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ikishanoza / Angular2 Preload Image
Created February 27, 2019 10:19 — forked from seveves/Angular2 Preload Image
Angular2 Show placeholder base64 image source till image is fully loaded
This component shows a smaller image or a base64 encoded image till the bigger version is fully loaded.
Added a blur/fade effect for the transition.
ikishanoza / app.module.ts
Created January 30, 2019 08:08 — forked from pniel-cohen/app.module.ts
Dynamically set page title based on active route in Angular 4
import ...
providers: [ TitleService ],
export class AppModule {
constructor(titleService: TitleService) {
ikishanoza / Ionic Setup - Required Commands
Created October 8, 2018 06:19 — forked from vijaydeepak-tt/Ionic Setup - Required Commands
A basic required commands used in the ionic application.
install ionic cordova -g ---> Installing ionic cli in global
ionic start <projectname> <templatename> ---> To create the ionic project
ionic serve - to run the application in the browser.
ionic lab - to run the application in browser window with 3 platform screens.
ionic cordova platform add android or ios ---> to setup the platform
ionic cordova resources ---> creates the icon and splash images of different sizes of our images and splash paste in the resources folder.
ionic cordova run android ---> to run the application on the Androis SDK device.
ionic cordova run android -l ---> this cmd enables the live reload of the application.
ionic generate component, directive, page, pipe, provider, tabs ---> used to generate any of the mention, use only one at a time.
ionic plugin add <pluginname> - used to add any plugins in the project.