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Created December 18, 2015 02:09
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# author: @ijkilchenko
# MIT License
import math
import hashlib
import random
from collections import defaultdict
def base10_to_baseB(num, B):
digits = []
while num > 0:
p = math.floor(math.log2(num) / math.log2(B))
d = math.floor(num / (B ** p))
num = num - d * B ** p
if not digits:
digits = [0] * (p + 1)
digits[len(digits) - 1 - p] = d
return digits
class RainbowTable():
def __init__(self, vocab, word_length, chain_length, test_password='test_pass'):
self.chains = defaultdict(lambda : [])
self.vocab = vocab
self.P = len(self.vocab) ** word_length
self.n = word_length
self.chain_length = chain_length
# each of the words become our salts for the reduction functions
self.salts = 'the quick brown fox'.split()
self.salts = [self.string_2_hashval(self.salts[i]) for i in range(len(self.salts))]
self.test_word = test_password
self.is_test_word_generated = False
def get_ith_word_over_vocab(self, i):
assert i < self.P
choices = base10_to_baseB(i, len(self.vocab))
word = [self.vocab[j] for j in [0 for _ in range(0, self.n - len(choices))] + choices]
word = ''.join(word)
return word
def hashval_2_string(self, hashval, salt_index):
Here is an example of a reduction function, a function that maps from the
hashvalues into the set of all possible strings (which can be derived from
the vocabulary string). We simply take the hexadecimal value and one of the
salts (thus we have as many unique reduction functions as there are salts),
convert that to decimal, mod by the vocabulary size, and call the result i.
Finally, since we know the vocabulary, we can derive the i-th possible word
in the list of all lexicographically ordered words over the vocabulary.
We do these steps because the reduction function should be uniform and we
want to be able to map each hashvalue back into the set of all possible
i = (int(hashval, 16) + int(self.salts[salt_index % len(self.salts)], 16)) % self.P
return self.get_ith_word_over_vocab(i)
def string_2_hashval(self, string):
d = hashlib.sha256()
d.update(bytes(string, encoding='utf-8'))
return d.hexdigest()
def compute_chains(self):
print('Building our rainbow table', end="")
num_of_chains = math.floor(self.P / self.chain_length)
start_words = [self.get_ith_word_over_vocab(i) for i in random.sample(range(0, self.P), num_of_chains)]
for count, word in enumerate(start_words):
if count % (math.floor(len(start_words) / 10)) == 0:
print('.', end="")
chain_start_word = word
if self.test_word == chain_start_word:
self.is_test_word_generated = True
for salt_index in range(self.chain_length):
word, _ = self.forward(word, salt_index)
if self.test_word == word and salt_index != self.chain_length - 1:
self.is_test_word_generated = True
chain_end_word = word
num_of_words = 0
for word in self.chains:
num_of_words += len(self.chains[word]) + 1
print('%i\t Size (number of cells with some chains having merged ends) in our rainbow table' % num_of_words)
print('%i\t Size (number of cells, half of which are hashes) of a table without the hash chaining trick' % (self.P * 2))
print('%.2f\t Compression ratio' % (self.P * 2 / num_of_words))
def forward(self, word, salt_index):
hashval = self.string_2_hashval(word)
word = self.hashval_2_string(hashval, salt_index)
return (word, hashval)
def find_inverse(self, password_hashval):
def forward_from_start(chain_start_word):
word = chain_start_word
for i in range(self.chain_length + 1):
possible_password = word
word, hashval = r.forward(word, i)
if hashval == password_hashval:
return possible_password
for salt_index in range(len(self.salts)):
word = self.hashval_2_string(password_hashval, salt_index)
salt_index += 1
for _ in range(self.chain_length):
if word in self.chains:
chain_start_words = self.chains[word]
for chain_start_word in chain_start_words:
password = forward_from_start(chain_start_word)
if password is not None:
return password
word, _ = self.forward(word, salt_index)
salt_index += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert base10_to_baseB(11, 2) == [int(i) for i in '1011']
assert base10_to_baseB(11, 3) == [int(i) for i in '102']
assert base10_to_baseB(1001, 10) == [int(i) for i in '1001']
test_password = 'aababa'
r = RainbowTable(vocab='abcd1234', word_length=6, chain_length=10, test_password=test_password)
password_hashval = r.string_2_hashval(test_password)
if r.is_test_word_generated == True:
guessed_password = r.find_inverse(password_hashval)
assert guessed_password == test_password
print('Test password is %s. Test attack succeeded. ' % guessed_password)
print('The reduction function did not map to test password. Attack failed. ')
pass1 = '3baba2'
h1 = r.string_2_hashval(pass1)
h1_inv = r.find_inverse(h1)
print('The password for %s is %s ' % (h1, h1_inv))
if (pass1 == h1_inv):
print('Attack succeeded.')
print('Attack failed.')
pass2 = 'bada33'
h2 = r.string_2_hashval(pass2)
h2_inv = r.find_inverse(h2)
print('The password for %s is %s ' % (h2, h2_inv))
if (pass2 == h2_inv):
print('Attack succeeded.')
print('Attack failed.')
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If you keep the seed set as in, then the expected output is

Building our rainbow table...........Done
43571    Size (number of cells with some chains having merged ends) in our rainbow table
524288   Size (number of cells, half of which are hashes) of a table without the hash chaining trick
12.03    Compression ratio
Test password is aababa. Test attack succeeded. 

The password for 39154c763466336951fee3bfc7d03bdd9a5d2c2e6d07daff85942502a477be19 is None 
Attack failed.

The password for 8046b5df11078ac5131fcf861503ab0d5863438389b3bd1ba7b09fab7b8c019c is bada33 
Attack succeeded.

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