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Last active October 12, 2023 07:22
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How to connect NiFi with Kerberized HDP

Some of these steps may not be required, and some were forgotten to be here, but these were the steps to Kerberize my HDP sandbox VM. Password shown here is just memorandoms for myself, you should set more secure ones:

  • Install by downloading the latest HDF
  • Start Kafka, stop maintenance mode.
  • Restart all affected services
  • Install a new MIT KDC [1] KDC database master key=kdc-key, admin=admin
  • Enable Kerberos from Ambari
  • Proceed with Ambari Kerberos wizard
  • Check Pig failed to pass the test, but continued with Complete button anyway.
  • Start services manually that didn't start automatically
  • Configured Kafka for Kerberos over Ambari [2]
  • Modify Kafka listeners from PLAINTEXT://localhost:6667 to PLAINTEXTSASL://localhost:6667 from Ambari
  • Enable Kafka ranger plugin in Ranger config, and Check Enable Ranger for KAFKA in Kafka config from Ambari [6]
  • Setup Ranger Kafka service [3] Don't know what the password should be here. kafka/kafka passed connection test.
  • If a consumer has already connected to the same topic using same consumer group id, then other consumer using different sasl user can't connect using the same group id. Because a Znode is already created with ACL.
  • Setup NiFi to access Kerberized Kafka [4], watch out for the '"' when you copy and paste example. Another example file is available here.
  • Setup NiFi to access Kerberized HDFS by setting /etc/krb5.conf as nifi.kerberos.krb5.file in
  • Using only Ranger to manager access control is recommended [5]
  • Setup NiFi Dataflow using PutKafka, GetKafka and PutHDFS, example template

Administor Kerberos database

kadmin -p admin/admin@EXAMPLE.COM
kadmin:  listprincs

kadmin:  addprinc nifi/ (pass: nifi)
kadmin:xst -norandkey -k nifi.keytab nifi/

Kafka producer

kinit -k -t /etc/security/keytabs/kafka.service.keytab kafka/
./bin/ --topic test --broker-list --security-protocol PLAINTEXTSASL

As nifi user

kinit -k -t /opt/HDF- nifi/
./bin/ --topic test --broker-list --security-protocol PLAINTEXTSASL

Kafka consumer

kinit -k -t /etc/security/keytabs/kafka.service.keytab kafka/
./bin/ --zookeeper --topic test --security-protocol PLAINTEXTSASL


Kafka is generated here

[root@sandbox kafka-broker]# cat /kafka-logs/
#Mon Mar 14 14:19:42 UTC 2016

Zookeeper shell

export JVMFLAGS=""
getAcl /consumers
: cdrwa
getAcl /consumers/b2e49a74-9a08-4232-81d2-7e19fcea8591/ids
: r
: cdrwa
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<description>This template generates messages, puts it to Kafka topic. Then another processor gets messages from
Kafka and put it on HDFS.
<name>Kerberized Kafka and HDFS</name>
<backPressureDataSizeThreshold>0 MB</backPressureDataSizeThreshold>
<flowFileExpiration>0 sec</flowFileExpiration>
<backPressureDataSizeThreshold>0 MB</backPressureDataSizeThreshold>
<flowFileExpiration>0 sec</flowFileExpiration>
<backPressureDataSizeThreshold>0 MB</backPressureDataSizeThreshold>
<flowFileExpiration>0 sec</flowFileExpiration>
<backPressureDataSizeThreshold>0 MB</backPressureDataSizeThreshold>
<flowFileExpiration>0 sec</flowFileExpiration>
<value>0 sec</value>
<value>* * * * * ?</value>
<key>ZooKeeper Connection String</key>
<description>The Connection String to use in order to connect to ZooKeeper. This is often a
comma-separated list of &lt;host&gt;:&lt;port&gt; combinations. For example,
<displayName>ZooKeeper Connection String</displayName>
<name>ZooKeeper Connection String</name>
<key>Topic Name</key>
<description>The Kafka Topic to pull messages from</description>
<displayName>Topic Name</displayName>
<name>Topic Name</name>
<key>Zookeeper Commit Frequency</key>
<defaultValue>60 secs</defaultValue>
<description>Specifies how often to communicate with ZooKeeper to indicate which messages
have been pulled. A longer time period will result in better overall performance but can
result in more data duplication if a NiFi node is lost
<displayName>Zookeeper Commit Frequency</displayName>
<name>Zookeeper Commit Frequency</name>
<key>Batch Size</key>
<description>Specifies the maximum number of messages to combine into a single FlowFile.
These messages will be concatenated together with the &lt;Message Demarcator&gt; string
placed between the content of each message. If the messages from Kafka should not be
concatenated together, leave this value at 1.
<displayName>Batch Size</displayName>
<name>Batch Size</name>
<key>Message Demarcator</key>
<description>Specifies the characters to use in order to demarcate multiple messages from
Kafka. If the &lt;Batch Size&gt; property is set to 1, this value is ignored. Otherwise,
for each two subsequent messages in the batch, this value will be placed in between
<displayName>Message Demarcator</displayName>
<name>Message Demarcator</name>
<key>Client Name</key>
<description>Client Name to use when communicating with Kafka</description>
<displayName>Client Name</displayName>
<name>Client Name</name>
<key>Group ID</key>
<description>A Group ID is used to identify consumers that are within the same consumer
<displayName>Group ID</displayName>
<name>Group ID</name>
<key>Kafka Communications Timeout</key>
<defaultValue>30 secs</defaultValue>
<description>The amount of time to wait for a response from Kafka before determining that
there is a communications error
<displayName>Kafka Communications Timeout</displayName>
<name>Kafka Communications Timeout</name>
<key>ZooKeeper Communications Timeout</key>
<defaultValue>30 secs</defaultValue>
<description>The amount of time to wait for a response from ZooKeeper before determining
that there is a communications error
<displayName>ZooKeeper Communications Timeout</displayName>
<name>ZooKeeper Communications Timeout</name>
<key>Auto Offset Reset</key>
<description>Automatically reset the offset to the smallest or largest offset available on
the broker
<displayName>Auto Offset Reset</displayName>
<name>Auto Offset Reset</name>
<description>Specifies the value for 'security.protocol' Kafka Configuration.</description>
<penaltyDuration>30 sec</penaltyDuration>
<key>ZooKeeper Connection String</key>
<key>Topic Name</key>
<key>Zookeeper Commit Frequency</key>
<value>60 secs</value>
<key>Batch Size</key>
<key>Message Demarcator</key>
<key>Client Name</key>
<key>Group ID</key>
<key>Kafka Communications Timeout</key>
<value>30 secs</value>
<key>ZooKeeper Communications Timeout</key>
<value>30 secs</value>
<key>Auto Offset Reset</key>
<schedulingPeriod>0 sec</schedulingPeriod>
<yieldDuration>1 sec</yieldDuration>
<description>All FlowFiles that are created are routed to this relationship</description>
<value>0 sec</value>
<value>* * * * * ?</value>
<key>Known Brokers</key>
<description>A comma-separated list of known Kafka Brokers in the format &lt;host&gt;:&lt;port&gt;</description>
<displayName>Known Brokers</displayName>
<name>Known Brokers</name>
<key>Topic Name</key>
<description>The Kafka Topic of interest</description>
<displayName>Topic Name</displayName>
<name>Topic Name</name>
<key>Partition Strategy</key>
<description>Messages will be assigned partitions in a round-robin fashion, sending the
first message to Partition 1, the next Partition to Partition 2, and so on, wrapping
as necessary.
<displayName>Round Robin</displayName>
<value>Round Robin</value>
<description>Messages will be assigned to random partitions.</description>
<value>Random Robin</value>
<description>The &lt;Partition&gt; property will be used to determine the partition. All
messages within the same FlowFile will be assigned to the same partition.
<defaultValue>Round Robin</defaultValue>
<description>Specifies how messages should be partitioned when sent to Kafka</description>
<displayName>Partition Strategy</displayName>
<name>Partition Strategy</name>
<description>Specifies which Kafka Partition to add the message to. If using a message
delimiter, all messages in the same FlowFile will be sent to the same partition. If a
partition is specified but is not valid, then all messages within the same FlowFile will
use the same partition but it remains undefined which partition is used.
<key>Kafka Key</key>
<description>The Key to use for the Message</description>
<displayName>Kafka Key</displayName>
<name>Kafka Key</name>
<key>Delivery Guarantee</key>
<description>FlowFile will be routed to success after successfully writing the content
to a Kafka node, without waiting for a response. This provides the best performance
but may result in data loss.
<displayName>Best Effort</displayName>
<description>FlowFile will be routed to success if the message is received by a single
Kafka node, whether or not it is replicated. This is faster than &lt;Guarantee
Replicated Delivery&gt; but can result in data loss if a Kafka node crashes
<displayName>Guarantee Single Node Delivery</displayName>
<description>FlowFile will be routed to failure unless the message is replicated to the
appropriate number of Kafka Nodes according to the Topic configuration
<displayName>Guarantee Replicated Delivery</displayName>
<description>Specifies the requirement for guaranteeing that a message is sent to Kafka
<displayName>Delivery Guarantee</displayName>
<name>Delivery Guarantee</name>
<key>Message Delimiter</key>
<description>Specifies the delimiter (interpreted in its UTF-8 byte representation) to use
for splitting apart multiple messages within a single FlowFile. If not specified, the
entire content of the FlowFile will be used as a single message. If specified, the
contents of the FlowFile will be split on this delimiter and each section sent as a
separate Kafka message. Note that if messages are delimited and some messages for a
given FlowFile are transferred successfully while others are not, the messages will be
split into individual FlowFiles, such that those messages that were successfully sent
are routed to the 'success' relationship while other messages are sent to the 'failure'
<displayName>Message Delimiter</displayName>
<name>Message Delimiter</name>
<key>Max Buffer Size</key>
<defaultValue>5 MB</defaultValue>
<description>The maximum amount of data to buffer in memory before sending to Kafka
<displayName>Max Buffer Size</displayName>
<name>Max Buffer Size</name>
<key>Max Record Size</key>
<defaultValue>1 MB</defaultValue>
<description>The maximum size that any individual record can be.</description>
<displayName>Max Record Size</displayName>
<name>Max Record Size</name>
<key>Communications Timeout</key>
<defaultValue>30 secs</defaultValue>
<description>The amount of time to wait for a response from Kafka before determining that
there is a communications error
<displayName>Communications Timeout</displayName>
<name>Communications Timeout</name>
<key>Async Batch Size</key>
<description>The number of messages to send in one batch. The producer will wait until
either this number of messages are ready to send or &quot;Queue Buffering Max Time&quot;
is reached. NOTE: This property will be ignored unless the 'Message Delimiter' property
is specified.
<displayName>Batch Size</displayName>
<name>Async Batch Size</name>
<key>Queue Buffering Max Time</key>
<defaultValue>5 secs</defaultValue>
<description>Maximum time to buffer data before sending to Kafka. For example a setting of
100 ms will try to batch together 100 milliseconds' worth of messages to send at once.
This will improve throughput but adds message delivery latency due to the buffering.
<displayName>Queue Buffering Max Time</displayName>
<name>Queue Buffering Max Time</name>
<key>Compression Codec</key>
<description>Compression will not be used for any topic.</description>
<description>Compress messages using GZIP</description>
<description>Compress messages using Snappy</description>
<description>This parameter allows you to specify the compression codec for all data
generated by this producer.
<displayName>Compression Codec</displayName>
<name>Compression Codec</name>
<key>Client Name</key>
<description>Client Name to use when communicating with Kafka</description>
<displayName>Client Name</displayName>
<name>Client Name</name>
<description>Specifies the value for 'security.protocol' Kafka Configuration.</description>
<penaltyDuration>30 sec</penaltyDuration>
<key>Known Brokers</key>
<key>Topic Name</key>
<key>Partition Strategy</key>
<value>Round Robin</value>
<key>Kafka Key</key>
<key>Delivery Guarantee</key>
<key>Message Delimiter</key>
<key>Max Buffer Size</key>
<value>5 MB</value>
<key>Max Record Size</key>
<value>1 MB</value>
<key>Communications Timeout</key>
<value>30 secs</value>
<key>Async Batch Size</key>
<key>Queue Buffering Max Time</key>
<value>5 secs</value>
<key>Compression Codec</key>
<key>Client Name</key>
<schedulingPeriod>0 sec</schedulingPeriod>
<yieldDuration>1 sec</yieldDuration>
<description>Any FlowFile that cannot be sent to Kafka will be routed to this Relationship</description>
<description>Any FlowFile that is successfully sent to Kafka will be routed to this Relationship
<value>0 sec</value>
<value>* * * * * ?</value>
<key>Regular Expression</key>
<description>The Search Value to search for in the FlowFile content. Only used for 'Literal
Replace' and 'Regex Replace' matching strategies
<displayName>Search Value</displayName>
<name>Regular Expression</name>
<key>Replacement Value</key>
<description>The value to insert using the 'Replacement Strategy'. Using &quot;Regex Replace&quot;
back-references to Regular Expression capturing groups are supported, but
back-references that reference capturing groups that do not exist in the regular
expression will be treated as literal value. Back References may also be referenced
using the Expression Language, as '$1', '$2', etc. The single-tick marks MUST be
included, as these variables are not &quot;Standard&quot; attribute names (attribute
names must be quoted unless they contain only numbers, letters, and _).
<displayName>Replacement Value</displayName>
<name>Replacement Value</name>
<key>Character Set</key>
<description>The Character Set in which the file is encoded</description>
<displayName>Character Set</displayName>
<name>Character Set</name>
<key>Maximum Buffer Size</key>
<defaultValue>1 MB</defaultValue>
<description>Specifies the maximum amount of data to buffer (per file or per line, depending
on the Evaluation Mode) in order to apply the replacement. If 'Entire Text' (in
Evaluation Mode) is selected and the FlowFile is larger than this value, the FlowFile
will be routed to 'failure'. In 'Line-by-Line' Mode, if a single line is larger than
this value, the FlowFile will be routed to 'failure'. A default value of 1 MB is
provided, primarily for 'Entire Text' mode. In 'Line-by-Line' Mode, a value such as 8 KB
or 16 KB is suggested. This value is ignored if the &lt;Replacement Strategy&gt;
property is set to one of: Append, Prepend, Always Replace
<displayName>Maximum Buffer Size</displayName>
<name>Maximum Buffer Size</name>
<key>Replacement Strategy</key>
<description>Insert the Replacement Value at the beginning of the FlowFile or the
beginning of each line (depending on the Evaluation Mode). For &quot;Line-by-Line&quot;
Evaluation Mode, the value will be prepended to each line. For &quot;Entire Text&quot;
evaluation mode, the value will be prepended to the entire text.
<description>Insert the Replacement Value at the end of the FlowFile or the end of each
line (depending on the Evluation Mode). For &quot;Line-by-Line&quot; Evaluation
Mode, the value will be appended to each line. For &quot;Entire Text&quot;
evaluation mode, the value will be appended to the entire text.
<description>Interpret the Search Value as a Regular Expression and replace all matches
with the Replacement Value. The Replacement Value may reference Capturing Groups
used in the Search Value by using a dollar-sign followed by the Capturing Group
number, such as $1 or $2. If the Search Value is set to .* then everything is
replaced without even evaluating the Regular Expression.
<displayName>Regex Replace</displayName>
<value>Regex Replace</value>
<description>Search for all instances of the Search Value and replace the matches with
the Replacement Value.
<displayName>Literal Replace</displayName>
<value>Literal Replace</value>
<description>Always replaces the entire line or the entire contents of the FlowFile
(depending on the value of the &lt;Evaluation Mode&gt; property) and does not bother
searching for any value. When this strategy is chosen, the &lt;Search Value&gt;
property is ignored.
<displayName>Always Replace</displayName>
<value>Always Replace</value>
<defaultValue>Regex Replace</defaultValue>
<description>The strategy for how and what to replace within the FlowFile's text content.
<displayName>Replacement Strategy</displayName>
<name>Replacement Strategy</name>
<key>Evaluation Mode</key>
<displayName>Entire text</displayName>
<value>Entire text</value>
<defaultValue>Entire text</defaultValue>
<description>Run the 'Replacement Strategy' against each line separately (Line-by-Line) or
buffer the entire file into memory (Entire Text) and run against that.
<displayName>Evaluation Mode</displayName>
<name>Evaluation Mode</name>
<penaltyDuration>30 sec</penaltyDuration>
<key>Regular Expression</key>
<key>Replacement Value</key>
<value>Message from NiFi ${now()}</value>
<key>Character Set</key>
<key>Maximum Buffer Size</key>
<value>1 MB</value>
<key>Replacement Strategy</key>
<value>Regex Replace</value>
<key>Evaluation Mode</key>
<value>Entire text</value>
<schedulingPeriod>0 sec</schedulingPeriod>
<yieldDuration>1 sec</yieldDuration>
<description>FlowFiles that could not be updated are routed to this relationship</description>
<description>FlowFiles that have been successfully processed are routed to this relationship. This
includes both FlowFiles that had text replaced and those that did not.
<value>0 sec</value>
<value>* * * * * ?</value>
<key>File Size</key>
<description>The size of the file that will be used</description>
<displayName>File Size</displayName>
<name>File Size</name>
<key>Batch Size</key>
<description>The number of FlowFiles to be transferred in each invocation</description>
<displayName>Batch Size</displayName>
<name>Batch Size</name>
<key>Data Format</key>
<description>Specifies whether the data should be Text or Binary</description>
<displayName>Data Format</displayName>
<name>Data Format</name>
<key>Unique FlowFiles</key>
<description>If true, each FlowFile that is generated will be unique. If false, a random
value will be generated and all FlowFiles will get the same content but this offers much
higher throughput
<displayName>Unique FlowFiles</displayName>
<name>Unique FlowFiles</name>
<penaltyDuration>30 sec</penaltyDuration>
<key>File Size</key>
<key>Batch Size</key>
<key>Data Format</key>
<key>Unique FlowFiles</key>
<schedulingPeriod>10 sec</schedulingPeriod>
<yieldDuration>1 sec</yieldDuration>
<value>0 sec</value>
<value>* * * * * ?</value>
<key>Hadoop Configuration Resources</key>
<description>A file or comma separated list of files which contains the Hadoop file system
configuration. Without this, Hadoop will search the classpath for a 'core-site.xml' and
'hdfs-site.xml' file or will revert to a default configuration.
<displayName>Hadoop Configuration Resources</displayName>
<name>Hadoop Configuration Resources</name>
<key>Kerberos Principal</key>
<description>Kerberos principal to authenticate as. Requires nifi.kerberos.krb5.file to be
set in your
<displayName>Kerberos Principal</displayName>
<name>Kerberos Principal</name>
<key>Kerberos Keytab</key>
<description>Kerberos keytab associated with the principal. Requires nifi.kerberos.krb5.file
to be set in your
<displayName>Kerberos Keytab</displayName>
<name>Kerberos Keytab</name>
<key>Kerberos Relogin Period</key>
<defaultValue>4 hours</defaultValue>
<description>Period of time which should pass before attempting a kerberos relogin
<displayName>Kerberos Relogin Period</displayName>
<name>Kerberos Relogin Period</name>
<description>The parent HDFS directory to which files should be written</description>
<key>Conflict Resolution Strategy</key>
<description>Indicates what should happen when a file with the same name already exists in
the output directory
<displayName>Conflict Resolution Strategy</displayName>
<name>Conflict Resolution Strategy</name>
<key>Block Size</key>
<description>Size of each block as written to HDFS. This overrides the Hadoop
<displayName>Block Size</displayName>
<name>Block Size</name>
<key>IO Buffer Size</key>
<description>Amount of memory to use to buffer file contents during IO. This overrides the
Hadoop Configuration
<displayName>IO Buffer Size</displayName>
<name>IO Buffer Size</name>
<description>Number of times that HDFS will replicate each file. This overrides the Hadoop
<key>Permissions umask</key>
<description>A umask represented as an octal number which determines the permissions of
files written to HDFS. This overrides the Hadoop Configuration dfs.umaskmode
<displayName>Permissions umask</displayName>
<name>Permissions umask</name>
<key>Remote Owner</key>
<description>Changes the owner of the HDFS file to this value after it is written. This only
works if NiFi is running as a user that has HDFS super user privilege to change owner
<displayName>Remote Owner</displayName>
<name>Remote Owner</name>
<key>Remote Group</key>
<description>Changes the group of the HDFS file to this value after it is written. This only
works if NiFi is running as a user that has HDFS super user privilege to change group
<displayName>Remote Group</displayName>
<name>Remote Group</name>
<key>Compression codec</key>
<displayName>Compression codec</displayName>
<name>Compression codec</name>
<penaltyDuration>30 sec</penaltyDuration>
<key>Hadoop Configuration Resources</key>
<key>Kerberos Principal</key>
<key>Kerberos Keytab</key>
<key>Kerberos Relogin Period</key>
<value>4 hours</value>
<key>Conflict Resolution Strategy</key>
<key>Block Size</key>
<key>IO Buffer Size</key>
<key>Permissions umask</key>
<key>Remote Owner</key>
<key>Remote Group</key>
<key>Compression codec</key>
<schedulingPeriod>0 sec</schedulingPeriod>
<yieldDuration>1 sec</yieldDuration>
<description>Files that could not be written to HDFS for some reason are transferred to this
<description>Files that have been successfully written to HDFS are transferred to this relationship
<value>0 sec</value>
<value>* * * * * ?</value>
<key>Log Level</key>
<description>The Log Level to use when logging the Attributes</description>
<displayName>Log Level</displayName>
<name>Log Level</name>
<key>Log Payload</key>
<description>If true, the FlowFile's payload will be logged, in addition to its attributes;
otherwise, just the Attributes will be logged.
<displayName>Log Payload</displayName>
<name>Log Payload</name>
<key>Attributes to Log</key>
<description>A comma-separated list of Attributes to Log. If not specified, all attributes
will be logged.
<displayName>Attributes to Log</displayName>
<name>Attributes to Log</name>
<key>Attributes to Ignore</key>
<description>A comma-separated list of Attributes to ignore. If not specified, no attributes
will be ignored.
<displayName>Attributes to Ignore</displayName>
<name>Attributes to Ignore</name>
<key>Log prefix</key>
<description>Log prefix appended to the log lines. It helps to distinguish the output of
multiple LogAttribute processors.
<displayName>Log prefix</displayName>
<name>Log prefix</name>
<penaltyDuration>30 sec</penaltyDuration>
<key>Log Level</key>
<key>Log Payload</key>
<key>Attributes to Log</key>
<key>Attributes to Ignore</key>
<key>Log prefix</key>
<schedulingPeriod>0 sec</schedulingPeriod>
<yieldDuration>1 sec</yieldDuration>
<description>All FlowFiles are routed to this relationship</description>
<timestamp>07/05/2016 11:53:25 UTC</timestamp>
Client { required
KafkaClient { required
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