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Last active March 7, 2022 08:46
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  • Save ijrussell/f65e0dc8c7ed6c8701b8489d6b690ec0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A B km
Cogburg Copperhold 1047
Leverstorm Irondale 673
Cogburg Steamdrift 1269
Copperhold Irondale 345
Copperhold Leverstorm 569
Leverstorm Gizbourne 866
Rustport Cogburg 1421
Rustport Steamdrift 1947
Rustport Gizbourne 1220
Irondale Gizbourne 526
Cogburg Irondale 1034
Rustport Irondale 1302
open System.IO
type Tree<'T> =
|Branch of 'T * Tree<'T> seq
|Leaf of 'T
type Waypoint = { Location:string; Route:string list; Distance:int }
type Connection = { From:string; To:string; Distance:int }
let lines =
Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, "resources", "data.csv")
|> File.ReadAllText
|> fun data -> data.Split(System.Environment.NewLine)
|> Array.skip 1
let routes = [
for line in lines do
match line.Split(",") with
| [|A; B; Km|] ->
{ From = A.Trim(); To = B.Trim(); Distance = int Km }
{ From = B.Trim(); To = A.Trim(); Distance = int Km }
| _ -> ()
let generateChildren (wayPoint:Waypoint) =
|> List.filter (fun x -> x.From = wayPoint.Location)
|> List.filter (fun x -> wayPoint.Route |> List.tryFind (fun z -> z = x.To) = None)
|> (fun x -> { Location = x.To; Route = x.From::wayPoint.Route; Distance = x.Distance + wayPoint.Distance })
let hasChildren wayPoint =
generateChildren wayPoint
|> fun x -> x <> List.empty
let rec createTree hasChildren generateChildren finish (current:Waypoint) =
let generateTree = createTree hasChildren generateChildren
match hasChildren current && current.Location <> finish with
| true -> Branch(current, seq{for next in generateChildren current do yield (generateTree finish next)})
| false -> Leaf(current)
let findRoute start finish =
createTree hasChildren generateChildren finish { Location = start; Route = []; Distance = 0}
let rec treeToList tree =
match tree with
| Leaf x -> [x]
| Branch (x, xs) -> x :: (List.collect treeToList (xs |> Seq.toList))
let selectShortest finish lst =
|> List.filter (fun x -> x.Location = finish)
|> (fun x -> x.Location::x.Route |> List.rev, x.Distance)
|> List.minBy snd
let main argv =
findRoute argv.[0] argv.[1]
|> treeToList
|> selectShortest argv.[1]
|> fun (x, _) -> printfn "%A" (x |> List.reduce (fun acc z -> acc + "," + z))
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