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Origami Programming in Coq
(* Working Through Jeremy Gibbons' article Origami Programming in Coq *)
Require Import Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import Coq.Program.Basics.
Open Scope program_scope. (* for ∘ composition operator *)
Inductive list (X:Type) : Type :=
| nil : list X
| cons : X -> list X -> list X.
Definition is_nil (X:Type) (l:list X) : bool :=
match l with
| nil => true
| cons x xs => false
Implicit Arguments nil [[X]].
Implicit Arguments cons [[X]].
Definition wrap (X:Type) (x:X) : list X := cons x nil.
Implicit Arguments wrap [[X]].
Fixpoint foldL (A B: Type) (f:A -> B -> B) (e:B) (l:list A) : B :=
match l with
| nil => e
| cons x xs => f x (foldL A B f e xs)
Implicit Arguments foldL [[A] [B]].
Theorem fold_universal:
forall (A B : Type) (h: list A -> B) (f:A -> B -> B) (e:B),
(h = foldL f e) <->
(h nil = e) /\ (forall (x:A) (xs:list A),(h (cons x xs) = f x (h xs))).
intros A B h f e. split.
(* -> *)
intros H. split.
(* h nil = e *)
subst h. reflexivity.
(* h (cons x xs) = f x (h xs) *)
subst h. reflexivity.
(* <- *)
intros H. inversion H. apply functional_extensionality.
intros l. induction l as [| lh lt].
(* l = nil *)
simpl. apply H0.
(* l = cons lh lt *)
simpl. rewrite -> H1. rewrite -> IHlt. reflexivity.
(* Exercise 3.1 *)
Theorem fold_fusion:
forall (A B C:Type) (h:B -> C) (f:A -> B -> B) (e:B) (f':A -> C -> C) (e' : C),
(forall (a:A) (b:B), h (f a b) = f' a (h b)) /\ (h e = e') ->
h ∘ (foldL f e) = foldL f' e'.
intros A B C h f e f' e' H. inversion H.
apply fold_universal. split.
(* (h ∘ foldL A B f e) nil = e' *)
unfold compose. simpl. apply H1.
(* (h ∘ foldL A B f e) (cons x xs) = f' x ((h ∘ foldL A B f e) xs) *)
unfold compose. simpl. intros x xs. apply H0.
(* TODO: The law does not hold for strict h, because *)
(* Exercise 3.2 *)
Definition mapL (A B: Type) (f:A->B) (l:list A) : list B :=
foldL (fun a b => cons (f a) b) nil l.
Implicit Arguments mapL [[A] [B]].
Definition appendL (A : Type) (l1:list A) (l2:list A) : list A :=
foldL (fun a b => cons a b) l2 l1.
Implicit Arguments appendL [[A]].
Definition concatL (A : Type) (l:list (list A)) : list A :=
foldL (fun a b => appendL a b) nil l.
Implicit Arguments concatL [[A]].
(* Exercise 3.3 *)
Corollary map_fusion:
forall (A B C: Type) (f:A -> B -> B) (e:B) (g:C->A),
foldL f e ∘ mapL g = foldL (f ∘ g) e.
intros A B C f e g.
apply fold_fusion. split.
(* foldL f e (cons (g a) b) = (f ∘ g) a (foldL f e b) *)
simpl. unfold compose. reflexivity.
(* foldL f e nil = e *)
(* I should make this use an ordering property; one that actually
requires a proof of ordering *)
(* also ask about coq equivalents to haskell's (++) or `foo` *)
Fixpoint insert (A:Type) (le: A -> A -> bool) (y : A) (l : list A) : list A :=
match l with
| nil => wrap y
| cons x xs => if le y x
then cons y l
else cons x (insert A le y xs)
Implicit Arguments insert [[A]].
Definition isort (A:Type) (le: A -> A -> bool) (l : list A) : list A :=
foldL (insert le) nil l.
Implicit Arguments isort [[A]].
(* Exercise 3.4 *)
Definition insert1 (A:Type) (le: A -> A -> bool) (y : A) (l : list A) : (list A * list A) :=
foldL (fun a b => match b with
| (c,d) => if le y a
then (cons a c, cons y (cons a c))
else (cons a c, cons a d)
(nil,wrap y)
Implicit Arguments insert1 [[A]].
Theorem insert1_insert_related:
forall (A:Type) (le: A -> A -> bool) (y : A) (xs : list A),
insert1 le y xs = (xs, insert le y xs).
intros A le y xs. induction xs as [|h t].
(* xs = nil *)
unfold insert1. simpl. reflexivity.
(* xs = cons h t *)
unfold insert1. simpl. unfold insert1 in IHt. destruct (le y h).
(* le y h = true *)
rewrite IHt. reflexivity.
(* le y h = false *)
rewrite IHt. reflexivity.
Fixpoint paraL (A B: Type) (f:A -> list A * B -> B) (e:B) (l:list A) : B :=
match l with
| nil => e
| cons x xs => f x (xs, paraL A B f e xs)
Implicit Arguments paraL [[A] [B]].
Definition insert2 (A:Type) (le: A -> A -> bool) (y : A) (l : list A) : list A :=
paraL (fun a b => match b with
| (c,d) => if le y a
then cons y (cons a c)
else cons a d
(wrap y)
Implicit Arguments insert2 [[A]].
Theorem insert_insert2_equivalent:
forall (A:Type) (le: A -> A -> bool) (y : A) (l : list A),
insert le y l = insert2 le y l.
intros A le y l. induction l as [|h t].
(* l = nil *)
(* l = cons h t *)
unfold insert2. simpl.
destruct (le y h).
(* le y h = true *)
(* le y h = false *)
unfold insert2 in IHt. rewrite IHt. reflexivity.
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