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Created September 5, 2022 08:29
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open System.IO
type Connection = {
Start: string
Finish: string
Distance: int
type Waypoint = {
Location: string
Visited: string list
TotalDistance: int
let loadConnections path =
|> File.ReadAllLines
|> Array.skip 1
|> fun rows -> [
for row in rows do
match row.Split(",") with
| [|start;finish;distance|] ->
{ Start = start; Finish = finish; Distance = int distance }
{ Start = finish; Finish = start; Distance = int distance }
| _ -> failwith $"{row} is invalid"
let calculateShortestRoute start finish (source:Connection list) =
let connections =
|> List.groupBy (fun cn -> cn.Start)
|> (fun (loc, conns) -> loc, conns |> (fun cn -> cn.Finish, cn.Distance) |> Map.ofList)
|> Map.ofList
let rec searchForShortestPath current accMap =
let visitDestinations state =
(state, connections[current.Location])
||> Map.fold
(fun acc destination distance ->
let newWaypoint = {
Location = destination
Visited = destination :: current.Visited
TotalDistance = current.TotalDistance + distance}
searchForShortestPath newWaypoint acc)
match Map.tryFind current.Location accMap with
| None -> accMap |> Map.add current.Location (current.TotalDistance, current.Visited) |> visitDestinations
| Some (shortestKnownPath, _) ->
if current.TotalDistance < shortestKnownPath then
accMap |> Map.add current.Location (current.TotalDistance, current.Visited) |> visitDestinations
else accMap
let shortestPaths = searchForShortestPath {Location = start; Visited = []; TotalDistance = 0} Map.empty
let getShortestDistance start finish =
Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, "resources", "data.csv")
|> loadConnections
|> calculateShortestRoute start finish
|> fun (distance, route) -> distance, start::(route |> List.rev)
|> printfn "%A"
getShortestDistance "Cogburg" "Leverstorm"
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