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Created April 1, 2015 09:05
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ReactNative NavigatorIOS component doesn't pass 'navigator' object into props
var CBSupport = React.createClass({
_handleNextButtonPress: function() {
AlertIOS.alert("Be A Lert");
// this.props does not contain a 'navigator' property
component: Login,
title: 'Login'
render: function() {
component: Accounts,
title: 'Accounts',
rightButtonTitle: 'Add',
onRightButtonPress: this._handleNextButtonPress,
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ijonas commented Apr 1, 2015

I'm probably doing something wrong, but I'm trying to navigate to a new scene by tapping the right button on a NavigatorIOS component.

The onRightButtonPress fires, as does the subsequent AlertIOS, but this.props doesn't contain a reference to the navigator.

What am I missing?

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