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Created March 1, 2012 00:28
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(library (toys quasiquote)
(export quasiquote
(import (except (rnrs) quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing))
(define-syntax unquote
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-violation 'unquote
"unquote not allowed outside a quasiquote expression"
(define-syntax unquote-splicing
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-violation 'unquote-splicing
"unquote-splicing not allowed outside a quasiquote expression"
;; in order to be fully compliant quasiquote shouldn't cons unless
;; necessary, and punt to the implementation of quote, however I do
;; not do this for simplicity
(define-syntax quasiquote
(syntax-rules ()
((quasiquote expr)
(quasiquote-helper expr ()))))
(define-syntax quasiquote-helper
(syntax-rules (quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing)
((quasiquote-helper (quasiquote expr) stack)
(list (quote quasiquote)
(quasiquote-helper expr (#f . stack))))
((quasiquote-helper (unquote expr) ())
((quasiquote-helper (unquote expr) (_ . rest))
(list (quote unquote)
;; quasiquote-helper here so that multiple argument unquote
;; or unquote-splicing gives an error
(quasiquote-helper expr rest)))
((quasiquote-helper (unquote exprs ...) stack)
(syntax-violation 'unquote
"Multiple arguments to unquote only allowed in a list or vector"
(unquote exprs ...)))
((quasiquote-helper (unquote-splicing exprs ...) stack)
(syntax-violation 'unquote-splicing
"unquote-splicing forms only allowed in a list or vector"
(unquote-splicing exprs ...)))
((quasiquote-helper (car . cdr) stack)
(list-helper (car . cdr) stack))
((quasiquote-helper #(elems ...) stack)
(vector-helper #(elems ...) stack))
((quasiquote-helper expr stack)
(quote expr))))
(define-syntax list-helper
(syntax-rules (quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing)
;; Single argument unquote needs to be handled as it can appear at
;; the end of a list, however multiple arguments and unquote
;; splicing do not, as there is no outer list to splice into
((list-helper (unquote expr) ())
((list-helper (unquote expr) (_ . rest))
(list (quote unquote)
(quasiquote-helper expr rest)))
((list-helper ((quasiquote expr) . cdr) stack)
(cons (quasiquote-helper (quasiquote expr) stack)
(list-helper cdr stack)))
;; unquote & unquote splicing in cars need to be handled here in
;; order to splice correctly
((list-helper ((unquote exprs ...) . cdr) ())
(append (list exprs ...)
(list-helper cdr ())))
((list-helper ((unquote . exprs) . cdr) (first . rest))
;; needs to use list-helper on exprs, so that we can splice into
;; unquote/unquote-splicing forms
(cons (cons (quote unquote) (list-helper exprs rest))
(list-helper cdr (first . rest))))
((list-helper ((unquote-splicing exprs ...) . cdr) ())
(append exprs ...
(list-helper cdr ())))
((list-helper ((unquote-splicing . exprs) . cdr) (first . rest))
(cons (cons (quote unquote-splicing) (list-helper exprs rest))
(list-helper cdr (first . rest)))) ;; right?
;; otherwise just make sure each list element gets deal with at
;; the correct stack level
((list-helper (car . cdr) ())
(cons (quasiquote-helper car ())
(list-helper cdr ())))
((list-helper (car . cdr) (first . rest))
(cons (quasiquote-helper car rest)
(list-helper cdr (first . rest))))
((list-helper () stack)
(define-syntax vector-helper
(syntax-rules ()
((vector-helper #(elems ...) stack)
;; Temporary solution, won't work correctly if 'unquote' is the
;; second last element
(list-helper (elems ...) stack)))))
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