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Last active January 9, 2022 08:47
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Immutable Malli Schemas for Anna
;; 1) using immutable support registry via options
(ns demo
(:require [malli.core :as m]
[malli.registry :as mr]
[malli.util :as mu]))
(def default-registry
(m/default-schemas) ;; malli defaults
(mu/schemas))) ;; plus the utility schemas
(def schema-registry-sample
{::payment-authorization [:map
[:id :string]
[:approvalNumber :string]
[:authResultDescription :string]
[:authorizationDate :string]]
::sales-order-line-item [:map
[:id :string]
[:authorization [:maybe
::payment-authorization ;; <<<< I want to merge this with the fields below
[:type :string]
[:activationCode :string]
[:productCode :string]]]]]
[:offer {:optional true} [:multi {:dispatch :offerProgram}
::offer [:map [:gtin :string]]]]
[::m/default ::offer]]]]
::offer [:map]
::sales-order [:map
[:paymentAuthorization ::payment-authorization]
[:salesOrderLineItem [:vector ::sales-order-line-item]]]})
(def sales-order
[:schema {:registry schema-registry-sample}
{:registry default-registry}))
(require '[malli.generator :as mg])
(mg/generate sales-order)
;{:paymentAuthorization {:id "RuP", :approvalNumber "", :authResultDescription "Iz", :authorizationDate "G"},
; :salesOrderLineItem [{:id "", :authorization nil, :offer {:gtin "2u9"}}
; {:id "K70",
; :authorization {:id "Rb",
; :approvalNumber "6j",
; :authResultDescription "KU0xm",
; :authorizationDate "Xe1k9",
; :type "Hv",
; :activationCode "7plP",
; :productCode "A"}}
; {:id "gOfo",
; :authorization {:id "D6L",
; :approvalNumber "hcH3",
; :authResultDescription "",
; :authorizationDate "4",
; :type "6",
; :activationCode "",
; :productCode ""},
; :offer {}}]}
;; 2) using just immutable registry via options
{:registry (mr/composite-registry
;{:paymentAuthorization {:id "51CSa6DjART3K5v792gvz00a6bM8j",
; :approvalNumber "ZAc",
; :authResultDescription "N8J5mA8Pn596Tjc68q330ZTsih",
; :authorizationDate "68E85sIPa9j0Y7OJ"},
; :salesOrderLineItem [{:id "mBvR0LKJVwK9XdU9D",
; :authorization {:id "TdjJdzaj5N72F2Kh9kn8005jxG",
; :approvalNumber "l63c3v50",
; :authResultDescription "GiSc",
; :authorizationDate "79899TD3Kg7017E7Vkux6kGjTr9g",
; :type "0SX",
; :activationCode "yTw00LD9c4607Q7FCvcl8Ju",
; :productCode "A8fM5FxbbqIu17w5"}}
; {:id "1ThHh46WHiFY4I", :authorization nil, :offer {}}
; {:id "KKFtSt8KZg63TU6HF9qM2ht", :authorization nil, :offer {:gtin "CcfiE75Rhse197j8X5te1e6UvJ"}}
; {:id "j8zqGAx",
; :authorization {:id "nh7uB",
; :approvalNumber "pNjF7ZQMs1TF19xSBX2uKr5MgNbEBM",
; :authResultDescription "ZHQA9o1B7FN6xSct",
; :authorizationDate "3v5a2yNY1ouoc",
; :type "03IGQ1nox8ToA7MKD344udW2v7I",
; :activationCode "Y0LWlVa9t",
; :productCode "mkf"}}
; {:id "O9VL5gI48BXli9eo42JFg77LwA",
; :authorization {:id "wYyzl50pdq",
; :approvalNumber "wyWT",
; :authResultDescription "sDCJ",
; :authorizationDate "CR8P9Cm90",
; :type "PNwdOp598e9J47x2h0",
; :activationCode "2Q",
; :productCode "PoTHB3GqgBSMj9J379o"},
; :offer {}}
; {:id "N37du5P8o", :authorization nil, :offer {:gtin "VMhY7V1awLR"}}
; {:id "kc1J6B8lsH75kwzaZnp9KVny0aoL5", :authorization nil}
; {:id "C68ax0", :authorization nil}
; {:id "tUzLR3LPW", :authorization nil}
; {:id "5P",
; :authorization {:id "4556Wnj",
; :approvalNumber "Ly14b34w5j2X",
; :authResultDescription "vu5uwNS9G6NlNaFex",
; :authorizationDate "0C9tw40I6gFwd948V2",
; :type "7Zky2fCtMT2RVWr9tGM0em0K559m7",
; :activationCode "835OA2Ep817J2797n5H4Bb",
; :productCode "r94EuulQ5jaKXuhr99CV8Jyg2t4mi6"}}]}
;; 3) registering utility schema via local registry (requires latest code from MASTER)
(def schema-registry-sample
{:merge (mu/-merge)
::payment-authorization [:map
[:id :string]
[:approvalNumber :string]
[:authResultDescription :string]
[:authorizationDate :string]]
::sales-order-line-item [:map
[:id :string]
[:authorization [:maybe
::payment-authorization ;; <<<< I want to merge this with the fields below
[:type :string]
[:activationCode :string]
[:productCode :string]]]]]
[:offer {:optional true} [:multi {:dispatch :offerProgram}
::offer [:map [:gtin :string]]]]
[::m/default ::offer]]]]
::offer [:map]
::sales-order [:map
[:paymentAuthorization ::payment-authorization]
[:salesOrderLineItem [:vector ::sales-order-line-item]]]})
(def sales-order
[:schema {:registry schema-registry-sample}
;; 4) using local component directly
(def Merge (mu/-merge))
(def schema-registry-sample
{::payment-authorization [:map
[:id :string]
[:approvalNumber :string]
[:authResultDescription :string]
[:authorizationDate :string]]
::sales-order-line-item [:map
[:id :string]
[:authorization [:maybe
::payment-authorization ;; <<<< I want to merge this with the fields below
[:type :string]
[:activationCode :string]
[:productCode :string]]]]]
[:offer {:optional true} [:multi {:dispatch :offerProgram}
::offer [:map [:gtin :string]]]]
[::m/default ::offer]]]]
::offer [:map]
::sales-order [:map
[:paymentAuthorization ::payment-authorization]
[:salesOrderLineItem [:vector ::sales-order-line-item]]]})
(def sales-order
[:schema {:registry schema-registry-sample}
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