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alabaster | |
anaconda-client | |
anaconda-navigator | |
anaconda-project | |
appnope | |
appscript | |
asn1crypto | |
astroid | |
astropy | |
babel | |
backports | |
beautifulsoup4 | |
bitarray | |
blaze | |
bleach | |
bokeh | |
boto | |
boto3 | |
botocore | |
bottleneck | |
ca-certificates | |
cffi | |
chardet | |
click | |
cloudpickle | |
clyent | |
colorama | |
contextlib2 | |
cryptography | |
curl | |
cycler | |
cython | |
cytoolz | |
dask | |
datashape | |
decorator | |
distributed | |
docutils | |
entrypoints | |
et_xmlfile | |
fastcache | |
flask | |
flask-cors | |
freetype | |
get_terminal_size | |
gevent | |
gmp | |
gmpy2 | |
greenlet | |
h5py | |
hdf5 | |
heapdict | |
html5lib | |
icu | |
idna | |
imageio | |
imagesize | |
ipykernel | |
ipython | |
ipython_genutils | |
ipywidgets | |
isort | |
itsdangerous | |
jbig | |
jdcal | |
jedi | |
jinja2 | |
jmespath | |
jpeg | |
jsonschema | |
jupyter | |
jupyter_client | |
jupyter_console | |
jupyter_core | |
lazy-object-proxy | |
libffi | |
libiconv | |
libpng | |
libsodium | |
libtiff | |
libxml2 | |
libxslt | |
llvmlite | |
locket | |
lxml | |
markupsafe | |
matplotlib | |
mccabe | |
mistune | |
mkl | |
mkl-service | |
mpc | |
mpfr | |
mpmath | |
msgpack-python | |
multipledispatch | |
navigator-updater | |
nbconvert | |
nbformat | |
networkx | |
nltk | |
nose | |
notebook | |
numba | |
numexpr | |
numpy | |
numpydoc | |
odo | |
olefile | |
openpyxl | |
openssl | |
packaging | |
pandas | |
pandoc | |
pandocfilters | |
partd | |
path.py | |
pathlib2 | |
patsy | |
pep8 | |
pexpect | |
pickleshare | |
pillow | |
pip | |
ply | |
prompt_toolkit | |
psutil | |
ptyprocess | |
py | |
pycosat | |
pycparser | |
pycrypto | |
pycurl | |
pyflakes | |
pygments | |
pylint | |
pyodbc | |
pyopenssl | |
pyparsing | |
pyqt | |
pytables | |
pytest | |
python | |
python-dateutil | |
python.app | |
pytz | |
pywavelets | |
pyyaml | |
pyzmq | |
qt | |
qtawesome | |
qtconsole | |
qtpy | |
readline | |
requests | |
rope | |
ruamel_yaml | |
s3fs | |
s3transfer | |
scikit-image | |
scikit-learn | |
scipy | |
seaborn | |
setuptools | |
simplegeneric | |
singledispatch | |
sip | |
six | |
snowballstemmer | |
sortedcollections | |
sortedcontainers | |
sphinx | |
spyder | |
sqlalchemy | |
sqlite | |
statsmodels | |
sympy | |
tblib | |
terminado | |
testpath | |
tk | |
toolz | |
tornado | |
traitlets | |
unicodecsv | |
unixodbc | |
wcwidth | |
webencodings | |
werkzeug | |
wheel | |
widgetsnbextension | |
wrapt | |
xlrd | |
xlsxwriter | |
xlwings | |
xlwt | |
xz | |
yaml | |
zeromq | |
zict | |
zlib |
- libffi
- appscript
- unixodbc
- gmp
- gmpy2
- appnope
- readline
- ptyprocess
- python.app
- jbig
from the TXT file and try again.
Hi. Is it just a list of the current packages without version? astropy versus astropy=3.0.2
Would it more better to grab the first column of "conda list" and process that?
I compared this list with the current list and see a bunch o' packages not currently installed. I'm assuming they've dropped off. I don't want add junk. So just trying to understand the thought process here.
Thanks much!!
there really ought to be a simpler way.
How about generating that first list using conda list | awk '{print $1}' > anaconda_latest_pkgs_no_versions.txt
When I tried to generate my own list as per this and then run the update command above, it will still produce dependency constraint meaning some packages will actually be downgraded. So, without knowing the exact reason why, I guess the above list has been generated so that downgrade of some packages won't happen, which will "hurt" the feeling of specific Anaconda user (like me) :)
Lesson learned: I need to get used to the idea that I may not use the latest/most updated tools, but rather focusing more on creating the code itself using a known set of reliable/working version (until able to understand the relationship between packages, at some point in the future).
Is this list up to date?
Because I mess up with my base environment and I want to uninstall all the packages that don't belong to anaconda base.
I have the same question as HLatte.
Thanks @dominikgehl for this solution. Almost did the job for me, but had to run sudo bash
otherwise terminal prompted missing writing permissions when executing conda install --file anaconda_latest_pkgs_no_versions.txt
. Also not all packages were updated, but most of them (80 out of 113).
This seems like a great idea - thanks!
I just tried it though, and seems like it's sufficiently old that it no longer works. Or, my initial attempts to persuade Anaconda 5.0.1 to update properly have ended up breaking it :-/
The error: