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Created September 19, 2016 21:39
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How to handle errors in #golang
Below are a bunch of resources that help you grok error handling in Go.
* Listen to Go Time Podcast #16, specifically the parts on error handling
* Read
* Read
* Use the errors pkg for some syntactic sugar...
Use Dave Cheney's "rules"... either handle the error locally and then never again (e.g. log to stderr) OR
pass the error up the call stack. Consider annotating the error... errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to access %s upload folder", account)
before passing it back up the stack.
Errors are really just values like ints and strings.
That penny dropped when I connected a "data producer" to a "data consumer" via a Go channel. The producer produces messages,
the consumer consumed them. But rather than just sending Messages over a channel, I started sending MessageAndError over the channel instead.
This meant the producer didn't have complicated error handling or fail drastically. If something went wrong during the
creation of the message, all I need to do was bundle the error with the message and sent it down the channel.
The MessageAndError consumer would decide what to do with each individual Message and Error. Reject the whole job, or after 50 errors, etc.
Good luck!
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