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Last active August 6, 2019 09:09
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Google Apps Script for PaperCall -> Slack
var slackIncomingWebhookUrl = 'https://xxxxxxxxxxxx';
var postChannel = "#serverlessdays2019";
var postIcon = ":papercall:";
var postUser = "PaperCall";
var postColor = "#FF7F50";
var messageFallback = "The attachment must be viewed as plain text.";
var messagePretext = "CFPの応募があったよ!\n";
var title = "Serverless Days Tokyo CFP";
var searchString = "New Submission For ServerlessDays Tokyo 2019";
var maxThreads = 100;
function searchContactMail() {
var query = searchString;
var messages = getMessages(query);
var newCount = 0;
var totalCount = 0;
for (var i = 0 ; i < messages.length; i++) {
totalCount += messages[i].length;
for (var j = 0; j < messages[i].length; j++) {
var msg = messages[i][j];
if (!msg.isStarred()) {
//Logger.log("starred: " + msg.isStarred());"date: " + msg.getDate());
if (newCount > 0) {
submitValuesToSlack(newCount, totalCount);
//Logger.log("Total messages: " + totalCount);"Total messages: " + totalCount);
function getMessages(query) {
var threads =, 0, maxThreads);
var messages = GmailApp.getMessagesForThreads(threads);
//Logger.log("threads:" + threads.length);"threads:" + threads.length);
return messages
function submitValuesToSlack(newCount, totalCount) {
var fields = [
"title" : "新規応募",
"value" : newCount,
"short" : false
"title" : "総応募件数",
"value" : totalCount,
"short" : false
var attachments = [{
"fallback" : messageFallback,
"pretext" : messagePretext,
"mrkdwn_in" : ["pretext"],
"color" : postColor,
"fields" : fields
var payload = {
"channel": postChannel,
"username": postUser,
"icon_emoji": postIcon,
"link_names": 1,
"attachments": attachments
var options = {
'method': 'post',
'payload': JSON.stringify(payload)
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(slackIncomingWebhookUrl, options);
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