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Created July 20, 2021 15:24
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; JSON-Web-Token settings
expiration = 2592000
;##################: Method 1: HMAC SHA512
algorithm = HS512
private_key = 123456abcdef
;##################: Method 2: RSA SHA256 with 2048bit private key
;algorithm = RS256
; openssl genrsa -aes256 -out jwt.pem 2048
;private_key = app/jwt.pem
; openssl rsa -in jwt.pem -pubout >
;public_key = app/
;private_key_pass = secret
* F3 Firebase JsonWebToken engine
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the GNU General
* Public License Version 3.0. You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the license. Any of the license terms and conditions
* can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
* Copyright (c) 2017 by ikkez
* Christian Knuth <>
* @version 1.0.3
* @date 20.04.2017
class FireJWT extends \Prefab {
protected $private_key;
protected $public_key;
* @var array
protected $opt;
/** @var \Base */
protected $f3;
function __construct($configKey = 'FireJWT') {
$this->f3 = \Base::instance();
$this->opt = $this->f3->extend($configKey,[
// in seconds
'expiration' => 3600,
// refresh offset in seconds
'refresh' => 604800, // 1 week
// 'HS256', 'HS384', 'HS512', 'RS256'
'algorithm' => 'HS256',
'private_key' => '',
'private_key_pass' => '',
'public_key' => '',
// in seconds
'not_before' => 0,
'issuer' => $this->f3->HOST,
'audience' => $this->f3->HOST,
if ($this->opt['algorithm'] == 'RS256') {
if (!empty($this->opt['public_key']))
$this->public_key = openssl_pkey_get_public('file://'.$this->opt['public_key']);
if (!empty($this->opt['private_key']))
$this->private_key = openssl_pkey_get_private('file://'.$this->opt['private_key'], $this->opt['private_key_pass']);
} else {
$this->private_key = $this->public_key = $this->opt['private_key'];
* generate new token
* @param string $sub
* @param array $meta
* @return string
function generateToken($sub,$meta=NULL) {
// the issuer of the token
// the audience of the token
// the time the JWT was issued. Can be used to determine the age of the JWT
// defines the time before which the JWT MUST NOT be accepted for processing
// this will define the expiration in NumericDate value. The expiration MUST be after the current date/time.
// subject of the token
return \Firebase\JWT\JWT::encode($jwt,$this->private_key,$this->opt['algorithm']);
* decode and verify a token
* @param $token
* @return bool|object
function decodeToken($token) {
try {
return \Firebase\JWT\JWT::decode($token,$this->public_key,[$this->opt['algorithm']]);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if ($e instanceof \Firebase\JWT\ExpiredException) {
return 'expired';
} else
return FALSE;
* decode token from request header
* @return bool|object|string
function getRequestToken() {
$out = false;
if (
$this->f3->exists('HEADERS.Authorization', $auth) ||
$this->f3->exists('SERVER.REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', $auth)
) {
$jwt=str_replace('Bearer ','',$auth);
if (strlen($jwt) > 1)
$out = $this->decodeToken($jwt);
return $out;
* check for token expiration
* @param $token
* @return bool
function refreshToken($token) {
return ($token->iat + $this->opt['refresh']) < time();
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n0nag0n commented Jul 20, 2021

That's an easy gist to build into it's own package. Nice and simple :)

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