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Created April 27, 2022 20:17
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type Result = Win | Lose | Draw
type TableRow = { Id:string; Wins:int; Draws:int; Losses:int; Points:int }
let results = [
let processData (data:string list) =
|> (fun row ->
match row.Split(",") with
| [|home; away; result|] ->
match result with
| "win" -> [(home, Win); (away, Lose)]
| "lose" -> [(home, Lose); (away, Win)]
| "draw" -> [(home, Draw); (away, Draw)]
| x -> failwith $"Unknown result: {x}"
| _ -> failwith "Invalid input"
|> List.collect id
|> List.groupBy fst
|> (fun (team,results) ->
|> List.fold (fun acc res ->
match snd res with
| Win -> { acc with Wins = acc.Wins + 1; Points = acc.Points + 3 }
| Draw -> { acc with Draws = acc.Draws + 1; Points = acc.Points + 1 }
| Lose -> { acc with Losses = acc.Losses + 1 }
) { Id = team; Wins = 0; Draws = 0; Losses = 0; Points = 0 }
|> List.sortByDescending (fun x -> x.Points)
let res =
|> processData
|> printfn "%A"
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