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Created November 16, 2014 19:30
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general rack based server configuration
/path/to/log/file.log {
kill -HUP `cat /path/to/app/tmp/puma/`
# config/puma.rb
#threads 0,32 # production
workers 2
threads 0,16
workers 0
port 3000
#daemonize # production
$app_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..'))
tmp_dir = "#{$app_path}/tmp"
log_dir = "#{$app_path}/log"
tmp_puma = "#{tmp_dir}/puma"
dirs = []
dirs << log_dir unless ( log_dir)
dirs << tmp_dir unless ( tmp_dir)
dirs << tmp_puma unless ( tmp_puma)
require 'fileutils'
FileUtils::mkdir(dirs) if dirs.length > 0
$stderr.puts 'Unable to create directories'
stdout_redirect 'log/stdout.log', 'log/stdout.log', true
pidfile 'tmp/puma/'
state_path 'tmp/puma/puma.state'
#!/usr/bin/env puma
# The directory to operate out of.
# The default is the current directory.
# directory '/u/apps/lolcat'
# Use an object or block as the rack application. This allows the
# config file to be the application itself.
# app do |env|
# puts env
# body = 'Hello, World!'
# [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]]
# end
# Load “path” as a rackup file.
# The default is “”.
# rackup '/u/apps/lolcat/'
# Set the environment in which the rack's app will run. The value must be a string.
# The default is “development”.
# environment 'production'
# Daemonize the server into the background. Highly suggest that
# this be combined with “pidfile” and “stdout_redirect”.
# The default is “false”.
# daemonize
# daemonize false
# Store the pid of the server in the file at “path”.
# pidfile '/u/apps/lolcat/tmp/pids/'
# Use “path” as the file to store the server info state. This is
# used by “pumactl” to query and control the server.
# state_path '/u/apps/lolcat/tmp/pids/puma.state'
# Redirect STDOUT and STDERR to files specified. The 3rd parameter
# (“append”) specifies whether the output is appended, the default is
# “false”.
# stdout_redirect '/u/apps/lolcat/log/stdout', '/u/apps/lolcat/log/stderr'
# stdout_redirect '/u/apps/lolcat/log/stdout', '/u/apps/lolcat/log/stderr', true
# Disable request logging.
# The default is “false”.
# quiet
# Configure “min” to be the minimum number of threads to use to answer
# requests and “max” the maximum.
# The default is “0, 16”.
# threads 0, 16
# Bind the server to “url”. “tcp://”, “unix://” and “ssl://” are the only
# accepted protocols.
# The default is “tcp://”.
# bind 'tcp://'
# bind 'unix:///var/run/puma.sock'
# bind 'unix:///var/run/puma.sock?umask=0777'
# bind 'ssl://'
# Instead of “bind 'ssl://'” you
# can also use the “ssl_bind” option.
# ssl_bind '', '9292', { key: path_to_key, cert: path_to_cert }
# Code to run before doing a restart. This code should
# close log files, database connections, etc.
# This can be called multiple times to add code each time.
# on_restart do
# puts 'On restart...'
# end
# Command to use to restart puma. This should be just how to
# load puma itself (ie. 'ruby -Ilib bin/puma'), not the arguments
# to puma, as those are the same as the original process.
# restart_command '/u/app/lolcat/bin/restart_puma'
# === Cluster mode ===
# How many worker processes to run.
# The default is “0”.
# workers 2
# Code to run when a worker boots to setup the process before booting
# the app.
# This can be called multiple times to add hooks.
# on_worker_boot do
# puts 'On worker boot...'
# end
# Code to run when a worker boots to setup the process after booting
# the app.
# This can be called multiple times to add hooks.
# after_worker_boot do
# puts 'On worker boot...'
# end
# Allow workers to reload bundler context when master process is issued
# a USR1 signal. This allows proper reloading of gems while the master
# is preserved across a phased-restart. (incompatible with preload_app)
# (off by default)
# prune_bundler
# Preload the application before starting the workers; this conflicts with
# phased restart feature. (off by default)
# preload_app!
# Additional text to display in process listing
# tag 'app name'
# Change the default timeout of workers
# worker_timeout 60
# === Puma control rack application ===
# Start the puma control rack application on “url”. This application can
# be communicated with to control the main server. Additionally, you can
# provide an authentication token, so all requests to the control server
# will need to include that token as a query parameter. This allows for
# simple authentication.
# Check out
# to see what the app has available.
# activate_control_app 'unix:///var/run/pumactl.sock'
# activate_control_app 'unix:///var/run/pumactl.sock', { auth_token: '12345' }
# activate_control_app 'unix:///var/run/pumactl.sock', { no_token: true }
# Unicorn configuration
worker_processes 1
#worker_processes 5
$app_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..'))
#puts $app_path
#working_directory $app_path
tmp_dir = "#{$app_path}/tmp"
log_dir = "#{$app_path}/log"
dirs = []
dirs << log_dir unless ( log_dir)
dirs << tmp_dir unless ( tmp_dir)
require 'fileutils'
FileUtils::mkdir(dirs) if dirs.length > 0
$stderr.puts 'Unable to create directories'
pid "#{$app_path}/tmp/"
listen 3000
stderr_path "#{$app_path}/log/unicorn.stderr.log"
stdout_path "#{$app_path}/log/unicorn.stdout.log"
before_fork do |server, worker|
old_pid = "#{$app_path}/tmp/"
if File.exists?(old_pid) && != old_pid
rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ESRCH
# someone else did our job for us
http =
master = true
rack =
lazy-apps = true
processes = 4
logto = log/uwsgi.log
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