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Last active July 8, 2016 02:17
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Packages in Anaconda 4.1
_nb_ext_conf: 0.2.0-py35_0
alabaster: 0.7.8-py35_0
anaconda: 4.1.0-np111py35_0
anaconda-client: 1.4.0-py35_0
anaconda-navigator: 1.2.1-py35_0
appnope: 0.1.0-py35_0
appscript: 1.0.1-py35_0
argcomplete: 1.0.0-py35_1
astropy: 1.2.1-np111py35_0
babel: 2.3.3-py35_0
backports: 1.0-py35_0
beautifulsoup4: 4.4.1-py35_0
bitarray: 0.8.1-py35_0
bokeh: 0.11.1-py35_0
boto: 2.40.0-py35_0
bottleneck: 1.0.0-np111py35_1
cffi: 1.6.0-py35_0
chest: 0.2.3-py35_0
click: 6.6-py35_0
cloudpickle: 0.2.1-py35_0
clyent: 1.2.2-py35_0
colorama: 0.3.7-py35_0
configobj: 5.0.6-py35_0
contextlib2: 0.5.3-py35_0
cryptography: 1.4-py35_0
curl: 7.49.0-0
cycler: 0.10.0-py35_0
cython: 0.24-py35_0
cytoolz: 0.8.0-py35_0
dask: 0.10.0-py35_0
datashape: 0.5.2-py35_0
decorator: 4.0.10-py35_0
dill: 0.2.5-py35_0
docutils: 0.12-py35_2
dynd-python: 0.7.2-py35_0
entrypoints: 0.2.2-py35_0
et_xmlfile: 1.0.1-py35_0
fastcache: 1.0.2-py35_1
flask: 0.11.1-py35_0
flask-cors: 2.1.2-py35_0
freetype: 2.5.5-1
get_terminal_size: 1.0.0-py35_0
gevent: 1.1.1-py35_0
greenlet: 0.4.10-py35_0
h5py: 2.6.0-np111py35_1
hdf5: 1.8.16-0
heapdict: 1.0.0-py35_1
idna: 2.1-py35_0
imagesize: 0.7.1-py35_0
ipykernel: 4.3.1-py35_0
ipython: 4.2.0-py35_1
ipython_genutils: 0.1.0-py35_0
ipywidgets: 4.1.1-py35_0
itsdangerous: 0.24-py35_0
jbig: 2.1-0
jdcal: 1.2-py35_1
jedi: 0.9.0-py35_1
jinja2: 2.8-py35_1
jpeg: 8d-1
jsonschema: 2.5.1-py35_0
jupyter: 1.0.0-py35_3
jupyter_client: 4.3.0-py35_0
jupyter_console: 4.1.1-py35_0
jupyter_core: 4.1.0-py35_0
libdynd: 0.7.2-0
libpng: 1.6.22-0
libtiff: 4.0.6-2
libxml2: 2.9.2-0
libxslt: 1.1.28-2
llvmlite: 0.11.0-py35_0
locket: 0.2.0-py35_1
lxml: 3.6.0-py35_0
markupsafe: 0.23-py35_2
matplotlib: 1.5.1-np111py35_0
mistune: 0.7.2-py35_1
mkl: 11.3.3-0
mkl-service: 1.1.2-py35_2
mpmath: 0.19-py35_1
multipledispatch: 0.4.8-py35_0
nb_anacondacloud: 1.1.0-py35_0
nb_conda: 1.1.0-py35_0
nb_conda_kernels: 1.0.3-py35_0
nbconvert: 4.2.0-py35_0
nbformat: 4.0.1-py35_0
nbpresent: 3.0.2-py35_0
networkx: 1.11-py35_0
nltk: 3.2.1-py35_0
nose: 1.3.7-py35_1
notebook: 4.2.1-py35_0
numba: 0.26.0-np111py35_0
numexpr: 2.6.0-np111py35_0
numpy: 1.11.0-py35_2
odo: 0.5.0-py35_0
openpyxl: 2.3.2-py35_0
openssl: 1.0.2h-1
pandas: 0.18.1-np111py35_0
partd: 0.3.4-py35_0 8.2.1-py35_0
pathlib2: 2.1.0-py35_0
patsy: 0.4.1-py35_0
pep8: 1.7.0-py35_0
pexpect: 4.0.1-py35_0
pickleshare: 0.7.2-py35_0
pillow: 3.2.0-py35_1
pip: 8.1.2-py35_0
ply: 3.8-py35_0
psutil: 4.3.0-py35_0
ptyprocess: 0.5.1-py35_0
py: 1.4.31-py35_0
pyasn1: 0.1.9-py35_0
pycosat: 0.6.1-py35_1
pycparser: 2.14-py35_1
pycrypto: 2.6.1-py35_4
pycurl: 7.43.0-py35_0
pyflakes: 1.2.3-py35_0
pygments: 2.1.3-py35_0
pyopenssl: 0.16.0-py35_0
pyparsing: 2.1.4-py35_0
pyqt: 4.11.4-py35_3
pytables: 3.2.2-np111py35_4
pytest: 2.9.2-py35_0
python: 3.5.1-5
python-dateutil: 2.5.3-py35_0 1.2-py35_4
pytz: 2016.4-py35_0
pyyaml: 3.11-py35_4
pyzmq: 15.2.0-py35_1
qt: 4.8.7-3
qtconsole: 4.2.1-py35_0
qtpy: 1.0.2-py35_0
readline: 6.2-2
redis: 3.2.0-0
redis-py: 2.10.5-py35_0
requests: 2.10.0-py35_0
rope: 0.9.4-py35_1
ruamel_yaml: 0.11.7-py35_0
scikit-image: 0.12.3-np111py35_1
scikit-learn: 0.17.1-np111py35_2
scipy: 0.17.1-np111py35_1
setuptools: 23.0.0-py35_0
simplegeneric: 0.8.1-py35_1
sip: 4.16.9-py35_0
six: 1.10.0-py35_0
snowballstemmer: 1.2.1-py35_0
sockjs-tornado: 1.0.3-py35_0
sphinx: 1.4.1-py35_0
sphinx_rtd_theme: 0.1.9-py35_0
spyder: 2.3.9-py35_0
sqlalchemy: 1.0.13-py35_0
sqlite: 3.13.0-0
statsmodels: 0.6.1-np111py35_1
sympy: 1.0-py35_0
terminado: 0.6-py35_0
tk: 8.5.18-0
toolz: 0.8.0-py35_0
tornado: 4.3-py35_1
traitlets: 4.2.1-py35_0
unicodecsv: 0.14.1-py35_0
werkzeug: 0.11.10-py35_0
wheel: 0.29.0-py35_0
xlrd: 1.0.0-py35_0
xlsxwriter: 0.9.2-py35_0
xlwings: 0.7.2-py35_0
xlwt: 1.1.2-py35_0
xz: 5.2.2-0
yaml: 0.1.6-0
zlib: 1.2.8-3
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