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Created August 6, 2019 09:11
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Google Apps Script for Google Forms -> Slack
// This Google Sheets script will post to a slack channel when a user submits data to a Google Forms Spreadsheet
// View the README for installation instructions. Don't forget to add the required slack information below.
// Source:
// Begin customization //
// Alter this to match the incoming webhook url provided by Slack
var slackIncomingWebhookUrl = 'https://xxxxxxxxxxxx';
// Include # for public channels, omit it for private channels
var postChannel = "#serverlessdays2019";
var postIcon = ":serverless:";
var postUser = "Google Forms";
var postColor = "#0000DD";
var messageFallback = "The attachment must be viewed as plain text.";
var messagePretext = "通知リストへのサインアップがあったよ!";
var title = "Serverless Days Tokyo - Email notifiations";
var formLink = "";
// End customization //
// In the Script Editor, run initialize() at least once to make your code execute on form submit
function initialize() {
var triggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers();
for (var i in triggers) {
// Running the code in initialize() will cause this function to be triggered this on every Form Submit
function submitValuesToSlack(e) {
// Test code. uncomment to debug in Google Script editor
//if (typeof e === "undefined") {
//e = {namedValues: {"Question1": ["answer1"], "Question2" : ["answer2"]}};
//messagePretext = "Debugging our Sheets to Slack integration";
var attachments = constructAttachments(e.values);
//var attachments = [{"text": messagePretext}];
var payload = {
"channel": postChannel,
"username": postUser,
"icon_emoji": postIcon,
"link_names": 1,
"attachments": attachments
var options = {
'method': 'post',
'payload': JSON.stringify(payload)
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(slackIncomingWebhookUrl, options);
// Creates Slack message attachments which contain the data from the Google Form
// submission, which is passed in as a parameter
var constructAttachments = function(values) {
//var fields = makeFields(values);
var fields = [{
"title" : title,
"value" : formLink,
"short" : false
var attachments = [{
"fallback" : messageFallback,
"pretext" : messagePretext,
"mrkdwn_in" : ["pretext"],
"color" : postColor,
"fields" : fields
return attachments;
// Creates an array of Slack fields containing the questions and answers
var makeFields = function(values) {
var fields = [];
var columnNames = getColumnNames();
for (var i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++) {
var colName = columnNames[i];
var val = values[i];
fields.push(makeField(colName, val));
return fields;
// Creates a Slack field for your message
var makeField = function(question, answer) {
var field = {
"title" : question,
"value" : answer,
"short" : false
return field;
// Extracts the column names from the first row of the spreadsheet
var getColumnNames = function() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
// Get the header row using A1 notation
var headerRow = sheet.getRange("1:1");
// Extract the values from it
var headerRowValues = headerRow.getValues()[0];
return headerRowValues;
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