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Console log output
[vite] connecting... client.ts:16:8
[vite] connected. client.ts:53:14
<div style="display: none;">
- __vnode: Object { __v_isVNode: true, __v_skip: true, type: "div", … }
- __vueParentComponent: Object { uid: 30, vnode: {…}, type: {…}, … }
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- innerText: " I am a component popup. Clickme "
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- outerHTML: "<div style=\"display: none;\"><p> I am a component popup. Clickme </p></div>"
- outerText: " I am a component popup. Clickme "
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- textContent: " I am a component popup. Clickme "
- title: ""
- <prototype>: HTMLDivElementPrototype { align: Getter & Setter, … }
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