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Last active September 21, 2024 02:30
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Host an APT repository on Github

Host an APT repository on Github

This guide will help you host an APT repository on Github.


You need to install the following packages.

  • reprepro
    $ sudo apt install -y reprepro


Create a new folder containing the repo.

# Change <repo-name> to the repo folder
$ mkdir -p <repo-name>/{conf,incoming}

# Create the distributions file
$ cat <<EOF >> conf/distributions
Origin: Foo
Label: Foo Github
Suite: stable
Codename: bionic
Architectures: amd64
Components: main
Description: Debian x64 github repository

Add the GPG key to Github

Get the key using the following command, then copy the output and add it to GPG keys in Github settings.

# List secret keys on your machine and copy your key id
$ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG

# Export the key and copy the output
$ gpg --armor --export <key-id>

Add the repository to APT

Open the file /etc/apt/sources.list and add the following line. Make sure to fill in the fields <repo-owner>, <repo-name>, <Codename> and <Component> with your own values.

deb [arch=amd64]<repo-owner>/<repo-name>/master <Codename> <Component>

Or run this command:

$ sudo add-apt-repository -y "deb [arch=amd64]<repo-owner>/<repo-name>/master <Codename> <Component>"

Add the key to APT using apt-key.

$ gpg --armor --export <key-id> | sudo apt-key add -

Add a deb package to the repo

First, copy the deb file to incoming folder.

$ cd <repo-name>

# You may to change the section, component and priority to the values you want.

# The deb file should follow this format: <package-name>_<version>_<architecture>.deb

$ reprepro -V \
    --section utils \
    --component main \
    --priority 0 \
    includedeb bionic incoming/<package-name>_<version>_<architecture>.deb

Push the repo to Github

Push your repository to Github then update your APT cache.

$ sudo apt update

# Now you can try to install a package from your repository :)
$ sudo apt install <package-name>
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