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Last active September 17, 2023 10:04
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Count of Arm operator numbers between range without using moduls
class CountArmStrongNumbers {
public static int countArmStrongNumbers(int start, int range){
int count = 0;
for(int i=start; i<range; i++){
if(isArmsStrongNumberMyWAy(extractIndividualDigits(i), i)){
return count;
public static boolean isArmsStrongNumberMyWAy(int[] extractedNumbers, int number){
int sum = 0;
for(int i=0; i<extractedNumbers.length; i++){
sum += Math.pow(extractedNumbers[i], extractedNumbers.length);
return (number == sum);
public static int[] extractIndividualDigits(int num) {
int[] individualNumbers = new int[String.valueOf(num).length()];
// Enter a loop that continues as long as 'num' is greater than 0
while (num > 0) {
// Initialize a variable 'divider' to 1 (to extract the rightmost digit)
int divider = 1;
// Enter a nested loop that continues as long as 'num' is greater than or equal to 'divider' multiplied by 10
while (num >= divider * 10) {
divider *= 10;
// Calculate 'digit' as 'num' divided by 'divider'
int digit = num / divider;
// Subtract 'digit' multiplied by 'divider' from 'num' to remove the extracted digit
num -= digit * divider;
//place the elements at different locations of array , ones at 0 position , tensPosition number at 1 position and so on
int positionToInsert = String.valueOf(divider).length()-1;
individualNumbers[positionToInsert] = digit;
// Return the extracted digits as an array
return individualNumbers;
public static boolean isArmStrongNumberByStr(String number){
int length = number.length();
int sum = 0;
for(int i=0; i<length; i++){
sum += Math.pow(Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(number.charAt(i))), length);
return Integer.toString(sum).equals(number);
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(countArmStrongNumbers(1, 999));
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