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Created January 19, 2016 02:31
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Depth First Search in C++. To compile: g++ -std=c++11 dfs.cpp
//Title: Depth first search in C++
//Author: Shaun Cheng
//Date: 1/18/2016
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
//This is an iterative DFS implementation using stack on heap memory.
//The children of each node is an iterable container, else it won't compile.
//1)pass node, the root of the tree
//2)pass a predicate that has a function: bool operator().
//the node which passes the predicate, or, nullptr if such node cannot be found.
//Time Complexity:
//O(N) where N is num of nodes.
//Space Complexity:
//O(N) where N is num of nodes.
//Note: a recursive implementation could run faster and use less memory.
//However, since we are not given a balanced tree, a recursive solution
//runs the risk of stack overflow for high trees.
//Hence an iterative implementation is chosen here.
template <class T, class UnaryPredicate>
T* dfs(T *node, UnaryPredicate pred)
stack<T*> dfs_stack;
if(node) dfs_stack.push(node);
while(!dfs_stack.empty()) {
T *top =;
if(pred(*top)) return top;
for(auto n:top->children)
if(n) dfs_stack.push(n);
return nullptr;
//NOTE: The following code is to test the above function works.
//For the code to compile, a node much have public members:
//name: a string denoteing name of the node
//children: a container(w/ iterator interface) for its child nodes;
//prints tree in human readable format
template <class T>
void print_tree(T *node, int offset=0)
if(node == nullptr) return;
for(int i=0; i<offset; ++i) cout <<"|_";
cout <<node->name<<endl;
for(auto n:node->children) print_tree(n, offset);
//test dfs with general K-ary tree
//name is string
//children container is vector
void test_K_ary_tree(const string &search_key)
struct TreeNode {
TreeNode(const string &s):name(s){}
string name;
vector<TreeNode*> children;
TreeNode a("a");
TreeNode b("b");
TreeNode c("c");
TreeNode d("d");
TreeNode e("e");
TreeNode f("f");
TreeNode g("g");
TreeNode h("h");
cout <<"Printing the K-ary tree:"<<endl;
auto pred = [&search_key](const TreeNode &node) {
return 0 ==;
cout <<"\nThe search result using dfs for name '"<<search_key<<"' is:\n";
print_tree(dfs(&a, pred));
//test dfs with a binary tree
//name is integer
//children container is c++11 array
void test_binary_tree(int search_key)
struct Node{
Node(int i):name(i){}
int name;
array<Node*, 2> children = {{nullptr, nullptr}};
Node a(1);
Node b(2);
Node c(3);
Node d(4);
Node e(5);
Node f(6);
Node g(7);
Node h(8);
a.children[0] = &b;
a.children[1] = &c;
b.children[0] = &d;
b.children[1] = &e;
c.children[0] = &g;
c.children[1] = &h;
cout <<"Printing the binary tree:"<<endl;
auto pred = [search_key](const Node &node) {
return == search_key;
cout <<"\nThe search result using dfs for name '"<<search_key<<"' is:\n";
print_tree(dfs(&a, pred));
//main function to test *-first search
int main()
cout <<">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TESTING K-ARY TREE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" << endl;
cout <<">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TESTING BINARY TREE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" << endl;
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