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Created September 11, 2014 12:20
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Simple postfix calculator, including a infix to postfix converter.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Calculator
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
const string infix = "(11*22)+5--(200/10)";
var postfix = Calculator.InfixToPostfix(infix);
var result = Calculator.CalculatePostfix(postfix);
Console.WriteLine("{0} >>> {1} === {2}", infix, string.Join(" ", postfix), result);
public static class Calculator
private static readonly Operator[] Operators =
new Operator('-', stack =>
if(stack.Count == 1) stack.Push(-stack.Pop());
else if (stack.Count > 1)
var b = stack.Pop();
var a = stack.Pop();
stack.Push(a - b);
throw new Exception("stack corrupted");
new Operator('+', stack =>
if (stack.Count > 1)
var b = stack.Pop();
var a = stack.Pop();
stack.Push(a + b);
else if(stack.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("stack corrupted");
new Operator('/', stack =>
if (stack.Count > 1)
var b = stack.Pop();
var a = stack.Pop();
stack.Push(a / b);
throw new Exception("stack corrupted");
new Operator('*', stack =>
if (stack.Count > 1)
var b = stack.Pop();
var a = stack.Pop();
stack.Push(a * b);
throw new Exception("stack corrupted");
new Operator('^', stack =>
if (stack.Count > 1)
var b = stack.Pop();
var a = stack.Pop();
stack.Push((int)Math.Pow(a, b));
throw new Exception("stack corrupted");
new Operator('%', stack =>
if (stack.Count > 1)
var b = stack.Pop();
var a = stack.Pop();
stack.Push(a % b);
throw new Exception("stack corrupted");
public static int CalculatePostfix(IEnumerable<string> input)
var operandStack = new Stack<int>();
foreach (var i in input.Where(i => i.Length != 0))
* Push numbers to the operand stack.
int num;
if (int.TryParse(i, out num))
* Execute operators.
Operators.First(o => o.Symbol == i[0]).Action(operandStack);
* Last number in the stack is the result.
return operandStack.Pop();
public static int CalculateInfix(string input)
return CalculatePostfix(InfixToPostfix(input));
public static IEnumerable<string> InfixToPostfix(string input)
var operatorStack = new Stack<char>();
var numberStack = string.Empty;
var depth = 0;
* Remove some issues (double negatives)
string tmp = input.Replace("--", "+");
while (tmp != input)
input = tmp;
tmp = input.Replace("--", "+");
foreach(var c in input)
* Numeric characters should be put in the number stack.
* Then proceed to the next character.
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
numberStack += c;
* If there are numbers left in the number stack we know
* it is a complete number and can be moved to the output.
if (numberStack.Length > 0)
yield return numberStack;
numberStack = string.Empty;
* Opening of closures should be pushed to the stack. When we enter a closure,
* we need to increase the closure depth.
if (c == '(')
* All further checks will never be true, hence we can continue to next character.
* When we reach the end of a closure, all operators pushed to the stack from within
* the current closure can be pushed to the output. At this point we can also decrease
* the closure depth.
if (c == ')')
var o = operatorStack.Pop();
while (o != '(')
yield return new string(o, 1);
o = operatorStack.Pop();
* If we reach 0 depth at this point, we need to send the whole operator stack to the output.
if (depth == 0)
while (operatorStack.Any())
yield return new string(operatorStack.Pop(), 1);
* Send all new operators to the operator stack.
if (Operators.Any(o => o.Symbol == c))
* Send all remaining operators to the output.
while (operatorStack.Any())
yield return new string(operatorStack.Pop(), 1);
/// <summary>
/// Contains information about a certain operator.
/// </summary>
private struct Operator
public Action<Stack<int>> Action { get; private set; }
public char Symbol { get; private set; }
public Operator(char symbol, Action<Stack<int>> action) : this()
if (action == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("action");
Symbol = symbol;
Action = action;
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