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Last active August 11, 2018 07:34
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OpenAI robotschool の agent_zoo/ を修正し、self camera を作ってみた
import gym, roboschool, sys, os
import numpy as np
import pyglet, pyglet.window as pw, pyglet.window.key as pwk
from pyglet import gl
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
import tensorflow as tf
# This opens a third-party window (not test window), shows rendered chase camera, allows to control humanoid
# using keyboard (in a different way)
class PygletInteractiveWindow(pw.Window):
def __init__(self, env, window_w=600, window_h=400):
pw.Window.__init__(self, width=window_w, height=window_h, vsync=False, resizable=True)
self.theta = 0
self.still_open = True
def on_close():
self.still_open = False
def on_resize(width, height):
self.win_w = width
self.win_h = height
self.keys = {}
self.human_pause = False
self.human_done = False
def imshow(self, arr):
H, W, C = arr.shape
assert C==3
image = pyglet.image.ImageData(W, H, 'RGB', arr.tobytes(), pitch=W*-3)
texture = image.get_texture()
texture.width = W
texture.height = H
texture.blit(0, 0, width=self.win_w, height=self.win_h)
def on_key_press(self, key, modifiers):
self.keys[key] = +1
if key==pwk.ESCAPE: self.still_open = False
def on_key_release(self, key, modifiers):
self.keys[key] = 0
def each_frame(self):
self.theta += 0.05 * (self.keys.get(pwk.LEFT, 0) - self.keys.get(pwk.RIGHT, 0))
def random_action(action_space):
a = action_space.sample()
if isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
a = a.astype(np.float32)
return a
def demo_run():
env = gym.make("RoboschoolHumanoidFlagrun-v1")
#env = gym.make("RoboschoolAnt-v1")
config = tf.ConfigProto(
device_count = { "GPU": 0 } )
sess = tf.InteractiveSession(config=config)
from RoboschoolHumanoidFlagrunHarder_v1_2017jul import ZooPolicyTensorflow
pi = ZooPolicyTensorflow("humanoid1", env.observation_space, env.action_space)
CAM_W = 256
CAM_H = 256
control_me = PygletInteractiveWindow(env.unwrapped, CAM_W, CAM_H)
eu = env.unwrapped
obs = env.reset()
mycam = env.unwrapped.scene.cpp_world.new_camera_free_float(CAM_W, CAM_H, "my_camera")
while 1:
a = pi.act(obs, env)
#a = random_action(env.action_space)
#angle = float(int(float(count) / 100.0) % 2)
#a = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], dtype=np.float32)
#count += 1
x, y, z = eu.body_xyz
r, p, yaw = eu.body_rpy
eu.walk_target_x = x + 2.0*np.cos(control_me.theta) # 1.0 or less will trigger flag reposition by env itself
eu.walk_target_y = y + 2.0*np.sin(control_me.theta)
eu.flag = eu.scene.cpp_world.debug_sphere(eu.walk_target_x, eu.walk_target_y, 0.5, 0.2, 0xFF8080)
eu.flag_timeout = 100500
obs, r, done, _ = env.step(a)
img = env.render("rgb_array")
cam_x = x + 0.2 * np.cos(yaw)
cam_y = y + 0.2 * np.sin(yaw)
tx = x + 2.0 * np.cos(yaw)
ty = y + 2.0 * np.sin(yaw)
tz = z + 2.0 * np.sin(p)
mycam.move_and_look_at(cam_x, cam_y, z, tx, ty, tz)
rgb, depth, depth_mask, labeling, labeling_mask = mycam.render(False, False, False)
rgb_array = np.fromstring(rgb, dtype=np.uint8).reshape((CAM_H, CAM_W, 3))
if control_me.still_open==False: break
if __name__=="__main__":
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