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Last active December 15, 2023 17:44
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Automates masscan and nmap by creating a list of hosts and normalized ports and running both masscan and nmap automatically
1. Edit the file for any nmap specific options after masscan runs
2. Run it: -i <IP> -p <Ports> -r <RATE>
### Overview: These steps will help you automate masscan and nmap together. This script will do the following:
# 1. Automatically run masscan to enumerate all live hosts and listening ports, with output to an XML file
# 2. Parse output XML file into live hosts (hosts.txt) and a normalized port string with all discovered ports
# Note: there might be extra port scans that run against hosts that don't have those listening ports (since the port list string is normalized across all live hosts. If you want exact ports for each host, look at scripts 3 and 4)
# 3. Automatically run nmap command with parsed hosts and ports from masscan
# 4. Output nmap scan with -oA nmap_scan
# Important Note: Tested on masscan 1.06 - Older versions (1.04, 1.05) will not work with JSON decoder
# Author: Jason Ostrom
# Script Usage: sudo -i <IP_Targets> -p <Port_Targets> -r <Rate>
# Dependencies:
# 1. masscan 1.06
# 2. nmap
# 3. python3
# Step 1: Edit the nmap base command variable (NMAP_CMD) in the line below to include your preferred nmap options
# Note: Don't touch HOSTS and PORTS in the variable below ~ This is dynamically populated
# The script dynamically creates a normalized port list string, so you don't have to worry about the port list and IP addresses
NMAP_CMD = "sudo nmap -n -vvv -Pn -sV -sC HOSTS PORTS -oA nmap_scan"
# Step 2: This is a place holder for any extra options we decide to implement in the future
### import argparse
import argparse
### import os
import os
### import sys
import sys
### import json
import json
## hosts dictionary
hosts = {}
## port string
ports = "ports"
## host list
host_list = []
## port list
port_list = []
## initial port string
port_list_str = "-p"
## a counter for number of discovered hosts
hcount = 0
### argparse declaration
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
### add IP address argument
parser.add_argument('-i', help='Target IP Addresses', required=True)
### add port range argument
parser.add_argument('-p', help='Target Ports', required=True)
### add optional rate
parser.add_argument("-r", default="100")
### parse arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
### define ip_targets
TARGET_IP = args.i
### define port_targets
TARGET_PORTS = "-p" + args.p
### define optional rate (default is 100)
RATE = "--rate " + args.r
### check minimum length
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
print ("[-] Invalid usage ~ Requires (-i) and (-p)")
print ("Usage: %s -i <IP_Targets> -p <Port_Targets> -r <Rate>" % sys.argv[0])
print ("Example: %s -i -p 1-65535 -r 1000" % sys.argv[0])
### Build the Masscan Command
MASSCAN_CMD = "sudo masscan " + TARGET_IP + " " + RATE + " " + TARGET_PORTS + " -oJ mscan.xml"
### Run the masscan command
print("[+] Running the masscan enumeration: %s" % MASSCAN_CMD)
### get filesize of 'mscan.xml'
filesize = os.path.getsize("mscan.xml")
### if the filesize is 0, exit (no data discovered)
if filesize == 0:
print ("[-] mscan.xml file is 0 bytes ~ (No discovered data)")
print (" [-] Going to exit")
### open the mscan.xml file created from masscan
with open("mscan.xml") as json_file:
### load json
loaded_json = json.load(json_file)
### loop through json
for x in loaded_json:
### Parse the port only if open (if you want TCP ports only - specify here)
if x["ports"][0]["status"] == "open":
### add the port to this data structure
port = x["ports"][0]["port"]
ip_addr = x["ip"]
### Add the IP address to dictionary if it doesn't already exist
except KeyError:
hosts[ip_addr] = {}
### Add the port list to dictionary if it doesn't already exist
except KeyError:
hosts[ip_addr][ports] = []
## append the port to the list
if port in hosts[ip_addr][ports]:
print("[+] Appending port: %s" % port)
### loop through and append the host to the hosts list
for h in hosts:
print("[+] Appending host: %s" % h)
## remove duplicate ports in list for combined ports
port_list = list(dict.fromkeys(port_list))
## Create a port list string
for i in port_list:
print("[+] Listing port in string: %s" % i)
portstring = str(i)
port_list_str += portstring
port_list_str += str(",")
### modify the port list string to remove last ',' character
tmp_str = port_list_str[:-1]
# Output copy and paste port string
print ("[+] Port list string: %s" % tmp_str)
# Create hosts.txt file
text_file = open("hosts.txt", 'w')
for host in host_list:
text_file.write("%s\n" % host)
### finished creating hosts.txt file
## print informational
print ("[+] Wrote %d hosts to file: hosts.txt" % hcount)
### Build the new nmap command string, replacing HOST
nmap_tmp_str = NMAP_CMD.replace("HOSTS", "-iL hosts.txt")
### Build the new nmap command string, replacing PORTS
nmap_final_cmd = nmap_tmp_str.replace("PORTS", tmp_str)
### Print final command before running it
print ("[+] Runing this nmap command: %s" % nmap_final_cmd)
### Run final command
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