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Created December 11, 2011 11:15
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(library (tagbody)
(export tagbody go)
(import (rnrs)
(for (tagbody utils) expand)
(for (srfi :8 receive) expand))
(define (go tag)
(tag #f))
(define-syntax tagbody
(lambda (stx)
(define (make-group tag statements next)
(lambda (escape)
(lambda (k)
(set! #,tag k)
(escape k)))
#,(if next
#`(go #,next)
(define (exprs->groups first-tag list)
(unzip (plist->alist identifier?
(cons first-tag list))))
(syntax-case stx ()
[(tagbody tags-or-statements ...)
(let ((init #'init))
(receive (tags groups) (exprs->groups
(syntax->list #'(tags-or-statements ...)))
(with-syntax (((entry-point ...) (generate-temporaries tags))
((tag ...) tags)
((group ...)
(map make-group tags groups (shift-left tags #f))))
#`(let ((tag #f) ... (done #f))
(let ((entry-point group) ...)
(unless done
(set! done #t)
(go #,init)))))))])))
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