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Last active September 17, 2020 11:37
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A more automated way to quickly run masscan to discover live hosts and ports and have nmap run scan against that output
## Overview: These steps will help you automate masscan and nmap together. Run masscan to enumerate all live hosts and listening ports.
### Then use nmap to run a more targeted service and NSE basic scripts scan. This will ran against all hosts with all enumerated ports.
### So there might be extra port scans that run against hosts that don't have those listening ports.
### Important Note: Tested on masscan 1.06 - There might be issues with older versions of masscan (i.e., 1.04) with JSON output
### Step 1: Run masscan with a JSON output file
### Example: sudo masscan -p1-65535 -oJ mscan.xml
### Note: Make sure you take note of your output file for next step
## Step 2: Run this script that takes the output from Masscan JSON output file and outputs a command you can use for nmap
### Example: python3 mscan.xml
### Note: The script will create 'hosts.txt' to be used by nmap; It will also create a port list for you to pass command line
### Step 3: Run the nmap command. When you run this script it will output the below with a custom command for the host list and ports. Just copy and paste.
### Example: [+] Run this nmap command: <COPY AND PASTE THIS COMMAND>
import sys
import json
hosts = {}
ports = "ports"
host_list = []
port_list = []
port_list_str = "-p"
hcount = 0
with open('%s' % str(sys.argv[1])) as json_file:
loaded_json = json.load(json_file)
for x in loaded_json:
### Parse the port only if open (if you want TCP ports only - specify here)
if x["ports"][0]["status"] == "open":
port = x["ports"][0]["port"]
ip_addr = x["ip"]
### Add the IP address to dictionary if it doesn't already exist
except KeyError:
hosts[ip_addr] = {}
### Add the port list to dictionary if it doesn't already exist
except KeyError:
hosts[ip_addr][ports] = []
## append the port to the list
if port in hosts[ip_addr][ports]:
print("[+] Appending port: %s" % port)
for h in hosts:
print("[+] Appending host: %s" % h)
## remove duplicate ports in list for combined ports
port_list = list(dict.fromkeys(port_list))
## Create a port list string
for i in port_list:
print("[+] Listing port in string: %s" % i)
portstring = str(i)
port_list_str += portstring
port_list_str += str(",")
tmp_str = port_list_str[:-1]
# Output copy and paste port string
print ("[+] Port list string: %s" % tmp_str)
# Create hosts.txt file
text_file = open("hosts.txt", 'w')
for host in host_list:
text_file.write("%s\n" % host)
print ("[+] Wrote %d hosts to file: hosts.txt" % hcount)
print ("[+] Run this nmap command: sudo nmap -n -vvv -Pn -sV -sC -iL hosts.txt %s -oA nmap_scan" % tmp_str)
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