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Created December 4, 2022 21:06
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(comparison with previous years) Were there too many sensations at FIFA World Cup in Qatar?
# 2022-12-04 -- misc
# get oddsportal data
# Ilya Kashnitsky,, @ikashnitsky
# Below goes a compicated solution how to parse a dynamic web page
# With lots of trials, errors, and cursing I made it work on my machine (Mac)
# First part comes from here
# Second part (from remDr$navigate(url) -- line 36) comes from
# set up the virtual browser
pjs <- wdman::phantomjs(port=8912L)
eCap <- list(
= "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20120101 Firefox/29.0", = FALSE, phantomjs.phantom.cookiesEnabled = FALSE, phantomjs.phantom.javascriptEnabled = TRUE)
remDr<-remoteDriver(port=8912L, browser="phantomjs", extraCapabilities = eCap)
odds_table_from_url <- function(url) {
page <- remDr$getPageSource()
year <- url %>% str_sub(51, 54)
table <- page[[1]] %>%
read_html() %>%
html_nodes(xpath='//table[@id="tournamentTable"]') %>%
html_table(fill = T) %>% %>%
set_colnames(letters[1:7]) %>%
mutate(h = year) %>%
mutate(across(.cols = everything(), ~ .x %>% paste))
urls <- paste0(
seq(2006, 2022, 4),
) %>%
map(function(x) x %>% paste0(1:2)) %>%
raw_data <- urls %>% map_df(odds_table_from_url)
# fix the error with England-Senegal
raw_data <- raw_data %>% filter(! c == 'England - Senegal')
save(raw_data, file = "~/Downloads/raw_data.rda")
# a tiny function to identify outcome in the main time from the score
match_outcome <- function(score_string) {
# 0 = draw; 1 = 1 team win; 2 = 2 team win
draw_extra_time <- score_string %>% str_detect("ET")
draw_penalty <- score_string %>% str_detect("pen.")
team_1_goals <- score_string %>%
str_extract("\\(?[0-9,.]+\\)*(?=:)") %>%
team_2_goals <- score_string %>%
str_extract("(?<=:).*") %>%
str_extract("\\(?[0-9,.]+\\)?") %>%
if (
(team_1_goals == team_2_goals)
outcome = 0
} else if (
draw_extra_time |
) {
outcome = 0
} else if (
(team_1_goals > team_2_goals) &
!draw_extra_time & !draw_penalty
) {
outcome = 1
} else if (
(team_1_goals < team_2_goals) &
!draw_extra_time & !draw_penalty
) {
outcome = 2
# clean the downloaded data
foo <- raw_data %>%
# remove empty rows
filter(! d == "NA") %>%
# clean date and stage variables
x = case_when(
nchar(a) > 5 ~ a
) %>%
fill(x) %>%
separate(x, into = c("date", "stage"), sep = " - ") %>%
stage = stage %>% replace_na("Group")
) %>%
# remove date rows
filter(! nchar(a) > 5) %>%
# remove qulification games (I didn't load them all initiallly)
filter(! stage == "Qualification") %>%
# remover weird empty rows at the end
filter(!seq_along(a) %in% c(297, 299)) %>%
# identify the outcomes of the games, inc draws in main time
group_by(id = seq_along(a)) %>%
et_or_pen = c %>% str_to_lower() %>% str_extract("[a-z]+"),
outcome = c %>% match_outcome
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# separate columns
separate(b, into = c("team_1", "team_2"), sep = " - ") %>%
separate(c, into = c("goals_1", "goals_2")) %>%
# arrange(date, a) %>%
# scores to numeric
year = h,
team_1, team_2,
goals_1 = goals_1 %>% as.numeric,
goals_2 = goals_2 %>% as.numeric,
et_or_pen, outcome,
odds_1 = d %>% as.numeric,
odds_d = e %>% as.numeric,
odds_2 = f %>% as.numeric
) %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(my_bet = max(odds_1, odds_d, odds_2)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
winning_bet = case_when(
outcome == 1 ~ odds_1,
outcome == 2 ~ odds_2,
TRUE ~ odds_d
# THE LOGIC: whenever I lose the bet, I just lose 1 coin
# whenever my unlikely bet works, I receive the odds amount
# minus my initially risked coin
bet_result = case_when(
my_bet == winning_bet ~ my_bet - 1,
TRUE ~ -1
) %>%
group_by(year, stage) %>%
mutate(id = {n() - seq_along(year)}+1) %>%
arrange(year, stage, id) %>%
balance = bet_result %>% cumsum()
) %>%
# plot --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Only filer group-stage games and remove year 2006 as it was not complete
foo %>%
filter(stage == "Group", ! year == "2006") %>%
ggplot(aes(id, balance, color = year))+
geom_hline(yintercept = c(0), size = .5, color = 2)+
geom_step(size = 1, alpha = .5)+
geom_point(data = . %>% filter(my_bet == winning_bet))+
data = . %>% filter(year == "2022", my_bet == winning_bet),
aes(label = paste(team_1, goals_1, ":", goals_2, team_2)),
size = 2.7, color = "#444444", hjust = 1, fontface = 2
scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(seq(0, 40, 10),48), position = "top")+
scale_y_continuous(position = "right")+
scale_color_viridis_d(option = "F", begin = .1, end = .7, direction = -1)+
x = "All the group-stage games of FIFA World Cups, ordered chronologically",
y = "Net balance",
title = "Were there too many sensations in Qatar?",
caption = "Data: // Design:"
theme_minimal(base_family = "ah")+
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
legend.position = "bottom",
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#dadada", color = NA),
plot.title = element_text(size = 22, face = 2, color = "#444444")
"text", label = "Imagine, I put 1 coin per game betting against the odds",
size = 5, color = 2 %>% clr_darken(), alpha = .85,
x = 1, y = 63, hjust = 0, vjust = 1,
family = "ah", lineheight = .9, fontface = 2
"text", label = "I start with a 0 net balance, and every game it reduces by one coin... unless a sensation happens and my balance increases as I win the unlikely bet" %>% str_wrap(60),
size = 3.5, color = 2 %>% clr_darken(), alpha = .85,
x = 1, y = 53, hjust = 0, vjust = 1,
family = "ah", lineheight = .9
"text", label = "If I'm above the zero line that means I'm in a net profit, benefiting from betting at the sensations" %>% str_wrap(40),
size = 3.5, color = 2 %>% clr_darken(), alpha = .75,
x = 1, y = -20, hjust = 0, vjust = 0,
family = "ah", lineheight = .9
"text", label = "It seems that the World Cup 2022 in Qatar is exceptional" %>% str_wrap(30),
size = 5, color = 2 %>% clr_darken(), alpha = .85,
x = 48, y = -25, hjust = 1, vjust = 0,
family = "ah", lineheight = .9, fontface = 2
width = 6.4, height = 5,
bg = "#dadada")
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jrcarob commented Dec 6, 2022

That's an awesome plot, Ilya!!! I tried to replicate it but after executing the chunk to clean the downloaded data and before executing the plot I got the following error:

Error in 'mutate()': ! Problem while computing 'outcome = c %>% match_outcome'. ¡ The error occurred in group 248: id = 248. Caused by error in 'if ((team_1_goals == team_2_goals)) ...': ! missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

Seems that in the function to identify outcome TRUE/FALSE values are needed.

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Hi Jose, this happens because right now one of the 2022 wc is being played. That's why I was getting of the line for "England - Senegal" (line 66). Apparently now in your raw data you have "Portugal - Switzerland", in the score column

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jrcarob commented Dec 6, 2022

Ouch!! Didn't realize that!! Great then!! I will try again later. Thank you very much, Ilya!!! Hope to see you in a not distant future 😉.

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