makeLenses ''Op)
opNum :: Op -> Maybe Int
opNum o = case _opSymbol o of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right ss -> Just $ length ss + 1
opType :: Op -> OpType
opType o = case (_opPrefix o, _opPostfix o) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> OpType'OpenBoth
(Nothing, Just _) -> OpType'OpenLeft
(Just _, Nothing) -> OpType'OpenRight
(Just _, Just _) -> OpType'Closed
opOpenLeft :: Op -> Bool
opOpenLeft o = opType o `elem` [OpType'OpenBoth, OpType'OpenLeft]
opOpenRight :: Op -> Bool
opOpenRight o = opType o `elem` [OpType'OpenBoth, OpType'OpenRight]
opClosedLeft :: Op -> Bool
opClosedLeft o = opType o `elem` [OpType'Closed, OpType'OpenRight]
opClosedRight :: Op -> Bool
opClosedRight o = opType o `elem` [OpType'Closed, OpType'OpenLeft]
opIsDelimiter :: Op -> Bool
opIsDelimiter o = isNothing (opNum o)
opCondByNum :: Op -> Bool -> Int -> Bool
opCondByNum o b x = case opNum o of
Nothing -> b
Just n -> n == x
validOp :: Op -> Bool
validOp o = opType o /= OpType'Closed || _opAssocs o == OpAssocs'None
type OpsMap = M.Map Text (Either (Bool, Op) (Int, Op))
type DelimitersMap = M.Map Text Op
opsMapFromList :: [Op] -> OpsMap
opsMapFromList = foldl opsMapAdd M.empty
opsMapAdd :: OpsMap -> Op -> OpsMap
opsMapAdd ops o = foldl (\m (k, v) -> M.insert k v m) ops $ pre ++ post ++ ss
pre = map (\s -> (s, Left (False, o))) $ maybeToList $ _opPrefix o
post = map (\s -> (s, Left (True, o))) $ maybeToList $ _opPostfix o
ss = fromMaybe [] $ fmap f $ o ^? opSymbol . _Right
f ns = flip map (zip [1..] ns) $ \(i, s) -> (s, Right (i, o))
delimitersMapFromList :: [Op] -> DelimitersMap
delimitersMapFromList = foldl delimitersMapAdd M.empty
delimitersMapAdd :: DelimitersMap -> Op -> DelimitersMap
delimitersMapAdd ds o = case o ^? opSymbol . _Left of
Nothing -> ds
Just s -> M.insert s o ds
data Expr
= Expr'Var Text
| Expr'Op Op [Expr]
| Expr'Fn Expr [Expr]
deriving (Eq, Show)
validExpr :: Expr -> Bool
validExpr (Expr'Var _) = True
validExpr (Expr'Op o es) = opCondByNum o True (length es) && all validExpr es
validExpr (Expr'Fn e es) = validExpr e && all validExpr es
debugExpr :: Expr -> Text
debugExpr (Expr'Var i) = i
debugExpr (Expr'Op o es) = if opType o /= OpType'Closed
then "❪" <> pre <> mconcat ts <> post <> "❫"
else pre <> mconcat ts <> post
pre = case _opPrefix o of { Nothing -> mempty; Just s -> s }
post = case _opPostfix o of { Nothing -> mempty; Just s -> s }
ds = map debugExpr es
ts = zigzag ds $ case _opSymbol o of
Left d -> flip replicate d $ pred $ length es
Right ss -> ss
debugExpr (Expr'Fn e es) = mconcat $ zigzag (map debugExpr $ e : es) $ flip replicate " " $ length es
data Token
= Token'Var Text
| Token'Op Int Op
| Token'OpPrefix Op
| Token'OpPostfix Op
| Token'Delimiter Op
deriving (Eq, Show)
tokenize :: (OpsMap, DelimitersMap) -> Text -> Token
tokenize (om, dm) t = case M.lookup t om of
Nothing -> case M.lookup t dm of
Nothing -> Token'Var t
Just o -> Token'Delimiter o
Just (Right (i, o)) -> Token'Op i o
Just (Left (False, o)) -> Token'OpPrefix o
Just (Left (True, o)) -> Token'OpPostfix o
showToken :: Token -> Text
showToken (Token'Var i) = i
showToken (Token'Op i o) = fromRight [] (_opSymbol o) !! i
showToken (Token'OpPrefix o) = fromJust $ _opPrefix o
showToken (Token'OpPostfix o) = fromJust $ _opPostfix o
showToken (Token'Delimiter o) = fromLeft mempty $ _opSymbol o
-- variable and function is not partial expr.
-- arg list holds by reversed way
-- Left False: previous token is not operator symbol
-- Left True: previous token is operator symbol
-- Right pe: last term with partial expr
data PartialExpr
= PartialExpr'Op Op [Expr] (Either Bool PartialExpr)
| PartialExpr'Fn Expr [Expr] PartialExpr
deriving (Eq, Show)
startPartialExpr :: Token -> Maybe (Either PartialExpr Expr)
startPartialExpr (Token'Var i) = Just $ Right $ Expr'Var i
startPartialExpr (Token'Op i o) = Nothing
startPartialExpr (Token'OpPrefix o) = do
guard $ opClosedLeft o
return $ Left $ PartialExpr'Op o [] $ Left True
startPartialExpr (Token'OpPostfix _) = Nothing
startPartialExpr (Token'Delimiter _) = Nothing
nextPartialExpr :: Token -> Either PartialExpr Expr -> Maybe (Either PartialExpr Expr)
nextPartialExpr (Token'Var i) (Left (PartialExpr'Op o e0es (Left False))) = do
let e0 = head e0es
es = tail e0es
e = embedExpr i e0
return $ Left $ PartialExpr'Op o (e : es) $ Left False
nextPartialExpr (Token'Var i) (Left (PartialExpr'Op o es (Left True))) =
Just $ if opCondByNum o True (succ $ length es) && opOpenRight o
then Right $ Expr'Op o $ reverse $ Expr'Var i : es
else Left $ PartialExpr'Op o (Expr'Var i : es) $ Left False
nextPartialExpr (Token'Var i) (Right e) =
Just $ Right $ embedExpr i e
nextPartialExpr (Token'Op j o2) epe@(Left (PartialExpr'Op o1 es (Left False))) =
if o2 == o1 && j == length es
then Just $ Left $ PartialExpr'Op o1 es $ Left True
else do
guard $ j == 1 && opOpenLeft o2
composePartialExpr o2 epe
nextPartialExpr (Token'Op j o2) (Left (PartialExpr'Op o1 es (Left True))) = Nothing
nextPartialExpr (Token'Op j o) epe@(Right e) = do
guard $ j == 1 && opOpenLeft o
composePartialExpr o epe
nextPartialExpr (Token'OpPrefix o2) (Left (PartialExpr'Op o1 e0es (Left False))) = do
let e0 = head e0es
es = tail e0es
pe = embedOpPrefixExpr o2 e0
return $ Left $ PartialExpr'Op o1 es $ Right pe
nextPartialExpr (Token'OpPrefix o2) (Left (PartialExpr'Op o1 es (Left True))) =
Just $ Left $ PartialExpr'Op o1 es $ Right $ PartialExpr'Op o2 [] $ Left True
nextPartialExpr (Token'OpPrefix o) (Right e) =
Just $ Left $ embedOpPrefixExpr o e
nextPartialExpr (Token'OpPostfix o2) epe@(Left (PartialExpr'Op o1 es (Left False))) = do
if o1 == o2
then do
guard $ opCondByNum o1 True (length es) && opClosedRight o1
return $ Right $ Expr'Op o1 $ reverse es
else do
guard $ opCondByNum o2 False 1 && opOpenLeft o2
composePartialExpr o2 epe
nextPartialExpr (Token'OpPostfix o2) (Left (PartialExpr'Op o1 es (Left True))) = do
guard $ null es
guard $ o1 == o2
guard $ opIsDelimiter o1 && opClosedLeft o1 && opClosedRight o1
return $ Right $ Expr'Op o1 $ reverse es
nextPartialExpr (Token'OpPostfix o) epe@(Right e) = do
guard $ opCondByNum o False 1 && opOpenLeft o
composePartialExpr o epe
nextPartialExpr (Token'Delimiter o2) (Left (PartialExpr'Op o1 e0es (Left False))) = do
if o1 == o2
then Just $ Left $ PartialExpr'Op o1 e0es $ Left True
else do
guard $ opOpenLeft o2
let e0 = head e0es
es = tail e0es
pe <- embedDelimiterExpr o2 e0
return $ Left $ PartialExpr'Op o1 es $ Right pe
nextPartialExpr (Token'Delimiter o2) (Left (PartialExpr'Op o1 es (Left True))) = Nothing
nextPartialExpr (Token'Delimiter o) (Right e) =
Left <$> embedDelimiterExpr o e
nextPartialExpr t (Left (PartialExpr'Op o es (Right pe))) = do
epe <- nextPartialExpr t $ Left pe
return $ case epe of
Left pen -> Left $ PartialExpr'Op o es $ Right pen
Right e -> if opCondByNum o True (succ $ length es) && opOpenRight o
then Right $ Expr'Op o $ reverse $ e : es
else Left $ PartialExpr'Op o (e : es) $ Left False
nextPartialExpr t (Left (PartialExpr'Fn e es pe)) = do
epe <- nextPartialExpr t $ Left pe
return $ case epe of
Left pen -> Left $ PartialExpr'Fn e es pen
Right e1 -> Right $ Expr'Fn e $ reverse $ e1 : es
-- compute e + (Token'Var i), which is guaranteed to be Expr
embedExpr :: Text -> Expr -> Expr
embedExpr i e@(Expr'Var i0) = Expr'Fn e [Expr'Var i]
embedExpr i (Expr'Fn e es) = Expr'Fn e $ es ++ [Expr'Var i]
embedExpr i e@(Expr'Op o ese0) = if opClosedRight o
then Expr'Fn e [Expr'Var i]
let es = init ese0
e0 = last ese0
e1 = embedExpr i e0
in Expr'Op o $ es ++ [e1]
-- compute e + (Token'OpPrefix d), which is guaranteed to be PartialExpr
embedOpPrefixExpr :: Op -> Expr -> PartialExpr
embedOpPrefixExpr o e@(Expr'Var i) =
PartialExpr'Fn e [] $ PartialExpr'Op o [] $ Left True
embedOpPrefixExpr o (Expr'Fn e es) =
PartialExpr'Fn e (reverse es) $ PartialExpr'Op o [] $ Left True
embedOpPrefixExpr o2 e@(Expr'Op o1 ese0) = if opClosedRight o1
then PartialExpr'Fn e [] $ PartialExpr'Op o2 [] $ Left True
else case uncons $ reverse ese0 of
Nothing -> error "embedDelimiterPrefixExpr error: unreachable branch"
Just (e0, es) -> PartialExpr'Op o1 es $ Right $ embedOpPrefixExpr o2 e0
-- compute e + (Token'Delimiter o)
embedDelimiterExpr :: Op -> Expr -> Maybe PartialExpr
embedDelimiterExpr o e@(Expr'Var i) =
Just $ PartialExpr'Op o [e] $ Left True
embedDelimiterExpr o e@(Expr'Fn _ _) =
Just $ PartialExpr'Op o [e] $ Left True
embedDelimiterExpr o2 e@(Expr'Op o1 ese0) = if opClosedLeft o2
then Nothing
else if opClosedRight o1
then Just $ PartialExpr'Op o2 [e] $ Left True
else if o1 == o2
then Just $ PartialExpr'Op o1 (reverse ese0) $ Left True
else case viewOpCompare o1 o2 of
OpAssocs'Left -> Just $ PartialExpr'Op o2 [e] $ Left True
OpAssocs'Right -> case uncons $ reverse ese0 of
Nothing -> error "embedDelimiterExpr error: unreachable branch"
Just (e0, es) -> Just $ PartialExpr'Op o1 es $ Right $ PartialExpr'Op o2 [e0] $ Left True
OpAssocs'None -> Nothing
-- compute epe + (Token'Op 1 o2) only if opOpenLeft o2
composePartialExpr :: Op -> Either PartialExpr Expr -> Maybe (Either PartialExpr Expr)
composePartialExpr o2 epe = case viewPartialExpr epe of
Left e -> Just $ if opCondByNum o2 False 1
then Right $ Expr'Op o2 [e]
else Left $ PartialExpr'Op o2 [e] $ Left True
Right (b, o1, es0) ->
let es = tail es0
e = head es0
cond1 = opClosedRight o1
cond2 = opCondByNum o1 True $ length es0
e0 = Expr'Op o1 $ reverse es0
in if b && cond1
then Just $ if opCondByNum o2 False 1
then Right $ Expr'Op o2 [e0]
else Left $ PartialExpr'Op o2 [e0] $ Left True
else if not b && cond1 || not cond2
then do
epe1 <- composePartialExpr o2 $ Right e
return $ Left $ case epe1 of
Left pe -> PartialExpr'Op o1 es $ Right pe
Right e1 -> PartialExpr'Op o1 (e1 : es) $ Left False
else case viewOpCompare o1 o2 of
OpAssocs'Left ->
Just $ if opCondByNum o2 False 1
then Right $ Expr'Op o2 [e0]
else Left $ PartialExpr'Op o2 [e0] $ Left True
OpAssocs'Right -> do
epe1 <- composePartialExpr o2 $ Right e
return $ case epe1 of
Left pe -> Left $ PartialExpr'Op o1 es $ Right pe
Right e1 -> Right $ Expr'Op o1 $ reverse $ e1 : es
OpAssocs'None -> Nothing
viewPartialExpr (Right e@(Expr'Var _)) = Left e
viewPartialExpr (Right (Expr'Op o es)) = Right (True, o, reverse es)
viewPartialExpr (Right e@(Expr'Fn _ _)) = Left e
viewPartialExpr (Left (PartialExpr'Op o es (Left False))) = Right (False, o, es)
viewPartialExpr _ = error "viewPartialExpr error: unreachable branch"
viewOpCompare :: Op -> Op -> OpAssocs
viewOpCompare o1 o2 =
case (_opRank o1 `compare` _opRank o2, _opAssocs o1, _opAssocs o2) of
(GT, _, _) -> OpAssocs'Left
(LT, _, _) -> OpAssocs'Right
(EQ, OpAssocs'Left, OpAssocs'Left) -> OpAssocs'Left
(EQ, OpAssocs'Right, OpAssocs'Right) -> OpAssocs'Right
_ -> OpAssocs'None
parse :: [Op] -> [Text] -> Maybe Expr
parse ops xs = do
let om = opsMapFromList ops
dm = delimitersMapFromList ops
ts0 = flip map xs $ tokenize (om, dm)
case uncons ts0 of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (t, ts) -> do
es <- startPartialExpr t
epe <- foldM (flip nextPartialExpr) es ts
case epe of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right e -> Just e
-- opRank :: Lens' Op Int
-- number > boolean > monoid = 0
-- 0 > apply operator > expression structure > parenthesis
-- number: !, negate > * > +
opsForTest :: [Op]
opsForTest =
-- ops
[ Op (Right []) (Just "negate") Nothing 4 OpAssocs'None
, Op (Right []) (Just "(") (Just ")") (negate 3) OpAssocs'None
, Op (Right ["+"]) Nothing Nothing 2 OpAssocs'Left
, Op (Right ["*"]) Nothing Nothing 3 OpAssocs'Left
, Op (Right ["then", "else"]) (Just "if") Nothing (negate 2) OpAssocs'None
, Op (Right ["?", ":"]) Nothing Nothing (negate 2) OpAssocs'Right
, Op (Right []) Nothing (Just "!") 4 OpAssocs'None
, Op (Right ["$"]) Nothing Nothing (negate 1) OpAssocs'Right
-- ops for debugging
, Op (Right []) Nothing (Just "!l") 5 OpAssocs'Left
, Op (Right []) Nothing (Just "!r") 5 OpAssocs'Right
, Op (Right []) (Just "#l") Nothing 5 OpAssocs'Left
, Op (Right []) (Just "#r") Nothing 5 OpAssocs'Right
, Op (Right ["$5"]) Nothing Nothing 5 OpAssocs'Right
, Op (Right ["+-5"]) Nothing Nothing (negate 5) OpAssocs'Left
, Op (Right ["$-4"]) Nothing Nothing (negate 4) OpAssocs'Right
, Op (Right ["+-4"]) Nothing Nothing (negate 4) OpAssocs'Left
, Op (Right []) Nothing (Just "!-5") (negate 5) OpAssocs'None
-- delimiters
, Op (Left ";") (Just "[") (Just "]") (negate 4) OpAssocs'None
, Op (Left ",") Nothing Nothing (negate 4) OpAssocs'None
-- delimiters for debugging
, Op (Left ",debug") Nothing Nothing (negate 4) OpAssocs'None
, Op (Left ",left1") Nothing Nothing (negate 4) OpAssocs'Left
, Op (Left ",left2") Nothing Nothing (negate 4) OpAssocs'Left
, Op (Left ",right1") Nothing Nothing (negate 4) OpAssocs'Right
, Op (Left ",right2") Nothing Nothing (negate 4) OpAssocs'Right
, Op (Left ";left") (Just "[left") (Just "]left") (negate 4) OpAssocs'Left
, Op (Left ";right") (Just "[right") (Just "]right") (negate 4) OpAssocs'Right
ts1 = ["(", "(", "b", ")", ")"]
ts2 = ["b", "?", "b", "?", "a", ":", "c", ":", "b", "?", "d", ":", "e"]
ts3 = ["negate", "(", "5", "!", ")"]
ts4 = ["5", "!", "!"]
ts5 = ["5", "!", "+", "3", "+", "a", "!"]
ts6 = ["(", "5", "!", ")", "!"]
ts7 = ["#l", "5", "!l"]
ts8 = ["#r", "5", "!r"]
ts9 = ["1", "+", "2", "*", "3", "+", "4"]
ts10 = ["1", "*", "(", "2", "+", "3", ")", "*", "4"]
ts11 = ["1", "*", "2", "+", "3", "*", "4"]
ts12 = ["#r", "f", "$5", "x"]
ts13 = ["#r", "f", "$", "g", "$", "x"]
ts14 = ["#r", "5", "!"]
ts15 = ["f", "2"]
ts16 = ["(", "(", "f", "2", ")", ")"]
ts17 = ["(", "(", "f", "2", ")", "3", "(", "g", "5", ")", ")"]
ts18 = ["f", "b", "?", "g", "b", "?", "a", ":", "c", ":", "h", "b", "?", "d", ":", "e"]
ts19 = ["negate", "(", "f", "5", "!", ")"]
ts20 = ["f", "5", "!", "!"]
ts21 = ["f", "5", "!", "+", "g", "3", "+", "h", "a", "!"]
ts22 = ["(", "f", "5", "!", ")", "!"]
ts23 = ["#l", "f", "5", "!l"]
ts24 = ["#r", "f", "5", "!r"]
ts25 = ["f", "1", "+", "f", "2", "*", "f", "3", "+", "f", "4"]
ts26 = ["f", "1", "*", "(", "f", "2", "+", "f", "3", ")", "*", "f", "4"]
ts27 = ["1", "*", "(", "g", "$", "f", "2", "+", "f", "3", ")", "5", "*", "4"]
ts28 = ["f", "1", "*", "f", "2", "+", "f", "3", "*", "f", "4"]
ts29 = ["#r", "f", "y", "$5", "g", "x"]
ts30 = ["#r", "f", "z", "$", "g", "y", "$", "h", "x"]
ts31 = ["#r", "f", "5", "!"]
ts32 = ["(", "(", "f", "b", ")", "(", "(", "g", "c", "d", ")", ")", ")", "(", "3", ")", "4"]
ts33 = ["f", "negate", "5", "negate", "5"]
ts34 = ["[", "]"]
ts35 = ["h", "(", "f", "3", ",", "g", "5", "!", ")"]
ts36 = ["a", ",", "[", "]", ",", "f", "b", "+", "g", "c", ",", "negate", "5"]
ts37 = ["(", "a", ",", "f", "b", "!", ")"]
ts38 = ["f", "[", "a", ";", "b", ",", "c", "]"]
ts39 = ["f", "a", "2", "[", "[", "g", "b", ";", "c", "]", "]"]
ts40 = ["f", "+", "[", "]", "+", "g", "[", "]", ",", "h", "x", "[", "]"]
ts41 = ["[", "]", "x", "!", "[", "]"]
ts42 = ["[", "]", "[", "]", ",", "x", "+", "y"]
ts43 = ["[", "x", "!", "?", "y", ":", "z", ";", "3", "]", "!"]
ts44 = ["[", "]", "?", "x", ":", "y"]
ts45 = ["[", "]", ",", "3", "+-5", "x"]
ts46 = ["(", "f", "[", "]", ")", "[", "g", "[", "]", "]"]
ts47 = ["(", "x", ",left1", "y", ",left2", "z", ")", "(", "a", ",right1", "b", ",right2", "c", ")"]
ts48 = ["[left", "x", ";left", "y", ",left1", "z", "]left", "[right", "a", ";right", "b", ",right2", "c", "]right"]
ts49 = ["(", "x", "+", "y", ")", ",right1", "f", "$-4", "z", ",right1", "w"]
ts50 = ["x", ",left1", "y", "+-4", "z", ",left1", "w"]
ts51 = ["2", ",", "3", "!-5", "+-5", "7", ",", "x"]
ts52 = ["[", "x", ";", "y", ",", "z", "]"]
tsc1 = []
tsc2 = ["negate"]
tsc3 = ["negate", "5", "!"]
tsc4 = ["1", "*", "else"]
tsc5 = ["1", "?", "3", "else"]
tsc6 = ["1", "?", "3", "5"]
tsc7 = ["1", "?", "3", "(", "5", ")"]
tsc8 = ["negate", "f", "5", "!"]
tsc9 = ["f", "1", "*", "else"]
tsc10 = ["f", "1", "?", "f", "3", "else"]
tsc11 = ["f", "1", "?", "g", "5"]
tsc12 = ["f", "1", "?", "g", "(", "5", ")"]
tsc13 = ["5", "else"]
tsc14 = [";"]
tsc15 = ["]"]
tsc16 = ["x", "]"]
tsc17 = ["negate", "]"]
tsc18 = ["negate", ","]
tsc19 = ["[", "3", ";", "]"]
tsc20 = ["(", "3", ",", ")"]
tsc21 = ["[", "3", ";", "5", ",", "]"]
tsc22 = ["(", "3", ",", "5", ";"]
tsc23 = ["x", ",", ";"]
tsc24 = ["3", "+", "2", ";"]
tsc25 = ["3", ",", "2", ";"]
tsc26 = ["x", ",", "y", ",debug"]
tsc27 = ["(", "x", ",left1", "y", ",right1"]
tsc28 = ["[left", "x", ";left", "y", ",right1"]
tsc29 = ["x", ",right1", "y", "+-4"]
tsc30 = ["x", "+-4", "y", ","]
tsc31 = ["[left", "x", ";left", "y", ";"]
tsc32 = ["?"]
spec :: IO ()
spec = do
forM_ [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, ts7, ts8, ts9, ts10, ts11, ts12, ts13, ts14, ts15, ts16, ts17, ts18, ts19, ts20, ts21, ts22, ts23, ts24, ts25, ts26, ts27, ts28, ts29, ts30, ts31, ts32, ts33, ts34, ts35, ts36, ts37, ts38, ts39, ts40, ts41, ts42, ts43, ts44, ts45, ts46, ts47, ts48, ts49, ts50, ts51, ts52] $ \ts -> do
let ee = parse opsForTest ts
case ee of
Nothing -> putStrLn "produced Nothing!"
Just e -> do
T.putStrLn $ "debugExpr: " <> debugExpr e
T.putStrLn $ "validExpr: " <> T.pack (show $ validExpr e)
forM_ [tsc1, tsc2, tsc3, tsc4, tsc5, tsc6, tsc7, tsc8, tsc9, tsc10, tsc11, tsc12, tsc13, tsc14, tsc15, tsc16, tsc17, tsc18, tsc19, tsc20, tsc21, tsc22, tsc23, tsc24, tsc25, tsc26, tsc27, tsc28, tsc29, tsc30, tsc31, tsc32] $ \ts -> do
let ee = parse opsForTest ts
case ee of
Nothing -> putStrLn "produced Nothing"
Just e -> do
putStrLn "produced not Nothing!"
T.putStrLn $ "debugExpr: " <> debugExpr e
T.putStrLn $ "validExpr: " <> T.pack (show $ validExpr e)
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